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  1. As the title says, im having a problem, and i have not the faintest idea on what. Im a mission creator for my group. Im experiencing that in missions i've made with player slots that has custom loadout i've made through the virtual arsenal in the eden editor, end up being naked when they spawn into the game. It was not always like this, but suddenly a few weeks back - it started. No idea why. This is really annoying, and somewhat game breaking for my missions at the current time - so if anyone has an idea on whats going on here, please help! Its somewhat urgent timewise - we're playing a mission this saturday, and if I dont have a fix till then i'll have to make some really unconvenient workarounds. This is the modlist we're using (steam collection): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1627983524
  2. Hello, community! I am creating a MP mission, but I want to use a script for saving my proffered loadout. For example, when I get killed, I need to spawn with the same gear. I did a little research last night and I found a script that works for me only. I haven't tested it with friends, but it doesn't work for bots. There it is: in init.sqf // Set Units current Loadout Fnc_Set_Loadout = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit setVariable ["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout _unit]; }; // Get Units current Loadout Fnc_Get_Loadout = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit setUnitLoadout (_unit getVariable ["Saved_Loadout",[]]); }; in initPlayerLocal.sqf player addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this spawn Fnc_Set_Loadout}]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this spawn Fnc_Get_Loadout}]; Would it work for other players when they use the playable units or not? If not, what could be done? Thanks in advance and cheers!
  3. GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod , Set your Custom Loadout to AI and Players. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: To install GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded. Please visit the Arma 3 Mod install instructions page for more information about using custom mods and addons in Arma 3. Place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually: "C:\Program Files (x64)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3". You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons and/or mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: This mod , is including a userconfig folder. The userconfig folder , must be in the main arma 3 game folder. Inside the userconfig folder , are the settings. There are 4 different %Settings.sqf To make changes in the userconfig , you need to close the game. It is posible to run only one script , or all , if you filter the sides. It is possible to set the loadout also for the spawned units. There is an exclude list available or add in the init of a unit: this setVariable ["Var_GF_SCL_Mod", true]; More information inside the %Settings.sqf It is also posible to unpack and edit. Added classnames arrays for : Vanilla , ACE3 , Ravage , CUP , RHS and Unsung mod . Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40246 Armaholic GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod Informations about exlude or spawn : There is also a script available for mission makers :
  4. I've created a custom endgame-mission. On it I have custom selectable loadouts. I use Ace3. I have both selectable medic and engineer class. Problem is, when they respawn they aren't defined as medic or engineer by ace anymore. Is it possible to link a setvariable in to a specific item (e.g. If a player has the toolkit, he get ace engineer asset) or uniform/vest (e.g. If the medic class has a unique vest, the vest 'trigger' activation of the ace medic asset). How do I fix this?
  5. I was wondering if there is any way to require data from .json files inside q .sqf file. Or anything that covers that functionallity. The thing is: when a player buy a new custom loadout on the website, a post request is made with his ID to a file. Then, the if statemant checks the json file to watch for the player ID instead to watch for it on the array. the execVM function can do this? there is other way? Thank you all. //Default way for doing this if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["456789123"]) then { //Donators: Nobody DefaultMagazines = [{custom_items}]; DefaultWeapons = [{custom_items}]; DefaultBackpack = "{custom_item}"; DefaultBackpackWeapon = "{custom_item}"; }; //Exepected way loadout.sqf if ((getPlayerUID player) in {file.json} ) then { //Donators: Nobody DefaultMagazines = [{custom_items}]; DefaultWeapons = [{custom_items}]; DefaultBackpack = "{custom_item}"; DefaultBackpackWeapon = "{custom_item}"; }; //JSON with the buyers ID's file.json {[ '123456789','987654321', '159753468',..... ]}
  6. Hi, I recently started to get addicted to Zeus missions and I'm currently working on a second mission for my friends. However this mission is a Campaign. I want to "recreate" the Arma Cold War Assault: Resistance campaign. The Idea is: The players would be spawned in as civilians, each with a different profession for instance, Mechanic, Motorcrosser, Doctor, Chemistry Teacher, etc. Their loadout being matched to that profession. Shorty after the players spawned they will get a radio message signalling the start of the russian invasion into Nogova and they'll have to find the Resistance and support it. They are supposed to recruit civilians, find weapons and ammo and claim vehicles and eventually turn into resistance commanders with the forces they gathered. Now I can deal with the recruits they get and the vehicles they find but I still need a solution for their personal loadout that needs to get saved between missions and a solution to keep all the items they find and store in crates. The problem is I want to keep editing the mission in the editor so I can plan the next mission, enemy moves, etc, etc. But I need to know what my players collected in the crates and on their own loadouts. Maybe there is some way to save the mission while it is in progres or when it ends and to then edit that mission in the editor with every loadout and container inventory saved? I do not want to use arsenal since I know my players and they WILL take weapons and items that are not related to the mission. Also I'm not a scripter. I do understand a few little things but I cannot write a simple script without help. Just so you guys know my level. Thanks in advance.
