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Found 70 results

  1. Last content update: 6/13/2018 showing how to use the radius for addAction, using params instead of select, adding to arrays with various commands, altering arrays with various commands, get/setUnitLoadout Last content update: 6/10/2018 going through config files and getting details to sort what you want, using radius with addAction, params, and altering arrays with resize, pushBack, pushBackUnique, set, and append and going over to assist with resize count. Last content update: 5/27/2018 added GUI tutorial for how to make a weapon selector using cfgWeapon Last content update: 5/24/2018 added sector control tutorial Last content update: 5/21/2018 This is my arma 3 scripting tutorial series which is aimed to help both people getting into making their own scripts with fairly detailed simple tutorials as well as for the intermediate person looking to create their own features for their missions. The plans for this series is to almost fully cover everything behind the arma 3 missions that people play on a daily basis and have enough content provided in the videos where people can go off and make their own vision for their mission with the knowledge gained. Most of these videos are made on the fly at 1AM-4AM without any pretesting which should give someone the idea of what goes into finding syntax errors and narrowing down a bug that's causing your feature to not function properly. It is also an excuse for you to cut me some slack if you see mistakes :) . A lot of these tutorials are made with multiplayer in mind since I think most people want to play their missions online with their friends(which is why publicVariable has been utilized so much so new people can get a good grasp on the power those commands have). New videos are added to the playlist almost every day so if your stuck with something, maybe it has been covered in a video. If you have any requests on what you would like to see made then please suggest it here. topics covered so far Scripting tutorial playlist Database tutorials with INIDBI2 playlist GUI/Dialog tutorials playlist
  2. Miroslaw Kowalski

