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Everything posted by jcae2798

  1. Ladies and Gents, I present to you my latest and greatest Mission release; The Hunt (ver 2)! For those who played my previous series, I've made a lot of changes and enhancements to it since. A bunch of new features including performance enhancements to allow full map mission design. Anyways going to try and keep it short. Mission design and tips: -Selection factions to play at missiong startup. -Main goal is hunting down 2 main commanders heading operations (Play recon/assault, all of the above!) -There are ammoboxes to find and destroy as side missions. -There are IEDs riddled everywhere with my custom IED script (Where IEDs can be buried under the ground! ACE Supported with the new mine detector) -Informant that provides side missions along the way -Both civilian and enemy population. Goal is to retrieve intel via civilians and/or searching enemy bodies. -Undercover mode. -The List goes on! Warnings!: -Do not run any ambient mods like TPW. My mission provides all that. -Mission is designed to spawn on Object Viewdistance. The further you have it, the more power it needs. So as you play, if you find mission does not play well, try restarting after adjusting your viewdistance settings. I found ~750 works great! There is a CAP as well that limits the number of spawned units. Keeping it down is recommended. Kunduz Version (Full RHS Version): Requires Following Mods: -RHS US/USSR -ALiVE (For support calling only. Saving is enabled) -Tryk's Multi-play Uniforms Pack (For Bosses uniforms. You can play without, but they will be naked!) -Tactical Beard (Optional): Altis Version (Vanilla): Requires ALiVE only (For support calling only. Saving is enabled) -ASOR Mod is optional if you want to spawn vehicles and/or use Gear Selector options [sTEAM LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718918902 ] Tanoa Version (Vanilla): Requires ALiVE only (For support calling only. Saving is enabled) [sTEAM LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=745127216] CREDITS; Please see mission briefing details for all credits. However I wanted to mention a special thanks to Lato from the 'Hunt Six' campaign who approved me to share this design with the community. Some of its features were inspired from his campaign and without his consent, I would not be able to share it with you all!
  2. Hi all - Does anyone know if there is a way to limit the distance one can use to fly the darter? I wanted to see if there was a way to limit the distance one can fly from controller up to 2k Meters max. For one of my missions where you are to recon areas but i want to limit this or have them use a UAV plane instead. I only want to limit the darter if possible. It's for this mission if anyone is interested: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?188758-SP-Operation-Eager-Glacier-%28BETA%29 Thanks!
  3. Hi all. I am using the below code, and half the times it works, and the other half not (unit actually dies). Is there something wrong to prevent death 100% of the time? Thanks for taking a look. s01 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _dam = _this select 2; if (_dam > 0.96) then {_dam = 0.96; s01 setcaptive true; S01 allowdamage false; s01 switchmove "Acts_InjuredLyingRifle01"; ["LOOSE",true,true,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission; 0 = ["DynamicBlur", 400, [10]] spawn { params ["_name", "_priority", "_effect", "_handle"]; while { _handle = ppEffectCreate [_name, _priority]; _handle < 0 } do { _priority = _priority + 1; }; _handle ppEffectEnable true; _handle ppEffectAdjust _effect; _handle ppEffectCommit 5; }; 1 cutText["You have been killed!","PLAIN"];}; _dam }];
  4. jcae2798

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    If you spawn and assign to LeaderHQ it will. Confirmed it in a mission i was designing...
  5. jcae2798

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Thanks man. Still to this day this mod is wonderful. One issue i found that i cannot figure out why is that HELOs when they land to pick up inf units, they are getting damaged. If they land more than once, it's so bad that the tail rotor goes dead in some cases. Any ideas why? Sample mission for example is the DEMO BB mission from ADDON. I tested this with ghost hawk land waypoint on empty map and it landed just fine.
  6. jcae2798

