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About kerozen

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. kerozen

    NIArms Release Thread

    Are source files still available? I was trying to find the Saw/minimi files but the links are dead
  2. I can't seem to get full zeus to work. When i set the parameters to allow it i can't see any of the mod assets. I can't spawn mod units or use mod modules. Do i need to do anything more than setting the Zeus Limited Interface parameter to False?
  3. Is the team still active? How can i contact you guys?
  4. kerozen

    Help with some code

    All the code i posted is in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. It works in singleplayer and the local host server but it seems it doesn't work on dedicated servers
  5. I did a CQB map for single player where you can reset blown up walls and hide/show killhouses. I never tested it on a server but a friend did and says it doesn't work. Me being a complete idiot when it comes to MP scripting i have no idea how to make it work online. All the codes are pretty much the same it just changes the variable names. What could i do to make it work on a dedicated server? initPlayerLocal.sqf ////////////////////////////BRAVO/////////////////////////////////////////// cqbbdoor = { cqb_b_d1 setdamage 0; cqb_b_d2 setdamage 0; cqb_b_d3 setdamage 0; cqb_b_d4 setdamage 0; cqb_b_d5 setdamage 0; }; //Resets sign_cqb_b addAction ["Reset Portas", cqbbdoor]; //Hide & Show hidecqbbravo ={ sign_cqb_b hideObject true; }; showcqbbravo ={ sign_cqb_b hideObject false; }; laptop1 addAction ["<t color='#00c72f'>Remover Complexo Bravo</t>", hidecqbbravo]; laptop1 addAction ["<t color='#00c72f'>Construir Complexo Bravo</t>", showcqbbravo];
  6. Hey, im trying to add a few objects to the factory. The code right now is init.sqf R3F_LOG_CFG_build_costs = R3F_LOG_CFG_build_costs + [ ["B_Slingload_01_Ammo_F", 0], ["B_Slingload_01_Repair_F", 0], ["B_Slingload_01_Fuel_F", 0], ]; Im getting this error. How can i fix it?
  7. Hey, how could i make it so the option is not on a player but on an object?
  8. Ok, i'm a newby and really bad at this. I have the InitPlayerLocal with ADF_disable3PV = true; and player spawn ADF_fnc_disable3P; as it said in the header but how do i use the function? Do i copy the function's code to the Init too?
  9. Thanks! Is there documentation on how to use the framework or how to implement the disable3P function into other missions?
  10. Been playing it a bit and it looks awesome. Is the script that forces first person outside vehicles but no in vehicles public?
  11. kerozen

    DUI - Squad Radar

    Is it still not compatible with FOV changes?