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About Xotodazo

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    Private First Class
  1. Xotodazo

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    at first when I saw the satellite images of Tanna, I certainly agreed, but upon looking at pictures of the island, the geography of the Volcano simply does not fit with the screenshots, as does much of the Island. Its geography just doesn't seem to match coastline wise either. It also does not logically fit in with the flashpoint, and as far as its history goes, It simply does not make sense. Unlike Lihir, Tanna was not occupied at any point, nor was it contested during the second World War. This leads me to believe that it can not be Tanna.
  2. Xotodazo

    Arma3 Videos

    New Arma 3 Expansion terrain investigation:
  3. Xotodazo

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Hey guys, I have done a video on the topic, and it includes a lot of what I have read here! I hope you enjoy. PLEASE BE AWARE OF ANY SPOILERS, However I am sure this is already beyond that since you have read this far into the forum! Enjoy! The Zodah. EDIT: I will admit that I am advertising my video indirectly, but I read this topic as it was one of the few on the internet and it was what inspired me to make this video. So take it or leave it, but I voice my opinions in the video and understandings instead of typing it with photo's.
  4. Xotodazo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Its hardly a spoiler, as others have said it doesn't actually tell you anything about the full campaign, if anything it phycs you up for it. As others have also mentioned it is all over the Facbook and twitter pages, and would it be more of a spoiler if i did one from scenes ingame (small snipets) well yes it would. Its just like every other trailer before release, just this one only tells you about the situation in 2035, but this can be found on the biswiki and other places with ease.
  5. Xotodazo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You can see some more interesting facts on the bottom slider here:
  6. Xotodazo

    Arma3 Videos

    ArmA3 "Survive" Trailer-Fan Made
  7. Xotodazo

    Arma3 Videos

    "Survive" - Fan Made Campaign trailer Hope you enjoyed!
  8. Xotodazo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Not saying this because I am an Aussie, but Adelaide provides a really conveniant terrain, Sea, Large city (A few major airports) hilly countryside, a few large damns, And some Barren Altis like fields and a large river. It has a mix of everything, it may not snow but it rains a hell of a lot!
  9. Xotodazo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Have used the OPFOR rifle and the two pistols. They are amazing, the pistol sights are pretty nice, the sound on the BLUEFOR pistol I was dissapointed with. but the Revolver and Marksmans Rifle was thoroughly loved! Good job Bis!
  10. Xotodazo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Anyone know what the new AAF IFV is? or any images of it!
  11. Xotodazo

    Altis Skull Game? - Easter Eggs

    I found another, Ill give you guys a clue! http://i.imgur.com/q3IlVpVh.jpg (108 kB)
  12. Xotodazo

    Arma 3 bete wont download

    Only 10-20 mins Quietstormx1? are you talking about Beta, or the full game. Over here it takes about 5 hours to just download the game.
  13. Just add VAS to Dslyecxi's Paper Doll Gear Menu mission. You can then load your kit and save it to clipboard. See Dslyecxi's Arma 3 "Paper Doll" Gear Selector Thanks heaps mate, I got the mission done, it can be downloaded here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22121 Thanks, Lachlan.
  14. Hello again, I am making a custom mission at the moment, and I made the gear/uniform load-out via VAS, I have known that it seems to save over each server I play on, I was wondering weather these saves contained a list and script for the class-names, so that I can set this as a default for the unit, in this case its AAF Counter-Terrorism Police... Thanks, Lachlan.
  15. I would really like to see several more jets inlcuded into the game, just the L39 and F-35 doesn't really satisfy me being an aviation geek. I would suggest inlcuding the following: At Least (in addition to current AC (ALCA and F35): [OPFOR] PAK-FA IL-476 (or another russian future cargo aircraft) [bLUEFOR] F-22 C-17 Preferably: [OPFOR] SU-30 (Fighter) IL-78 (tanker) AN-140 (Maratime Patrol Aircraft) SU-34 (Fictional Elecotronic Warfare?) AN-140 (Short runway Cargo Aircraft) [bLUEFOR] F/A-18F (Fighter) KC-30 (Tanker) P-8 Poseidon (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) EA-18G Growler (Electronic warfare Aircraft) C-27J Spartan (Short runway Cargo Aircraft) [CIVILIAN] A320 or another Airliner that fits in with the scene. A Cessna/Jabiru or some kind of modern General Aviation Aircraft. A small sized cargo A/C. (Beechcraft size) I know there will be hundreds of mods but they are never the same as when Bohemia does it, Thanks for considering this, These are all the AC I could wish for, no more. But I would love to see at least those top ones.