    AWC Arms Release Thread

    The ArmA Warfare Cooperation is proud to release the first version of its AWC Arms addon. What is the ArmA Warfare Cooperation? The ArmA Warfare Cooperation (AWC) is a cooperation of multiple german clans focusing on tactical, immersive and realistic ArmA Gameplay. We share a modset and a TeamSpeak 3 Server. Why have we created this addon? This weapons addon was created by some of our members to get some weapons ingame that make for a good variety in the weapons we can choose from and therefore the roles our members can fill in. Addon content: McMillan Tac-50 A1-R2 (3 colors: black, tan and olive) AAC Cyclops .50 caliber suppressor (3 Colors: black, tan and olive) Desert Tech SRS-A1 (chambered in .338; 3 Colors: black, tan and olive) Enhanced M14 Rifle featuring a rail system allowing for a configurable weapons platform (2 Colors: Wooden, Olive; this is a modification to the ArmA 2 M14 model) Magazines and Ammunition for all the weapons Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-RvJkmk8dpyaDJ4aVpCaXZWdnM Requirements: CBA (optional) SMA - ArmA shows a message that it is needed but it is only for the m14 which i configured to be able to load SMA Magazines Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EJHn5 ToDo: maybe some new weapons (if you have some wishes we'll consider doing them ;) ) Credits: [ARES] Miroslaw Kowalski - Modelling, Texturing and Config writing [ARES] William Porter - Testing and Screenshots The rest of the ArmA Warfare Cooperation for their advices and kind words B) And of course Bohemia Interactive for their awesome game and the awesome assets they provide for their community
  3. Hello Everyone, I would like to show case some content that I'm creating for Arma Reforger and Arma 4. Here is the list of Unguided AT launchers I'm planning (please note the Unguided part) What I have complete so Far as June 2022. M-72 Law M20 and M141 RPG-76 Komar Rpg -18 and 22 RPG 26 and MPO
  4. I am trying to create a weapon based on ADR-97 TR and using 25 mm HE shells (inherited from 40 mm HE). Everything is okay but when I try to put a bigger distance (500m, 1000m, 2000m for example), the weapon just fires without changes. However, it worked for everything else. What should I do? My config.cpp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ho5aw314uqv6d7s/config.cpp?dl=0 CfgAmmo: class G_40mm_HEDPUC: G_40mm_HE { hit = 630; indirectHit = 30; indirectHitRange = 10; warheadName = "HEDPUC"; explosive = 0.8; caliber = 5; }; class G_25mm_HEDPUC_special: G_40mm_HEDPUC { hit = 720; indirectHit = 25; indirectHitRange = 7; warheadName = "HEDPUC"; explosive = 0.3; caliber = 4; typicalSpeed = 750; maxSpeed = 1000; thrust = 35; thrustTime = 15; tracerScale = 3.0; tracerStartTime = 0.05; tracerEndTime = 12; timeToLive = 60; }; CfgMagazines: class 12Rnd_25mm_SMG_03: 50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03 { displayName = "50rnd 25 mm ADR-97 Magazine (U)"; ammo = "G_25mm_HEDPUC_special"; count = 15; mass = 20; initSpeed = 750; }; CfgWeapons: class SMG_03_TR_cheat: SMG_03_TR_khaki { baseWeapon = "SMG_03_TR_cheat"; displayName = "ADR-97 TR 5.7 mm (Upgraded)"; magazines[] = {"75Rnd_570x28_SMG_03","50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03"}; muzzles[] = {"this"}; modes[] = {"SingleB","FullAutoB"}; recoil = "recoil_empty_c"; class Single; class FullAuto; class SingleB: Single { reloadTime = 0.05; dispersion = 0.00007; }; class FullAutoB: FullAuto { reloadTime = 0.05; dispersion = 0.00007; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo { class CowsSlot: CowsSlot_Rail_Boost { iconPosition[] = {0.4,0.3}; iconScale = 0.2; }; class PointerSlot: PointerSlot_Rail { iconPosition[] = {0.33,0.37}; iconScale = 0.25; }; class MuzzleSlot: MuzzleSlot_57 { iconPosition[] = {0.0,0.5}; iconScale = 0.25; }; mass = 52; allowedSlots[] = {901,801,701}; }; }; class SMG_03_TR_cheat_25mm: SMG_03_TR_cheat { baseWeapon = "SMG_03_TR_cheat_25mm"; displayName = "ADR-97 GL 25 mm (Upgraded)"; magazines[] = {"12Rnd_25mm_SMG_03"}; muzzles[] = {"this"}; modes[] = {"SingleB"}; recoil = "recoil_empty_c"; initSpeed = -0.5; maxZeroing = 2400; class SingleB: SingleB { reloadTime = 0.25; dispersion = 0.00004; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo { class CowsSlot: CowsSlot_Rail_Boost { iconPosition[] = {0.4,0.3}; iconScale = 0.2; }; class PointerSlot: PointerSlot_Rail { iconPosition[] = {0.33,0.37}; iconScale = 0.25; }; class MuzzleSlot{}; mass = 55; allowedSlots[] = {901,801,701}; }; };
  5. Description Weapon shop Gear shop Units shop Vehicles shop Dealer, trader... Installation/Usage/Download/Updates GitHub Notes Works in MP If you use RHS, weapons name in editor can't be used in the shop, see post #62 Screenshot Click Me Armaholic Armaholic Topic
  6. I'm trying to get an event to trigger when a weapon is fired. I have added an EventHandlerManagerComponent and then my own scripted component (code below) to a cloned m16 weapon entity. The "weapontestPOSTINIT", "weapontestEINIT" and "weapontestADDEVENT" are all printed after initialization. However, when I pick up the weapon and fire it, the event method is not run and "testEVENT" is not printed. What's wrong with my setup? class EHJ_WeaponEventComponentClass:ScriptComponentClass {}; class EHJ_WeaponEventComponent: ScriptComponent { private EventHandlerManagerComponent m_EventHandlerManagerComponent; override protected void OnPostInit(IEntity owner) { super.OnPostInit(owner); owner.SetFlags(EntityFlags.ACTIVE, true); SetEventMask(owner, EntityEvent.ALL); Print("weapontestPOSTINIT"); } override protected void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { Print("weapontestEINIT"); m_EventHandlerManagerComponent = EventHandlerManagerComponent.Cast(owner.FindComponent(EventHandlerManagerComponent)); if (m_EventHandlerManagerComponent) { m_EventHandlerManagerComponent.RegisterScriptHandler("OnAmmoCountChanged", this, this.Event_OnAmmoCountChanged, true); Print("weapontestADDEVENT"); } } void ~EHJ_WeaponEventComponent() { if (m_EventHandlerManagerComponent) m_EventHandlerManagerComponent.RemoveScriptHandler("OnAmmoCountChanged", this, this.Event_OnAmmoCountChanged, true); } void Event_OnAmmoCountChanged(BaseWeaponComponent currentWeapon, BaseMuzzleComponent currentMuzzle, BaseMagazineComponent magazine, int ammoCount, bool isChambered) { Print("testEVENT"); } };
  7. Tried this: this addPrimaryWeaponItem optic_Aco_broken; Typed in init of the unit in the editor, didn't work. Rifle is clear and supports ACO C-More railway type of optic, using RHS's Mk17 mod 0. Didn't work, please help.
  8. I'm trying to make a minimalist UI. I've had some success but one thing I'm struggling with is recreating the "waiting for the next round" bar. You know, this thing: My UI is constantly getting refreshed in a while loop, so I was hoping I could query if a certain weapon was ready to fire. Functions such as CanFire and WeaponState unfortunately didn't give me what I wanted and are misleadingly named. So is there a function I've missed that can query the weapon state i.e ready to fire, not ready to fire? Failing that, where is the m256's "time taken for next round to be loaded" set? In a config? What attribute am I looking for? Can I use getText to extract it to a variable in my script? If it's listed in seconds somewhere in the config I could use an event handler and BIS_fnc_deltaTime to work out if a weapon is ready to fire or not.
  9. Hi there, in the recent update of development branch you will find the new weapon inertia mechanics together with adjusted breathing and weapon sway. These changes are going to significantly improve the overall weapon handling in our game. Therefore we would like to start this thread to share thoughts and discuss opinions about these important improvements to our game. As with fatigue mechanics before, we would like to gladly ask you for a valuable, constructive and civilized feedback upon the features of weapon inertia, sway and breathing. We would like to gladly ask you to refrain from discussing other features like weapon resting / deployment, bi-pods and so on. We clearly recognize them all as an important issues, but such discussions are completely pointless here. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
  10. GF Holster Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] With key interaction Description: GF Holster script , holster your weapon with a key interaction , configurable key bindings. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Holster script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Configurable key bindings and notification available. The key bindings can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: 2.0 Fixed working after save in SP + MP. There is also a Mod version available. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39896 Armaholic download GF Holster Script - Mod
  11. Sup everyone. I'm working with a code snippet for fast reload (an old idea that never finished). The concept is to reload the current weapon, dropping the magazine to the ground and cutting the required time to reload to half (I'm a IPSC shooter IRL, so grabbed the concept from there). So far, i've achieve this: 1. Get magazine type and ammo count for current weapon. 2. Remove the magazine from current weapon. 3. Create a magazine of the same type and ammo count on the floor. 4. Insert a magazine from inventory to current weapon. Extra: using ACE, binded the action to double R key tap. The thing is that I cannot control the animation speed. I mean, I want to start the reload animation but at a faster speed; in fact, i need any animation to replace the standar one. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!
  12. Juan- Sama

