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About Eriksendrul

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Eriksendrul

    Removing custom files ?

    Is there any way i can remove custom files from the addon folder without having to do it by "hand" ? since the server i used to go into is now "clean" so i cant use custom files. So anyway to do a reset or something without having to reinstall the game or remove the files by hand ?
  2. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    It worked smoothly since i wrote that comment up until now. Hackers hit the beta patch aswell ---------- Post added at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ---------- Now the 0.54 works again
  3. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    The 0.55 is working , no hacking there
  4. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    iam gonna swtich to 0.55 and see if that works. Ill write here as soon as i know
  5. I can see allot of server that has a red X on them and some red letters saying Required 0.55 Is this another version ? If it is, How do i get it ?
  6. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    They did start yesterday but it lasted for 2-3 minutes and people died once and could respawn. Only the cars/heli/quads were blowing up for around 3 minutes.
  7. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    He could at least hack it so we had 1.000 soldiers on main base instead of making it unplayable xD Damn it we can still enjoy the game even if its screw up at some fnc_mp no normal gamer cares about. What kinda file/config shit is this anyway ?
  8. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Its idiotic that this is even lasting for more then 5 minutes. Things like this should not happen alpha or not.
  9. Eriksendrul

    Steam Social ArmA 3?

    iam pretty sure it will be added, you need to be social to play this game properly. At least be able to find the players in the "Recent games" section.
  10. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Well if they cant keep a couple of hackers out why the hell do they sell games ?
  11. Eriksendrul

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    What is going on ? everyone is dying,everything is exploding and some text appears on the middle of the screen saying the developers have to fix some shit ? What is this ? Look at the picture, Wtf http://i37.tinypic.com/2hquycm.png (321 kB)
  12. I think its a pretty simple task, all i want to do is to add a box full of items we can take ammo/guns/outfits from at the start of the Escape from stratis mission. Not sure if you know about that invade @ annex mission. When you start on that mission you have air supply crate where all your guns/ammo/outfits are in, Is it possible to add that crate to the start of the "Escape from stratis" mission without changing anything else ? I want to be able to use the guns/skins i have downloaded on that mission and edit my gear before i run out in to the field.
  13. I know it should be in the editing forum but that is closed for posting so here is my quick question. I think its a pretty simple task, all i want to do is to add a box full of items we can take ammo/guns/outfits from at the start of the Escape from stratis mission. Not sure if you know about that invade @ annex mission. When you start on that mission you have air supply crate where all your guns/ammo/outfits are in, Is it possible to add that crate to the start of the "Escape from stratis" mission without changing anything else ? I want to be able to use the guns/skins i have downloaded on that mission