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Can anyone help me understand the purpose of VAR "RydHQ_RHQAutoFill"? I read the entire thread + manual and am a bit confused. What i understood from everything i found is that this setting somehow looks at config values, but unsure when it should be used. Is this designed around ADDON faction use? Any further description would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hey all - With the release of Kunduz, I put together a SP mission. Think you'll like it :) Requirements: -Kundez Map -CAF 1.5 MOD [optional] (for clothing only, will take requests other MODS) Mission Design: -There is a HVT somewhere in the area. Need to find him and take him out, then RTB. This is a dynamic mission where every restart forces new locations and enemy patrols. (TIP, easy is to recon area with UAV, otherwise find him the hard way!) -ZUES is available in BASE for vehicle loadouts, or go out on foot! -Has a couple of menu calls for support -Includes units from 1.42x release, so if you're not running DEV branch or RC release, expect some errors. -Use menu to change time of day -Becareful for IEDS! Download!! Armaholic mirror (Check for latest version!): - Dynamic HVT Takedwon (@) -Can be found on steam as well Have fun and report any issues or feedback. WIP: -Add more custom camps -Add cave camps (Researching if possible)
  8. is there a way to spawn these vehicles with the new addons randomly? For example: [_VEH, RANDOM, nil] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; I would hate to have a saved list of what the addons are for running the INIT on each vehicle. Unless we can pull a list from Config and then randomselect? Anyone willing to help me understand this? EDIT: BTW this does not work: 3) Randomize everything according to the config file result = [this, "", []] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; //<-- Prefered
  9. My MOD is different then this, but built around the foundation of this MOD. Have you seen: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=952179090 It supports multiple maps, but does require a couple MODS. To be clear, i have done a complete overhaul of all scripts, so it is different. Anyways, working on some updates and will be posting that in the next month or so, but nothing majorly new. So feel free to check it out and provide feedback on steam.
  10. jcae2798

    Binarize mission file

    Sooo.....yea came across my mission file getting Binarized due to this setting in EDEN.... I'm assuming this is a newer feature as a recent previous mission of mine is still good but the latest is not. FYI for all! Setting is in Preferences. So question however, once the mission is Binarized, can it be converted back with tools or something? I would also maybe suggest that this not be enabled by default? Thanks
  11. Sorry should have included a SS. See here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1245220970 When i get some time i'll check out the tracker and also report if needed. Just running CBA, ACE + ACEX with latest stable ARMA release EDIT: No modules placed in editor. Just a single unit and run test adding the above mentioned code to DEBUG console 2nd EDIT: If i add modules, then it works just fine. 3RD edit: REPORTED HERE: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/5981
  12. Hopefully this has not been asked. (I've searched for this) Been trying to test a way to add Fority on the fly rather then adding module in editor. Below code works, but menu adds blank addactions to drop objects. Can anyone confirm this is a bug? player addItemToVest "ACE_Fortify"; [side player, 5000, [["Sandbag", 5], ["Bunker", 50]]] call acex_fortify_fnc_registerObjects;
  13. So with the latest release of Arma, and the new CIV modules, I wanted to look into further enhancing my mission MOD that populates CIV units. I'm thinking the AGENTs may help performance, but have a couple questions I don't know if would work in my mission design. In my mission, the CIVs play the following roles: 1. They have addactions in some cases 2. They have waypoints assigned to travel from building to building (for ambient affect) 3. They can be spawned as enemy threats 4. They play animations I know agent types have some limited functionality to them. I'm just not sure with the mentioned features, if Agents would really be the way to go for my MOD. In addition, i like the civilian behavior they added to the latest patch, but cannot find how i may implement that into my mission on the civilian units. Found the following, but not as simple as just adding it to the units INIT code...: _ID = _unit execFSM "A3\Modules_F_Tacops\Ambient\CivilianPresence\FSM\behavior.fsm"; Because of the roles above, I still need control over spawning and adding code to each unit, so using the modules, or scripting them would not work for me. Thanks for all your help as always.
  14. As always Grumpy, thanks for your insight.
  15. Nice! It works. Thanks man, exactly what i needed :)
  16. Hey guys, wondering if there is a easy way to take vanilla music and set it up in description file to use as a sound or SFX file to allow it to play from objects. Example below but not having much success at multiple attempts. Also searched here and WIKI with no luck. Any advice would be appreciated! class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class MUSIC1 { sound[] = {"\A3\music_f_exp\Music\AmbientTrack02a_F_EXP.ogg",50,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; OBJECT say3d "MUSIC1"
  17. jcae2798