  7. I have a problem with not being able to load saved loadouts and it makes no sense because I have all the mods when I make a new loadout.This problem only became a problem in the last two months, before it was fine. I can make a loadout right now and try and load it a second later and it wont work. I can load saved loadouts that I made before it was a problem but thats it, not new ones. Please someone help, its a retarded problem that I need fixed.
  8. Basically, I'm building a bunch of custom Arsenals by using the "BIS_Fnc_addVirtualCargo" functions. I'm just whitelisting all the weapons/magazines/items/etc I want as part of each custom VAB. It all went well so far. Whitelisting weapons, magazines, clothing and items worked perfectly. However, I've run into a problem when trying to whitelist weapon attachments. For some reason, the "BIS_Fnc_addItemCargo" function only adds bipods and rail attachments to the VAB, but does not add any of the optics or suppressors I specify. Any help?
  9. HI All, I have a quick question. Everyone (players and AI) in Chernarus knows that there is going to be a big fight but ALiVE mod only gives AI units one bandage and one morphine each. So, I want to add a loadout.sqf to my mission file. The purpose of the loadout is to add 4x basic bandages and 4x morphine syringes to all units spawning (ALIVE mod) all factions only at the beginning of the scenario. My loadout.sqf looks like this: forEach allUnits; {_x for "_i" from 1 to 4 do addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing";}; {_x for "_i" from 1 to 4 do addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine";}; Added: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "loadout.sqf"; to init.sqf I could be barking up the wrong tree but I have not written a script before and perhaps could use some help for this one. I am using latest version of ACE3 and ALiVE mods among others. Please help with this loadout.sqf script. Thanks
  10. Hey guys, I am currently working on a mission where I want to use the respawn menu from the MenuPosition template in Description.ext. It works basically but when I add coustom respawn positions they are displayed with a generic name created automatically by the game, e.g.: "near Lavalle". The main issue I have is that I want to label a ModuleRespwnPosition_F with a coustom name like "HQ" but it displays two spawn locations in the menu. One is the spawn with my coustom name and another duplicated one with the generic description, mentioned above. Unfortuneatly creating a classic map marker with respawn_west is not solving the problem either. Do you know what happens here? I couldnt find any help how to turn those generic respawn names off. Thank you! Description.ext: respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 3; respawnButton = 1; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnDialog = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Wave"}; disabledAI = 1; showSquadRadar = 1; joinUnassigned = 0; disableChannels[] = {0,2,4,3};
  11. What I'm trying to do is show current load out/gear information like guns/equipment ect though dialogs on respawn, so people can make a informed choice. I already have a system in place but I feel there is a better way that's cleaner or more modular or a way to refine it? Would be cool if you could customise from a pool of items and each of those items has a value attached to them to balance them out. I think that's out of my reach, but if you have something I could look at to learn, that is very appreciated. Any ideas? I'm all ears. These are all listboxes and the items change based on the class selection, also when you click the uniform/vest/backpack the Capacity value ect will show. Thanks.
  12. hydrobull3t

    Sorry, Wrong Forum

    Sorry, Wrong Forum
  13. the "load" button is grayed out on most loadouts. even just recently created loadouts. anyone have any insight?
  14. Hello everyone! Lets suppose that I am making a mission in Eden Editor. How do I make a person have something like a HE grenade by going into his loadout? How do I customize how much smoke grenades he as, etc. Thanks!
  15. I'm trying to implement the new loadout system to an aircraft with undercarriage bay (the ArmA 2 F35B actually) but I can't find enough info about that (the bays setup in order to work when some weapons will be chosen) except what is written on WiKi (which is not helpful at all). Is anyone familiar with this matter ? I need to know if there is any specific points or parts inside the model which has be named and somehow stated into config ... generally I'm blind on this matter so far but before trying to add this future the aircraft bay was working fine on given condition. Any help will be much appreciated.
