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About Fiddi

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    Staff Sergeant


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    Videogames, Music, Guns
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  1. There is no code. Everything is in the editor. Does lock really work with AI? I've had AI entering locked vehicles before, but I'll give a try. I found out that if I deleted the two who exited it was business as usual, but then, of course, it was too easy. (Always something, haha!) I know about setCurrentWaypoint, was just wondering if there was another way inside the editor itself. I've tried syncing all the groups waypoints before the seek and destroy and that did nothing, I was hoping to make my mission with as little (self made or otherwise) scripts and functions as possible but still maintain a nice dynamic. Thanks for the help, though!
  2. Hey, I'm having some weird issues with a helicopter full of AI (all in the same group incl. pilot) in cargo. They have a Hold waypoint with trigger activation, a move, get out and seek and destroy. Waypoints works but there's always two AI that gets out during the hold waypoint before it has been activated by the trigger, as in the pilot lands the helicopter and they get out and the helicopter takes off again to original position. It's a Hellcat with full cargo of FIA soldiers (6). I can't figure out what drives them to such weirdness, usually I have a relatively good grasp of the AI but this is just... I can't even.. Also, is there a way to make a patrolling unit skip all their move waypoints before a Cycle and go to a waypoint (seek and destroy) after the cycle, in the editor? Thanks!
  3. @Larrow That all sounds very complicated. Is the init executed on every mission load? If so there's a simple possibility to just have a few ifs and thens to load whatever necessary from profileNamespace. And I was thinking manual saving as in trigger or action induced. So as to have clear checkpoints which makes loading and saving easier.
  4. You can give the "bystanders" an event handler that disables the damage from certain vehicles. They still get run over, it's just that they won't die or take any damage from them. (May need some rewriting to fit specific needs, right now it's just for drivers from the same side.) _unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _unit = _this select 0; _driver = _this select 3; if (vehicle _driver != _driver AND side _driver == side _unit) then { 0 } else { _this select 2 } }];
  5. Right, so the display wasn't initialized when the event handler was made. Guess that makes sense. Thanks!
  6. Hello, I was wondering exactly what is saved when using the existing save function on missions. I get that units, vehicles and stuff that is placed inside the editor is saved and such, but are variables in the init.sqf saved? How about dead bodies and destroyed vehicles? Are there any event handlers for when the game is saved and loaded? I'm trying to design my mission with as few external scripts and functions as possible, mainly because I want to be able to use the vanilla save and load. But I need to know what kind of limitations I will be encountering. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the code! I'm executing it on the players init field inside the editor. But I've tried initServer.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf
  8. Hi, I'm having problems figuring out what I'm doing wrong with the command drawIcon. It works in singleplayer and the icon shows up on the map, but in multiplayer it doesn't. It's supposed to be displayed on both the GPS-minimap and the regular map screen. Here's the code I've got so far. It's executed on the init of the unit (fredrik) in question. ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { (_this select 0) drawIcon [ "iconManMedic", [0,0,1,1], (getPosWorld fredrik), 0.5 / ctrlMapScale (_this select 0), 0.5 / ctrlMapScale (_this select 0), getDir fredrik, (name fredrik) ]; }]; Any kind of clarification on how to get it to show up on the GPS and in multiplayer would be appreciated! Thanks!
  9. I don't know why they didn't make the "Edit terrain objects" module work in multiplayer. I have a similar problem, I can see destroyed buildings that I've made with the module but everyone else see both the destroyed building and the undamaged one, and they are flickering and occupy the exact same place. Also AI shoot through the undamaged building and kill the client players inside.
  10. Thanks, that helped. I didn't know about lineIntersects before. I tailored your functions to my own needs (It didn't work at first since lineIntersects specifically need ASL pos and buildingPos outputs AGL) Came up with this: _spawnPos = selectRandom ((_building buildingPos -1) select {lineIntersects [AGLToASL _x, (AGLToASL _x) vectorAdd [0,0,10]]}); That works with the building with the highest roof in Altis (the ghost hotel foyer, I think). Though I ended up keeping my original manual solution, since there were a few buildings with positions that were indoors I didn't want to spawn in. However since that is solved we can keep it here for the archives, in case anyone else needs it. Thanks again!
  11. Is it possible to determine which building positions, generated by { _building buildingPos -1; }, is indoors and inside the building? I have had to manually check in all houses I wanted and make an array, but I would like to have it more dynamic and universal than that, no mention that it takes time to go through the different building types.
  12. A script command for manipulating an objects temperature, as in it's visibility on thermal imaging. For example: _object setTemperature 373; // In Kelvin ( about 100 degrees Celsius ) _objectTemperature = temperature _object; // Get the current temperature of the object: 373 (K)
  13. I wasn't aware there were such a thread.. Where would one look for such a thread?
  14. That would be great to have as a command. Something like "object setTemperature 373;". (In Kelvin, of course)
  15. Okay, I can only speak for myself and have had helicopters pick up stuff in many cases, this might help, you can try it in any case: _Pilot setSkill 1; _Pilot setBehaviour "SAFE"; _Pilot disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT"; _Pilot disableAI "CHECKVISIBLE"; I can add that when I first started with the AI slingload, they wouldn't pick up or drop off crates either, but then something clicked and it started working flawlessly, and I don't remember quite what it was I did.