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Totally agree, or at least make an easily made function or script to allow people to do this themselves. I'm sure the modding community will do something, but something as close or vanilla would be best, as always
  18. jcae2798

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Does anyone else hate the fact that the mine detection beeping stops once a mine is supposedly "Spotted"? Is there anyway to change this, even if it's via scripting? ***EDIT*** Ok disableAI seems to do the trick on normal MINEs, but not the IED type. I'll open a ticket in hopes this can be fixed as IED should be able to be ignored as well until revealed by player.
  19. jcae2798

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123023 been trying to get visibility on this bug!! Perfect time to fix it ;)
  20. Would you guys consider fixing : https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123023 With the new mine enhancements, this command is super important to me as I create missions where mines/IEDs can be buried under the surface and I use this command to make sure this wouldn't happen on rock (asphalt) surfaces. I'm happy to expand further if needed. I think the community could benefit from it as well if fixed. Thank you for the continued support. Sincerely, arma fan :)
  21. jcae2798

    Covert player code to MP

    So with some learning and further testing, i think the following solution will work. i created a function with the below code. Then i will replace "PLAYER" in all my scripts with "W_player" variable which the function will list a random player. If anyone sees any issues with this, let me know! Thanks again for the suggestions and direction. /* Author: JCae2798 AKA GigaS Description: Returns random player call findPlayer; Returns: W_player = Random PLAYER */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; W_player = nil; waitUntil {(count (playableUnits)) > 0}; _units = []; { if (isPlayer _x && ALIVE _x) then { _units pushBack _x; } } foreach (playableUnits); W_player = _units call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  22. Hey guys, looking for some help. Tried to do my homework, but not getting far. I’m trying to take an existing SP mission of mine and make it MP compatible. I have some decent SP coding experience, but still noobish toward MP coding. I have many scripts that ask for current Player Position, or compare Player Position against AI units. I need to be able to do this for MP Players. Some examples below. Not sure how to convert this. Thanks in advance. Examples: _spawnPos = [getPos player, 700,1000,1,0,0,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; Waituntil {sleep 15; {getposatl player distance getposatl _x > 2500} forEach units _group1}; If (((getPosATL player) select 2) > 5) exitwith {_Count = 1}; If (surfaceIsWater getPos player) then {[] spawn {call JCPlayerAMB_FNC_BoatPatrol}; _remove = (allunits - _ignore); {If (player distance _x >= 500 && SIDE _X == EAST || SIDE _X == INDEPENDENT) then {Deletevehicle _X}} foreach _remove;
  23. jcae2798

    Covert player code to MP

    Thanks. This will help. To further clarify, these are mostly dynamic spawn scripts that were spawning units around the player and then waiting for the AI units to die or despawn if player gets away from that zone. I would assume this happens at server level otherwise each player can spawn there own? And if their together it spawn twice? Based on reading some of the locality, confused if AI is spawned locally to that player, will others see them as well? Does all it really mean is that this players PC is hosting the AI GROUP? thanks again
  24. I prefer shooting "rouge" cops. That's the whole point, no? :) Gives a different play style from the others out there
  25. Hello. Is there a command that allows to search for nearby heli pads built into maps? What i am attempting to do is if a selected marker is near a military base, and a heli pad exists, then spawn an empty vehicle on that pad. Knowing a command to find a hanger could also be helpful :) Thank you for the assist as always!