  16. lawndartleo

    respawn loadouts module

    Dabbling with the respawn loadout module. Dropped it in while playing mission, selected some of my loadouts, asked my guinea pigs to respawn and see if the loadouts I shared were available and they were. After selecting one of the kits I shared, when they respawned they just had some random kit. It's worth noting that we are using mods such as ACE and RHS. Is there something else I have to add to the mission structure to allow the loadouts to actually transfer (aside from the name of my shared loadouts being available in their list)? Running on rented dedicated server. Zeus Respawn Loadouts Saved loadout can be given to players as respawn loadouts by Zeus. Works only in scenarios with MenuInventory (CHECK) respawn template enabled. Save your loadout CHECK Play a scenario as Zeus CHECK Place Modules > Respawn > Loadouts CHECK Select side tab CHECK Expand Arsenal category CHECK Select the saved loadout. CHECK After confirming, players of the given side will be able to respawn with your loadout. NOPE!
  17. Snake.Pliskin

    Loadouts in patrol

    Why is it sometimes I can use my own weapon loadouts in patrol but most of the time, it will not list it, and I am forced to use what the game has picked for me? And even if I do get my own loadout, 50% of the time, if I respawn, my loadout options are removed and Im forced to the 1 weapon the game picked for me. Is this a bug or by design? The following I do think is a bug: At the map respawn screen, there has been a few times that I can pick from my own loadout, but it is not shown in the list. I can select a invisible item (in the location where it would be listed at), click details and there is nothing displayed (no weapons, no attachments, etc) but then when I spawn, I will have one of my own loadouts.
  18. Hey (: I've made a TDM Map and set it include respawns 6vs6. but when i change the loadout inside the virtual arsenal and save as, i got an problem. the first time the soldier (for example a sniper) spawns, i got the choosen loadout. but everytime after the first spawn when the soldier spwawns, he gets the standard loadout from the soldier i had changed. for example. i take a marksman with MK14 and give him an CMR and silencer in team blue. but when he dies, and spawns a second time, he got his MK 14 again. how can i edit this to become the custom loadout also on every spawn?
  19. Ok so for my missions I want all my unit members to be able to select premade loadout that I made depending on the role they want to play, I cant figure out how to do it. My idea was: There is the scroll menu (the different options that you have for actions in the scroll menu ), and somehow in the attributes of an ammo box there would be a script containing custom loadouts that I premade, and when someone would to check the different options of the ammo box there with the scroll menu there would be different roles that contain different loadouts. If any body could help me that we be amazing, if you didn't understand my question let me know ill try to be more understandable.
  20. Is there a way to customize default loadouts or enabeling peronal loadouts when you host private match? The thing is that I want to play 1v1 or simply test weapons and tactics with my friends, but when I host new private match we can only use default loadouts with starting weapons. It would be great if I could just allow personal loadouts, so that we can play privately with weapons that we unlocked.
  21. is there a function for calling and setting players loudout ? for example something like this player setArsenal ["axonArsenal"];
  22. Hello chaps I'm not really good in scripting. I just started to create custom missions in Arma 3 so I need your little help. What I'm trying to do is to save the exact loadout on unit after death and respawn with same gear. can somebody tell me how to do that?
  23. So your typical Arma3 tank, apc has some predefined stuff in it for infantry. A couple of rifles, some ammo, smoke grenades etc. You can customize it. What you want in cargo depends on your mission and I realize this is the case in real life, so there is no ultimate cargo or maybe even typical cargo. I am still curious though, about what real missions take on in their vehicles. There are probably some guidelines, even if its only the financial cost of extra things you want to take, or the physical capacity or weight and size that play a role. - For instance, in many Arma missions, there are some spare rifles stowed in vehicles. Is this realistic? Is this standard? are rifles considered cheap or expensive? - I usually chuck some extra ammo and grenades in the vehicles if the mission allows that. How is that in real missions? Is it normal to have 20 extra mags on a patrol vehicle? or a 100? Are grenades important to have lots of extras? What kind of formula's are used to calculate vehicle cargo supplies? Who decides? If you have a squad on a vehicle, would you want to double the load they have on their bodies with the cargo? multiply it by a factor of days on mission and expected ammo use? Does anyone ever take a bow and arrow on a mission in the cargo? (this is the most important question) I know that real-life military personnel regularly enlightens the Arma community on issues of realism, so I would be very happy if some could give pointers to take into account for creating Arma missions, or even just an interesting comparison between the game and RL.
  24. Hi all, I'm new to the forums but I have been playing for a while now, with a special interest in the Cold War era. I came here hoping for some assistance on a question that has been bothering me. I have something of my own personal headcanon for the events of the Armaverse, and I wanted to start making missions that take place during the Cold War. The timeline I've worked up involves a conflict between the US Army's 193rd Infantry Brigade and the Soviet 2nd Guards Motor Rifles in the year 1988. Now, I know that the M16A2 was phased into US Army service in 1985-6, but I was wondering about the feasibility of equipping my US Army infantry assets with M16A1s. I have the RH M16 pack with its well-textured and modeled M16A2s, but I recently downloaded Unsung to see the variety of Cold War assets I could translate into the 1980s setting. The M16A1 model they have is quite exquisite, and the selection of Cold War vehicles, aircraft in particular, is also very interesting. I wanted to know see if I could get some input as to what model of M16 I should use, because I can't decide. For anyone who takes the time to read this and comment, thank you very much in advance!
