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  1. I don't know much about modules, call me old school, but I prefer scripts to get things done. _this is simply referring to the object when placed in the init. If you want to spawn a supply drop in during the mission, the best way to do it would be to script it in along the lines of: _pos = getMarkerPos "DropPoint"; _supplyDrop = "B_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle (position _pos); _supplyDrop addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"]; _supplyDrop allowdamage false; clearItemCargoGlobal _supplyDrop; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _supplyDrop; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _supplyDrop; clearBackpackCargo _supplyDrop; You can get creative and add elevation to _pos and attach a parachute to _supplyDrop as well. You can even get a Heli to do a fly by to coincide with it.
  2. kahna

    =BTC= Quick revive

    Is this purely a revive script? I like BTC Revive, but it messes up my missions that require me to move the respawn markers around (always uses the original positions). I just want a script that lets me revive people and if Quick Revive fits that bill, I don't mind testing it.
  3. Something's going on with the code, I have the same issue. If you don't mind not being able to use the filters, a quick and dirty work around is to just place all of the vehicles under the same array. I have all of my Cars, Air, etc under VVS_Air personally. Works just fine.
  4. You could always use: _veh enableSimulation false/true to freeze and unfreeze the vehicle, but you wouldn't be able to exit the vehicle, access the inventory or use any of its functions. But if that's what you intend, it could work. I also have a script that I call Vehicle Swatter that, when using a set of linear triggers to define a boundary, removes the fuel from a vehicle, sets velocity to 0,0,0, turns off the engine and then de-spawns the vehicle 5 seconds later once it has come to a complete stop to keep trolls from running over everyone in spawn/protected areas. I'm gonna add some code eventually that would instead get its current direction and make the vehicle do an about face, thereby bouncing it back the way it came, once I figure out how to get it to work properly.
  5. I'm sure someone else has a better idea, but as a short and dirty method you could always have the group allowdamage false to begin with and use a trigger to cover the entire route that the convoy is taking with BLUFOR detected by OPFOR as the Conditions and the On Act would group allowdamage true.
  6. That, or if you're using AI this setFuel 0; or Just box it in with Hesko barriers.
  7. kahna

    Whitelisting Slots

    Here you go! This is what I use for my missions. RESERVED SLOT /* ReservedSlot.sqf by Kahna Initially call this script in the Init.sqf and then include it in whatever script you use to respawn players, otherwise the respawned player will not have the Reserved Slot script applied to it. */ while {true} do { private ["_reserved_units", "_reserved_uids", "_uid"]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player}; waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; // Variable Name of the Player Character to be restricted. // _reserved_units = [Reserved01]; // The player UID is a 17 digit number found in the profile tab. // _reserved_uids = [ "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */ ]; // Stores the connecting player's UID // _uid = getPlayerUID player; if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then { titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"]; disableUserInput true; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 15 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 10 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 5 seconds!"; sleep 5; titleText ["", "BLACK IN"]; disableUserInput false; failMission "end1"; }; };
  8. kahna

