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About masonddg87

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    Computing & Information Technologies

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  1. masonddg87


    Will BI ever release the AMV-7 Mortar Carrier and Medivac, or will the community have to model them?
  2. masonddg87

    Error on Beyoud Hope

    :...ne, o, "EventTracko3b_F_Tacops" ] spawn |#|BIS_fnc_TO_AnimatedOpening; Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_animatedopening File a3\Missions_F_Tacops\Campaign_1\missions\to_co1m02.altis\outro.sqf, line 28 Has anyone seen this error before?
  3. How does the Titan MPRL compact change from direct attack to top attack?
  4. masonddg87


    I guess I should have been more clear on the roll of women and children. I am not advocating for the women and children to be combatants. But as by standards to the horrors of war. Victims of the events that taking place around them. Weather like it or not. Women and children bare a heavier effect in war than men, through rape and enslavement. If BI wish to make a humanitarian DLC, than where is the other 2/3 of the world population? To me this is a message of sexism and dismissal to remove 2/3 of an population because it will make a butch of milsimers uneasy. If BI promote this platform on realism, than lets have realism. Again I'm not asking for the 2/3 to be combatants, civilians only. Women and children are the one's who make up the majority of humanitarian camps point blank.
  5. masonddg87


    Why are there no women or children in ArmA, are even the new DLC. Just having men running around is unrealistic.
  6. masonddg87

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    OK I'm pissed now. From the complaint above. When using the laser to guide artillery shells in, the shells miss far off mark. Is this suppose to be a joke are what. Receiving the upgrade to 1.70 to lose the function of the laser guiding artillery shells sucks. This sucks to high heaven.
  7. masonddg87

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    When fires has end the AI says splash normally. In this case it end by repeating splash multiple times, an than no explosion or shells are way off mark.
  8. masonddg87