  25. QS_fnc_clientVAS2VA = { /* File: fn_clientVAS2VA.sqf Author: Quiksilver Last modified: 22/12/2015 ArmA 1.54 by Quiksilver Description: Transfer loadouts from Virtual Ammobox System to Virtual Arsenal ________________________________________________________________*/ if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; if (!isNil {profileNamespace getVariable 'QS_VAStoArsenal'}) exitWith {}; profileNamespace setVariable ['QS_VAStoArsenal',TRUE]; saveProfileNamespace; private [ '_index','_vasLoadout','_vasLoadout_title','_vasLoadout_primary','_vasLoadout_launcher','_vasLoadout_handgun','_vasLoadout_magazines', '_vasLoadout_uniform','_vasLoadout_vest','_vasLoadout_backpack','_vasLoadout_items','_vasLoadout_primItems','_vasLoadout_secItems', '_vasLoadout_handgunItems','_vasLoadout_uItems','_vasLoadout_vItems','_vasLoadout_bItems','_headgearTypes','_headgear','_gogglesTypes', '_binocularTypes','_binocular','_export','_data','_newName','_namespace' ]; _index = 0; _headgear = ''; _goggles = ''; _binocularTypes = ['Rangefinder','Binocular','Laserdesignator','Laserdesignator_02','Laserdesignator_03']; _binocular = ''; _namespace = profileNamespace; for '_x' from 0 to 24 step 1 do { _vasLoadout = profileNamespace getVariable [format ['vas_gear_new_%1',_index],[]]; if (!(_vasLoadout isEqualTo [])) then { _vasLoadout params [ '_vasLoadout_title', '_vasLoadout_primary', '_vasLoadout_launcher', '_vasLoadout_handgun', '_vasLoadout_magazines', '_vasLoadout_uniform', '_vasLoadout_vest', '_vasLoadout_backpack', '_vasLoadout_items', '_vasLoadout_primItems', '_vasLoadout_secItems', '_vasLoadout_handgunItems', '_vasLoadout_uItems', '_vasLoadout_vItems', '_vasLoadout_bItems' ]; { if (['H_',_x,FALSE] call (missionNamespace getVariable 'BIS_fnc_inString')) then { _headgear = _x; }; if (_x in _binocularTypes) then { _binocular = _x; }; } forEach _vasLoadout_items; _export = []; _export = [ [_vasLoadout_uniform,_vasLoadout_uItems], [_vasLoadout_vest,_vasLoadout_vItems], [_vasLoadout_backpack,_vasLoadout_bItems], _headgear, _goggles, _binocular, [_vasLoadout_primary,_vasLoadout_primItems,((getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _vasLoadout_primary >> 'magazines')) select 0)], [_vasLoadout_launcher,_vasLoadout_secItems,((getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _vasLoadout_launcher >> 'magazines')) select 0)], [_vasLoadout_handgun,_vasLoadout_handgunItems,((getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _vasLoadout_handgun >> 'magazines')) select 0)], ['ItemMap','ItemCompass','ItemWatch','ItemRadio','ItemGPS'], [(face player),'',''] ]; _newName = format ['%1 (Imported %2)',_vasLoadout_title,_index]; _data = _namespace getVariable ['bis_fnc_saveInventory_data',[]]; _nameID = _data find _newName; if (_nameID < 0) then { _nameID = count _data; _data set [_nameID,_newName]; }; _data set [_nameID + 1,_export]; _namespace setVariable ['bis_fnc_saveInventory_data',_data]; saveProfileNamespace; }; _index = _index + 1; uiSleep 0.1; }; }; Compile(final) that function with the CfgFunctions library (or whatever compiler you use) and call it in player init (such as initPlayerLocal.sqf or init.sqf). Will run only once per profile. I'm not sure if BI changed the ordering of their Virtual Arsenal inventory loadouts regarding magazines, that could be an issue, someone would have to doublecheck how Arsenal saves/loads inventory, as this function may predate those changes. There also may be a new Laser Designator or Rangefinder class with Apex, if anyone knows the new ones, I'll update the post with it. Use like this: comment "Insert the below line into initPlayerLocal.sqf or init.sqf or wherever your client files initialize from"; call QS_fnc_clientVAS2VA;