    Ps4 Robber Outfit set

    The Robber outfit gloves block the 1st person sight of the M2 carbine.
  13. As stated in the title, when adding a weapon to a dead unit (whom's previous primary weapon had already been removed), the weapon 3D model isn't visible to the player, albeit it being pickable from the ground and showing when inventory is opened. I'm not sure if this issue occurs only with primary weapons or with the other weapon types, too. Any suggestion? Thank you a lot.
  14. Hi guys! Currently I'm working on some weapons that I'll release as it was finished. #StG44: Images in-game: here #know issues: -the model is not 100% accurate #Credits: -Textures and config by me. -3D model by Osvaldo (The Edge). #Required addons: IFA3_AIO_LITE: here #Download: Steam Workshop: here Ace 3 compatibility (workshop): soon Armaholic: - -------------------------------- #What is planned: -Other weapons can be done if you can provide me the models. All addons here are under: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)
  15. I can get an array of units onboard a vehicle: fullCrew _vehicle; How do I get the weapon each unit is controlling? I tried currentWeapon but that returns the unit's rifle that he's carrying. I tried currentMuzzle and that has more success. It does return the current muzzle of the vehicle weapon the unit is controlling! How do I turn that into the class name of the weapon, rather than the muzzle? Not sure if possible. You can get the muzzles a weapon can have from the config but I don't think you can get the weapon a muzzle belongs to. Grateful for any ideas, maybe I can get all the weapons of a vehicle, and then find out which unit is using what weapon? Can we do it that way round? Just want an array of all weapons aboard a vehicle and what unit is using what. Remember there can be more than one weapon per turret path! If anyone's interested I'm making a HUD mod that gives a better overview of what a vehicle's crewmates are doing. And what weapon is selected by who is very useful in the case of AI crewmates or beginner human crewmates. Thank you
  16. If I want to get the active weapon of a vehicle's primary turret ("gunner" position) I simply do this: _weaponClass = currentWeapon (vehicle player); However, how am I meant to get the active weapon of a non-primary turret such as the commander turret? I've got a feeling it's not possible. I am irritated and gobsmacked. There are literally no commands to get the current weapon for a non primary turret. No way to get "M2" in that image into a variable. I'm so annoyed. Arma has this big API that makes you think your idea is possible, then it has these random holes that makes your idea impossible. Thinking of giving up modding and just developing full games, fed up being at the mercy of some patchy API. So annoyed as I am half way through a mod that requires knowing what the current weapon is for the non primary turret. What a waste of ***** time. Surely there's a way to get the weapon a unit is controlling? Surely? The weapon class is right there on the **** screen, M2.
  17. Virtual Arsenal is not working. It returns an Error on Initialization and its Inventory is not full. An Error may be seen on the Screenshot. The Inventory lacks at least the 'Mk200' Weapon. The Screenshot of an Error: Text of an Error: Sample Script Code which demonstrates the Effect: Thank you.
  18. Roanoke

