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    Oculus Rift VR headset

    That was with the DK1? Having used a DK1 myself I can understand those concerns. The resolution was too low which makes things hard to see and has a distinct screen door effect and certain games made me feel a little queasy. I can say though that until you actually try the thing you don't really appreciate how awesome it is and how you can immediately tell that this is the next big thing in gaming by a country mile. The DK2 is higher resolution so things should be easier to make out, the screen door effect should be reduced (apparently you only notice it when looking for it according to hands on impressions) and the new low persistence and higher refresh rate (85hz) and lower input latency should make it less spew inducing. My current concern is just with getting the game to run at a consistent high enough frame rate as lower frame rates have negative effects in VR beyond just not being as smooth as 60fps+. Hopefully with enough tweaking, going on the right servers etc... I'll be able to run the game at a high enough frame rate that my lower frame rate (i.e. the frame rate the game drops to) will be high enough. I currently run the game at 1440p with a lot of bells and whistles on so there is some hope that I'll be able to get it running well enough that it'll work OK on the rift.

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Looking forward to trying Arma 3 out on the OR DK2. Only concerning thing is framerate since it can fluctuate for me personally between 60 and 30 in MP and OR needs a consistent frame rate to stop you blowing chunks.

    Facebook buys oculus for $2 Billion

    I don't have the same knee jerk reaction to this news. I don't see facebook login being required or that there will be ads inserted into games. If Facebook bought out the company that makes your monitor would you be worried about the same things? I suspect not. IMO Facebook will not do anything short term except making the produce better and bringing it to market quicker. Long term they will develop stuff that will complement the rift with none gaming VR applications some of which will have a social media bent. The sky isn't falling as far as I can see. I've got a DK2 on preorder.

    ARMA 3 Wasteland Chernarus Server

    Hi Sorry to say that the server has been shut down due to lack of interest. Kingston
  5. Would the AI not be server based? Is so then would it be up to the CPU on the server or separate server if running a headless client? I dunno if it is or not. Even so if anyone is having FPS issues isn't it worth just checking settings, looking what their GPU_MaxFramesAhead is set at (no idea why mine was 10000) and checking where a bottleneck may lay? Aren't there servers that don't have AI that people still suffer from low fps?

    when all 3 episodes are released...then what

    Expansion packs of course
  7. I've been running in the 50 to 60+ fps range on Multiplayer on our A3 Wasteland Chernarus server (see sig for details on the server and the hardware I'm running). Maybe the smaller map compared to Altis makes the difference or the fact that our server is running on a dedicated machine. My game settings are heavily tweaked too and I made some amendments to my config file (reduced the max frames ahead from 10000 to 1, no idea why it was on 10000, my GPU usage was low so I lowered it to 1 and now I get near enough full usage). If you need help with settings and config editing please message me (or jump on ts.uk-gaming-zone.co.uk) and I'll try and help. P.s. I notice a few people have jumped on and then off teamspeak. I'm generally on teamspeak between 6pm GMT and 12am GMT during the week and can be on anytime at the weekend. p.p.s Here's some screenshots showing what settings I have. To edit the config file go to your Documents folder, open ARMA 3 folder. Look for and open (in notepad) the Arma3.cfg file Look for these two lines GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Make a note of their values in case you want to switch them back. Change them so they look like the above. Save, Exit, restart the game and check your FPS. If you're still having FPS issue you need to check your CPU and GPU usage To do this read through this Once you can see the usage this is what you are seeing means High GPU and CPU usage - Your system is running at it's maximum, no bottlenecks, not a lot you can do except maybe upgrading if your hardware isn't tip top. High GPU usage but low CPU usage - Your CPU is aok but your GPU isn't, either there's something causing a bottleneck (like the max frames ahead thing above) or your GPU isn't up to snuff Low GPU usage but High CPU usage - Your GPU is OK but for some reason your CPU isn't feeding your GPU quick enough. You can try raising the max frames ahead value slight, overclocking your CPU or upgrading your CPU.
  8. Hi The UKGZ group is hosting an ARMA 3 wasteland server running the Chernarus map. Server can be found when you search for Host UKGZ or use the IP and port Our teamspeak server is ts.uk-gaming-zone.co.uk If you need any help getting on please join teamspeak and look for me Kingston or Winstonsmith and we'll help you out. To Play you will need a copy of the A3MP mod. Get that here A3MP http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23863 To install the mod open the compressed file you downloaded (if you can't open the file try installing WinRAR) Enter the first folder in the compressed file and you should see another folder called @A3MP Copy this folder and place it in your ARMA 3 folder. Open Arma 3 (if it was already open then restart it) From the main menu click Configure Then click Expansions Double click on the Map pack mod to enable it. When you click OK you should be presented with an option to restart the game, click this and the game will restart. Once restarted you should see a new icon on your ARMA 3 main menu indicating the mod is installed. You can also check you have the new maps correctly installed easily by checking the editor, if you see the new maps in there you've installed it correctly (if you just see Altis and Stratis still then something went wrong, go back through these instructions and check every part (especially the bit about having @A3MP folder in your Arma 3 folder)) Alternatively you can use this to manage your mods. PlaywithSIX: http://play.withsix.com/ A3Wasteland Features: *3 Factions to fight against *Random missions (Main + side + Money) *Capture territories *Random and selectable spawn locations including purchasing spawn beacons. Server Features: *Player save by going prone then selecting "SAVE PLAYER" on the mouse wheel. *Base save by "locking" building items with the mouse wheel. *More server features to be confirmed. Random screens [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] IMPORTANT To save your character make sure you go prone and select Save player from the scroll wheel menu. The next time you log in you will retain all your gear from the last save. If you die though you have to start from scratch. EDIT:28/01/2014 Money is now saved and loaded from the database.