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Hello. I have notice after the update that the laser designator, rangefinder, artillery protocols have disappeared from the mil sim. Have anyone else have this issue?
  9. That is sad. This is a turnoff for a lot of community members who wish to combine islands to fulfill a desire to explore larger terrains and create past maps that were incomplete such as the Green Sea region. Are for the completion of the Horizon Islands.
  10. I was looking over maps that BI has put out about Altis & Stratis in the past. When looking on Armed Assault Wiki, I ran across a map depicting Altis & Stratis on the same terrain grid. The grid is in the limits on the Terrain Build structure that you can insert both terrains within a 42 x 42 mile grid (Grid size: 8192 x 8192, Cell size (m): 7.000, Terrain size (m): 57344.000). My question is has anyone done this as of yet? If not, why not? If not, how would I go about doing it so I can put it on Steam for all to share. Link for the map: http://armedassault.wikia.com/wiki/Stratis
  11. Before I ask the question about BI having variants for the F/A-181, I must point out something that frustrate's me about the release of an naval fighter without BI providing a proper landing platform for the crafts. Don't get me wrong, I love that BI has spent time and energy developing the Black Wasp II and Sentinel II for the community. From the beginning BI has focused its energies on land warfare, but through the years a section of the community has asked for more naval assets to accommodate the land warfare experience. As of to date here is where we are for ArmA 3. For the NATO Navy/Marine Corps we have the F/A-181 Black Wasp II, Sentinel II UCAV, SDV, Special Operation Divers (SEALs, Force Recon), and the AMV-7 Marshal. While there are no support platform to lunch from or to recover to. Yes there are mods of an aircraft carriers and amphibious ships. While one comes from ArmA 2, the other is from the community. Still they are not up to standards for the ArmA 3 platform. Due to ArmA 3 being set in the 2030's, the Ford Class CVN should be the mainstay of aircraft carriers for the U.S. Hopefully there will be more naval assets in future productions, but as always that looks bleak if we are to use the past as a road map for this outlook. Now for the question. Will BI provide both single and two seat variants of the F/A-181? What do you guys think?
  12. From my view point the platform was never meant to support Marine nor Naval units. It has away been Army, Air Force centered. It was stated years ago that all nations have an Army and Air Force, but not Marines or Navies. But starting with Operation Flashpoint the battles have always taken place on Island nations witch would fall under Amphibious Operations. But no go. When ArmA 2 was released, the community complained about not have army units not added to the platform. But you will never hear the reverse. What I am trying to state here is that BIS has never supported Amphibious Operations for ArmA in the past 16 years. An I fear they will never do so. For me the Marine units in the community is a waste due to no support from the creator of the platform. Staying with the subject of amphibious operation so far as ArmA is concern. BI IMO will never support aspiration by players who live in nation with a Marine Corps or Navy. The platform is made for Armies with Air Force support. Why are trying to shoehorn a branch of the arm forces that is unfamiliar to most of the planet. Everyone has an army an air force. Very few have a marines an navy. Even do its logical to be more focused on amphibious platforms due to most of the terrain being provide are islands or coastal landmass. I say BI will never support this in ArmA due to VBS witch provide the space and core engine components for the support of amphibious operations. This is a financial issue for them. ArmA is 65.00 - 35.00 a copy, while VBS is 3200.00 - 4500.00 a copy. I wish for the day that we who wish for a proper amphibious operation can do so on ArmA. Just to upgrade the Terrain Builder to be able for a 387 by 387 km landscape would by wonderful. That would give terrain builders a chance to build the Green Sea for operations that would be more fitting for all operations. No more, no less.
  13. From my view point the platform was never meant to support Marine nor Naval units. It has away been Army, Air Force centered. It was stated years ago that all nations have an Army and Air Force, but not Marines or Navies. But starting with Operation Flashpoint the battles have always taken place on Island nations witch would fall under Amphibious Operations. But no go. When ArmA 2 was released, the community complained about not have army units not added to the platform. But you will never hear the reverse. What I am trying to state here is that BIS has never supported Amphibious Operations for ArmA in the past 16 years. An I fear they will never do so. For me the Marine units in the community is a waste due to no support from the creator of the platform.
  14. Here are a list of classes that are available to me at my college. Graphic Communication: GRC 101 Introduction to Graphic Communications GRC 103 Introduction to Computer Graphics GRC 104 Layout and Typography GRC 107 Design Fundamentals GRC 110 Drawing and Illustration GRC 119 Digital Media GRC 140 Print Production with InDesign GRC 156B Design with Illustrator GRC 183B Design with Photoshop GRC 294B Portfolio Prep CADD Technologies: CADD 100 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting CADD 105 Intermediate Computer Aided Drafting CADD 140 Technical Drafting I CADD 141B Technical Drafting II CADD 245 Solid Modeling and Parametric Design CADD 246B Solid Modeling and Parametric Design II CADD 250 CAD Systems Management CADD 299B CADD Capstone Geography: GEOG 103 Physical Geography (Taken) GEOG 104 Physical Geography Laboratory (Taken) GEOG 106 World Geography (Taken) GEOG 109 Economic Geography GEOG 116 Oceanography GEOG 117 Meteorology/Climatology (Taken) These are the classes that is offered. As one poster stated that they did not know the class lineup.
  15. Thank you sex_ten & Jackal326 for your reply. First to sex_ten post. In your opening you state "You can't take a class for his stuff" lead's me to think that you don't understand the question I am asking. I will restate it again. What "five classes" would you suggest to take to understand the basics of OB & TB that will be able to be transferred to other platforms in the job market. In other words, what can I learn in the classroom that will improve my understanding of 2D/3D modeling in ArmA, while the same information can help me secure employment. Reply to Jackal326. As you stated in your opening that it toke you "15 years" to learn about the process of Object Builder. I am not looking for short cuts here. But away to reduce the learning curve in the process of building models on this platform. I am acutely aware of the time it will take me, an me alone to finish the project I have set out to accomplish. On my own I am looking at about five to seven years to maybe get to the med point of the project. I have asked others for their ideas and help, but no joy on the help part. I have taken under consideration to pay for a mod team through oDesk, now Upwork. But the cost for a twelve month timeline came in around $100-150,00.00 for the mod team of four (mod team: audio, coder, mapper, and modeler). These are the skills that I am looking to shorten due to no help are interest in my naval project in ArmA. So by time I am in the meddle of my timeline (one of my classes was in IT Project Management), the platform will probably be ArmA 5, if the series goes out that far.