    [Request] Whitelist

    Here are two examples for you that I use in my missions. VEHICLE WHITELIST /* VehicleWhitelist.sqf by Kahna The player UID is a 17 digit number found in the profile tab. Initially call this script in the Init.sqf and then include it in whatever script you use to respawn vehicles, otherwise the respawned vehicle will not have the Whitelist script applied to it. You can adapt this for vehicles and ships as well as using vehicle variable names in the restricted array if you desire to allow public players to operate the same type of aircraft that are reserved for players in the UID List (i.e. Wipeout 1 for Public, Wipeout 2 for Members, etc) */ _UIDList = [ "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here*/ ]; // Types of Players allowed to operate aircraft (i.e. PilotCheck). Omit this if you want anyone in the UID List to be able to fly. // _AirRoles = ["B_Helipilot_F"]; // Types of Aircraft to be restricted. // _RestrictAir = ["B_Heli_Attack_01_F"]; while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player}; if (!((getPlayerUID player) in _UIDList) && ((typeof player) in _AirRoles)) then { private "_v"; while {alive player} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player != player}; _v = vehicle player; _t = typeof _v; if (_t in _RestrictAir) then { if (driver _v == player) then { player action ["eject", _v]; waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player == player}; player action ["engineOff", _v]; hint "You are not authorized to operate this aircraft!"; }; }; }; } else { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !alive player}; }; }; RESERVED SLOT /* ReservedSlot.sqf by Kahna Initially call this script in the Init.sqf and then include it in whatever script you use to respawn players, otherwise the respawned player will not have the Reserved Slot script applied to it. */ while {true} do { private ["_reserved_units", "_reserved_uids", "_uid"]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player}; waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; // Variable Name of the Player Character to be restricted. // _reserved_units = [Reserved01]; // The player UID is a 17 digit number found in the profile tab. // _reserved_uids = [ "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */ ]; // Stores the connecting player's UID // _uid = getPlayerUID player; if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then { titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"]; disableUserInput true; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 15 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 10 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 5 seconds!"; sleep 5; titleText ["", "BLACK IN"]; disableUserInput false; failMission "end1"; }; };
  9. Here you go! It's a bit crude, I'm sure someone could script it better, but this demo will get you started on the right track. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t4rrsju5yv70iq8/AAAc9RzaibtnbI44IdtCzIDJa
  10. By default, you've got nothing for respawns (when not using modules). Also, by default, the standard Arma 3 respawn is to have a marker somewhere that is named "respawn_west", "respawn_east", etc for BLUFOR, OPFOR, etc which is automatically recognized by the game that you want players to respawn there at ground level. If you want to get trickier than that, that's when you start using other markers, setPos, getPos/getMarkerPos and use if-thens for different classes in whatever script you're using the handle respawns. Another fun thing to do is the good old checkpoint system where you use triggers to move the respawn point around the map with you Halo style (ie setMarkerPos of your respawn marker to the location of another marker via trigger ON ACT). Good times.
  11. Stop using the in-game module. Never liked that thing anyway... I'm assuming that you want players to spawn/respawn in a specific spot on the deck of the Nimitz correct? If so, just add (modify) this to your respawn script. I plug it into BTC Revive, replacing the default marker that it uses. You can also expand upon this with some if then commands and alternate spawn markers to spawn different classes in different places (I do this to separate the ground pounders from the pilots on respawn). _pos = getMarkerPos "markername"; // The name of your invisible respawn marker player setpos [(_pos select 0) + ((random 5) - (random 5)), (_pos select 1) + ((random 5) - (random 5)), 0]; Where select 0 and 1 are the X and Y coordinates of the marker and the final 0 is the Z coordinate or altitude. Sometimes with markers the 0 value will put you exactly on top of the object, sometimes it wont as is my experience with the Nimitz. The random's are just there so you don't have people respawning on top of one another, change the values as you see fit.
  12. Hi folks. This may or may not be a simple request. A long time ago I worked on a script to animate the Ghost Hawk doors so that the pilot could cycle them open/closed with an addaction that simply animated them ( ex. _ghost animateDoor ['door_L', _state]; ). I'm wondering if anyone can help point me in the right direction when it comes to the camera pod on the Hellcat. I've been looking at its config file, but I'm at a loss. Basically I want to create a simple script that will allow the pilot of the Hellcat to use an addAction to return their camera pod to its default position. After that I'll add in simple additions such as automating it if the copilot is unoccupied, triggered by specific ATL altitude, etc. I'm simply tired of random players leaving the pod pointed backwards during night operations and having to land, swap seats, correct it and swap back to pilot. Any ideas?
  13. kahna

    btc revive disable

    Just look in BTC Revive's INIT where it has all of the settings... Change (line 14 in my version) BTC_disable_respawn = 0; from 0 (false) to 1 (true).
  14. kahna


    That's not how you use addactions though. First you have to tell the action, in this case 'Eject' what to do with itself (what script or action to run) this addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Eject</t>", "Eject.sqf"]; Second, your script just runs through a sequence of commands to do a parachute eject from an aircraft, but where is the script actually being called from initially? Ideally you would have the addaction and the accompanying script called from the vehicle's INIT line in which case you wouldn't need the addaction in the script itself, especially at the end after everything is complete (parachuting through the air) and there is nothing to eject from.
  15. kahna

    Random Spawn

    Could always borrow the ideas behind BTC's Mobile HQ script and modify it a bit. A marker in the center point of your area, X and Y values of your marker plus randomly calculated numbers and a Z value for elevation at the end. Just increase the numbers (25) for longer distances. Just an idea, hope it gets the brain juices flowing. _pos = getMarkerPos "mkr1"; player setPos [(_pos select 0) + ((random 25) - (random 25)), (_pos select 1) + ((random 25) - (random 25)), 0];