    What does A2 content library mean for ARMA3?

    Basically it means that modders will be have access to and be able to convert and modify the ARMA 1 and ARMA 2 models to ARMA 3. So a plane that is in ARMA 2 can be converted to work in ARMA 3. So two things may happen from this, people will take individual models and convert them like a plane or some very nice people will convert all the models from ARMA 1 and ARMA 2 and create a massive content pack for ARMA 3. I'm hoping for the latter and have seen rumblings of this already (with the prerequisite negative Nora's chiming in their bile filled comments)
  10. KING5TON

    Xbox code in BI tools?

    Big announcement today, wonder if it's related :)
  11. KING5TON

    Mantle, SteamOS and Arma 3

    All frostbite 3 engine games will have it. That's quite a large chunk of big name games from EA. Battlefield 4, the new Need for Speed, Star wars battlefront, Mirrors edge 2, Dragon age Inquisition and the next Mass effect game. Those games might not be your personal cup of tea but they are big games that sell very well. If more developers start using Mantle and the performance increase it proposes is significant then AMD GPUs will have an even bigger price vs performance difference on Nvidia cards than they do currently. p.s. has anyone brought up bad drivers yet? Can't have a pro AMD thread without some twerp trying to justify their purchase of a rival card :)
  12. KING5TON

    All this buzz about the performence issue

    I was messing in the editor last night, 120 FPS :butbut: Just been on an Escape Altis server and was getting a pretty much constant 60. Just updated catalyst drives to 13.10 from 13.6, so I dunno how much that or the recent patch caused the FPS boost. I'm running with default ultra settings, no changes.
  13. KING5TON

    All this buzz about the performence issue

    I actually had 60+ FPS for quite a while the other night playing a mission I created, on a friend's server. Went up to 80+ at one point. Jaw dropped. Admittedly it dropped to around 40 when things were kicking off. Goes to show that a mission without a load of gunf (I only used VAS, EOS spawning and INS revive and that's it) and a half decent server with only a handful of players does effect performance. Not sure what the server spec was though as it's a friends.
  14. There's scripts that mission makers can add into their missions so no Mods actually required 3D Explosives Interface script by zorilya or Explosive To Vehicle script released by Stealthstick/Zooloo75
  15. Depends on the mission. I've used VAS in my co-op missions as it provides the players with choice on how they want to kit out their character. I've not encountered something that's OP so it doesn't ruin the challenge of the mission as far as I can see when testing with my friends. A mission I'm currently working on does not have VAS in it though as I want to control what the players have access to. Since it's a defensive mission I want players to worry about the amount of ammo that is available rather than having unlimited ammo. It's also set at night and to increase the challenge I've removed NVGs and added Grenade Launchers and Flares rounds instead. I don't want players accessing NVG via VAS as it'll kill the mission's unique feel of having to launch flares to make out the enemies bearing down of your position. P.s. The mission's called The Keep, hopefully should finish it off and release it over the weekend if anyone is interested :)