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    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    All the same coordinates but they hardly appear ingame when playing, Don't know what the cause could be. I also noticed some starting points are @ high risk area's. Don't know if you did it on purpose, but most player's will fail, when they have a Sting 9mm with 6 mags @ most and and go against an entire garrison with an APC and a GMG strider ( @ least i tried & died and i'm not that bad. And leaving with the boat from those spots is impossible )

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    There are @ most 2 checkpoints in entire Tanoa and that's with 100% checkpoints, i've even checked it out by teleporting ( SSPCM for that ). . Also the fact is that the corpse of that brother is alway's close by to where you start the mission (even within 2 islands when starting on west side) which is annoying, when you get to a stronghold and clear it the hostage is NOWHERE to be seen or he is spawned in the added buildings ( mostly it's those barracks and spawned in the wall under the stairs where there is a door which can´t be opened ). To much of those added buildings without any purpose ( no loot, no AI, etc. That's why i'm deleting some buildings and /or placing some AI/ extra mission at those locations, like a hostage-rescue/sabotage) I fixed the setting-camp issue for the hide-outs in Tanoa so you can place them even in the thick jungle ( also i'm trying to figure out a way that the AI can loot/attack your camp if you stay to long @ 1 location especially when having 1 hideout max. as setting). Also that piece of crap called the PDW is goin to be replaced by the ADR ( and it will be implemented in the mod itself ) Added some dumb conversations in and some extra´s i´m still testing myself.

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    This mod needs to be fixed for the last 2 maps . You do the Malden version? i'm already doing the Tanoa version.

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    Making it more Tanoa friendly is what i'm doing. It isn't much but it's working great. An some extra's

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    do you guy's use "Unknown"/ Random as start point cuz that gives me the same errors, you really need to have a East,West,North or South as starting point. Or it could be the way certain mods are starting for instance @CBA needs to be first before RHS etc. that also works out certain errors. @major-stiffy when i'm done editing the Tanoa version i'm creating would you mind checking it out? ( i think i'll be done in 5 days max. )

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Don't want them than don't use them. And yes not every1 has a sound volume button on their headset or keyboard. but i guess you can afford those. like daffy duck would say: Stupid qwuestion

    [SP] Pilgrimage


    [SP] Pilgrimage


    [SP] Pilgrimage


    [SP] Pilgrimage

    for .rtp use windows search and insert %Appdata% than go to local arma 3

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It worked and its perfect Thanx now i can set camp almost anywhere in Tanoa as long as there is some free space. Proof of camp on a nice hiding spot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/853846033998509222/A3F0980ACC7BF0FB57649AE0CCAC061C461D49AF/ Here is the code for when 1 of you is going to update again _dst = -1; _pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh]; while {((count _pos2) < 2)} do { _dst = _dst - 1; if (_dst < 10) exitWith {}; _pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh] }; _pos set [2,0.09]; EDIT; error fix on last line in script

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I have tested it and it failed the only thing that works on Tanoa also to have the camp on hills is _dst = -1; _pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh]; while {((count _pos2) < 2)} do { _dst = _dst - 1; if (_dst < 10) exitWith {}; _pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh] }; _pos = _pos2; But than after setting camp the fireplace disappears, even on flat ground i've also in checked the RYD_JR_Sherwood but cant find anything in it nor does an error show up in .rtp and whatever, this does mean you can place the camp almost every where in Tanoa with enough space but than you can't pack it any more nor heal thyself. Also noticed that the Camo-tents can't hold any inventory ( don't know if it was meant this way but it used to be) EDIT: Grammatical errors

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Bugmen are the CSAT forces some have that defender helmet with glasses on them

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    now i understand it, THNX i'll test it out and let you guys know what's the best for Tanoa.

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    @ Rydygier and @ major-stiffy For the SP Tanoa, is there a way to change the search-size of settingcamp.sqf in Tanoa cuz i noticed that in Tanoa you don't have a lot of options to place your camp unless its an very OPEN and flat terrain which hardly exists in Tanoa, i tried to do it myself but i just can't understand it ( yeh i read the bohemia wiki about it, and my brain just cant get a grasp on it). Also a earplug script would be great: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26624 its simple earplug which I did inserted it myself but i think it would be better to have it in the mission file itself. I also noticed that its not only the ADM/Phone that say Lingor it's most of the text.