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About craig.knight58

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  1. I need some help installing the Fallujah mission by Thomsonb. Every time I download, install and try to play the Fallujah map I get 'the deleted content' message. I also get the 'archive may be damaged' message when I try to unpack to a folder. I am also a bit dubious about the unzipping software that seems to be mandatory. I already use 7zip. Should I be unpacking to addons or missions folder? Either way Fallujah fails to work even when it is an option in my scenarios menu. Chernarus , Utes, Takistan, Shapur and Zargabad all work fine. I dont understand what content I am supposed to have deleted. Any help on this would be magic.
  2. craig.knight58

    Patch Confusion : Patching from 1.51.71083 to 1.60

    Thanks for reply. I am downloading the 1.60 patch now (very slowly). My sluggish broadband is regularly below 1Mb per second so this is quite a lengthy process. While I mention this: is my broadband speed going to make online play completely impractical? I have just bought a £1000 pound rig (I was going to self build but the cost saving for the pre built i5 4670k + GTX 760+ awesome monitor made pre-built a no brainer) specifically to play Arma1, 2 & 3. I was a massive fan of the original OFP and was planning to complete all the singleplayer content to brush up before I blundered online. I have also bought Arma Armed Assault Gold edition. Do you suggest starting with Arma 1 before stepping up to Arma 2? I know this is off-topic and probably the wrong place to ask. Apologies.
  3. I have checked old threads but cannot understand whether I can patch OA from current version (1.51.71083) directly to 1.60. This installation has taken a long time and I want to get it right. I have installed so far as per following: Installed Arma 2(DVD Retail:505 Games) and ran game Patched to 1.05 Installed Arma 2 OA Installed BAF & PMC (DVD retail) Currently Arma 2 is 1.06 version and OA is 1.51.7103 Do I now just install patch 1.60 even though patch notes state 1.50 to 1.60? I am running Windows 8.1. Really sorry if this has been asked before but cannot find any advice for 1.51.7803 updates.