    B&T APC9

    INFO The mod includes a B&T APC9 with a K- style suppressor and B.E. Meyers MAWL that mounts on the top rail. It will be updated with custom magazines and foregrip support. This mod is not allowed to be used in a monetized facet, nor reuploaded without my persmission. REQUIREMENTS None Check it out on my workshop, here.
  19. So, im setting up a SP mission. Out of complete randomness the AI decided to shoot at my jeeps with their RPG. i found that so dope so I wanted to have that in the mission but it just wont replicate. I tried setting a Destroy waypoint on the vehicle - AI does nothing, just walks there. I tried setting them to open fire and combat state and just let them stand around (which was basiclly the same that happened when it randomly worked) but they wont shoot at it.... so what am I supposed to do to make this horrendous AI work the way i want? shouldnt it be self explenatory to enable the AI to shoot rockets at vehicles?!?!
  20. I wanted to know if someone would have the model to facilitate it.
  21. Hey there, Devs and fellow Outlanders. Decided to post a lil something that's been bothering me since a few updates ago. Where are the Combat Magnum weapon skins? In both my current list of blue and purple crate rewards, I have 2 brand new skins for the New crossbow that came out this battle pass. Yet I've never seen a Combat Magnum skin....Ever, pretty sure that's because they don't exist yet. Now don't get me wrong, I know the devs are busy (updates, patches, bugs, Etc.). However, the fact that they made EXTRA brand new skins for the crossbow that aren't on the battle pass means that they have people working on weapon skins. All I'm saying is that the Combat Magnum could use a little painted love like the rest of the guns in our arsenal. Please? Well, those are my thoughts on the matter, feel free to comment your own opinions on the subject, I'd love to hear some other Outlanders feedback on the matter. Thanks guys, SKULLZ
  22. Hello, community! I hope you remember CoD Black Ops and how it starts in a bar, where enemies enter the place and one allied AI picks up a knife from the table as far as I remember and stubs an enemy. I want to use the animation for this AI with his hands on the table, then cancel the animation, when the enemy AI enters the building behind him, and make our AI grab a gun (may be the Zubr revolver) and kill that enemy. It is not 100% necessary this first enemy AI to be 100& enemy, but how about making our guy attack him anyway? I could change the side and make the other AI join OPFOR when our AI has picked up the weapon. What would you suggest? Thank you in advance! Cheers!
  23. PGxWarlord117

    Weapon bug

    Hello, I create this topic because I have a bug concerning the weapon Scharfschützengewehr 82, it's been twice that I make but I do not get the weapon in my inventory and yet my materials are well consumed and I must wait 20 minutes but I do not get it in the end. It's been 2 times now and it's very annoying because I would really like to use it. thank you for responding quickly and sorry for the mistakes, I'm not English ^^
  24. Hi guys, A recent development branch update introduced, among the other things, a new Weapon Resting feature. Note, please do not confuse it with weapon deployment, which is something quite different. Resting is an automatic mechanism that detects object geometries around the shooter's elbows and the weapon itself. When you are standing still - and if solid geometries are detected within the given radius - it grants you a reasonable reduction of weapon sway, inertia and recoil penalties. This way, you could finally properly utilize your surroundings not only for cover but also to find a sweet spot for precise shooting. This feature changes one important premise of stance stability: it is no longer true that prone is the most stable position in every situation. For example, when you will be firing too high in prone your weapon and arms might cease to be rested on terrain below and thus your stance precision will actually become worse than in crouch. The introduction of this feature is the first step towards more sophisticated weapon stabilization improvements that are about to come with Marksmen DLC. We are thankful for all your constructive feedback upon the subject matter. Thank you very much, take a rest and enjoy!
  25. Hello, everyone. I have tried an option in a mission where the player can scroll down or up his middle mouse and choose an action to put his main weapon on back. I have found this script that can be placed inside a trigger and when the player is present. it will activate the action: player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100]; It works the same way in the mission, but how do I get this command/action when I scroll with the mouse? Thanks in advance! Cheers!