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About Duke101

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  1. Hey, Not sure if this is me being stupid (probably!), but is there are a way of remote controlling the driver, when, other ai units are also in the vehicle ? e.g. I want to remote a driver of a technical, but the default always places you in the gunner position, etc., etc. Can you select the driver to remote specifically and of course, how ? Using Zeus enhanced btw. Thanks !
  2. Thanks a lot doing this. Its really very good and I appreciate what you've done with it. I'm just annoyed that I've only seen this today ! But will be very useful, for my missions going forward. 👍 Just one question. The area markers are visible on the map. Am I missing something ? I can take a look through your functions and see if there is an "alpha 0" option, but just wondering if I missed something ? I don't see an option in the array. Thanks. UPDATE: Ignore me, its me being dumb. It's fine.
  3. Thanks 👍
  4. Anyone know what you need to add for the mod curator for dedicated servers ? i.e. other DLC, etc: mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;tank;enoch; Western Sahara ? ws ???
  5. Thanks Genesis. That's interesting. I suspected that it isn't vcom related, but wanted to double check with you.
  6. Many thanks for this mod, my unit appreciates and enjoys what it has to offer. We're trying to work something out and we're not sure if its either with VCOM or CF_BAI (using both) - latest script version of VCOM and CF_BAI mod. The issue: we're getting bumped - on a number of stealth recce's, at night, we've experienced units coming straight for us, like they know exactly were we are... despite it being night and the opfor not having night vision capabilities and in most cases, being tactically aware, using concealment, low profile, etc,. we thought it was perhaps drones that might be spooking the ai and they essentially come looking for us - but we tested last night and that doesn't seem to be the case. Here's, albeit, a not great quality vid - how did I get spotted/detected ??? The only dodgy bit is when I crossed the road...but when I crossed and lay prone in a bush, the opfor come for me - I don't think I was in line of sight of any opfor (unless I missed something) - you can where the patrols are from Zeus. I've posted this on the vcom forum as well. But what you see in this vid, is fairly typical of what we experience at night - we could be on the edge of a jungle or something, keeping a low profile, walking, etc. and then bang! A patrol seems to come straight for us. Any ideas? Do you expect this is cf_bai related ? Do you or anyone else experience this ? Many thanks.
  7. many thanks for your continued effort you out into VCOM Genesis. We're trying to work something out and we're not sure if its either with VCOM or CF_BAI (using both) - latest script version of VCOM and CF_BAI mod (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1415343823). The issue: we're getting bumped - on a number of stealth recce's, at night, we've experienced units coming straight for us, like they know exactly were we are... despite it being night and the opfor not having night vision capabilities and in most cases, being tactically aware, using concealment, low profile, etc,. we thought it was perhaps the drones that might be spooking the ai and they essentially come looking for us - but we tested last night and that doesn't seem to be the case. Here's, albeit, a not great quality vid - how did I get spotted/detected ??? The only dodgy bit is when I crossed the road...but when I crossed and lay prone in a bush, the opfor come for me - I don't think I was in line of sight of any opfor (unless I missed something) - you can where the patrols are from Zeus. I'mm going to post this on the CF_BAI forum page as well. But what you see in this vid, is fairly typical of what we experience at night - we could be on the edge of a jungle or something, keeping a low profile, walking, etc. and then bang! A patrol seems to come straight for us. Any ideas? Do you expect this is vcom related ? Many thanks, as always. trying
  8. Thanks for your continued handwork on this guys, it is appreciated. All see ms good, but I have one error come up. Running: 3.2.2 script version Testing on dedicated. Zeus in some blufor units to ensure a garrison (opfor) was properly disabled on vcom (so they remain in garrison), with some patrols with vcom enabled. thanks. _rtrn = _totalSuppression / ({!isNull _x && aliv> 9:36:30 Error position: <_totalSuppression / ({!isNull _x && aliv> 9:36:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _totalsuppression 9:36:30 File Vcom\Functions\VCM_Functions\suppression\fn_GroupGetSuppression.sqf [VCM_fnc_GroupGetSuppression], line 26 9:36:33 O Alpha 1-2: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense 9:36:33 Error in expression <sion _x); }; } forEach _units;
  9. Thanks, as always for your great work and continuing to update VCOM. It is appreciated. I have the scripted 3.2 and we also have vcom driving running as a server side mod - do we need to disable vcom on the server now, assuming vcom driving is now contained within the 3.2.script version ? Probably obvious question, just wanted to double check. Thanks
  10. Yeah thanks, appreciated. Found the problem and as expected nothing to do with vcom. Loving the new version of vcom. Thanks again Genesis.
  11. Has anyone had issues with ai being pretty invulnerable ? I think something else is going on with our server tbh and doubt its vcom, but just wanted to rule vcom out. Be grateful if someone could let me know me know, if all is normal regarding invulnerability, or noticed any significant changes regarding invulnerability . Thanks
  12. Duke101

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Yes, that's corrected it thanks. Seems all good and working as intended with your sample mission. Don't seem to have it working on a current mission on working on though (no errors, vcom just not enabled)... but will re-check, etc. and try to figure it out. Thanks again!
  13. Duke101

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Thank you Genesis for 3.0 (!) - my unit loves vcom, makes missions so much more challenging and simulating - very much appreciated. Unfortunately, using the the script version of 3.0, I am getting an error. When I tested the sample mission you provided, I got exactly the same error. Error in expression <VcmAI_ActiveList) && {!(VCM_SIDEENABLED findIf {_x isEqualTo (side _Grp)} isEqua> Error position: <findIf {_x isEqualTo (side _Grp)} isEqua> Error findif: Type Side, expected Array File C:\Users\Duke-PC\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Duke\missions\VcomAI3%2e0.Altis\Vcom\VcomInit.sqf, line 71 The issue ? vcom isn't running at all. Appreciate you've just released 3.0, be grateful when you have the chance to look at this, for any help please. Thanks
  14. Sorry to hijack this thread, but could you me help to do the opposite please? i.e. un-link/disconnect my bohemia account from my steam account ? I inadvertently created a 2nd bohemia account and then made an arma 3 unit with it, but cannot connect it to my steam account. Not sure how to do this. Many thanks