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  1. Hi there @Larrow, could you explain how to manipulate the "Sector Control"-module's created HUD at the top-right area of the screen, which displays the module's "Designation"-field's input (a single letter), please? _designation = sectorVarName getVariable "designation"; I would like to change the letter via script (initServer.sqf), but it seems to be too advanced for my knowledge. I tried to get infos from the module's function and looked through the config viewer, but can't even say for sure, if I focused on the right stuff there. Thanks a lot! EDIT: It seems to work with the following code: Is it the right way to do, tho? :D sectorVarName setVariable ["Designation","X"] ; [sectorVarName,"BIS_fnc_moduleSector_sector"] call Bis_fnc_objectVar;
  2. Finally I've conquered my cluelessness. Maybe it's not possible to achieve it from within the function itself, but probably I'm just too stupid ^^ So it's done in the same script, where the function gets called: [] spawn { nul = ["t1","spawnMrk",[ [[1896.26,5750.96,0.00143862],107.79,"MM","INF2","NO"] ]] call fnc_spawnPopUp; nul = ["t2","spawnMrk",[ [[1895.26,5747.83,0.00145149],108.039,"RM","INF2","NO"] ]] call fnc_spawnPopUp; nul = ["t3","spawnMrk",[ [[1897.43,5754.45,0.00144434],108.174,"LM","INF2","NO"] ]] call fnc_spawnPopUp; nul = ["t4","spawnMrk",[ [[1898.59,5757.97,0.00143862],108.174,"S","INF2","NO"] ]] call fnc_spawnPopUp; t1 addEventHandler ["HitPart",{t1 spawn {sleep 0.01; t1 setVariable ["BIS_poppingEnabled",false, true]; sleep 0.01; t1 animate ["terc",1];};}]; t2 addEventHandler ["HitPart",{t2 spawn {sleep 0.01; t2 setVariable ["BIS_poppingEnabled",false, true]; sleep 0.01; t2 animate ["terc",1];};}]; t3 addEventHandler ["HitPart",{t3 spawn {sleep 0.01; t3 setVariable ["BIS_poppingEnabled",false, true]; sleep 0.01; t3 animate ["terc",1];};}]; }; Good night. :)
  3. Hello again, so I decided to not use the interactive targets, since the provided informations are quite useless in my opinion and now I just go with the "standard" ones (static and moving), but unfortunately the eventHandler solution for nopop seems not to work with them? I've made a function and everything looks like it's working, but I can't get the last part to work, I've googled and tried a couple ways, without success. Any help would be highly appreciated :) Kind regards. Edit: Using just noPop = true; in init.sqf will work for the static target "TargetP_Inf_F". Using BIS PopUpTarget.sqf gives the possibility to make them popup again. Still the moving targets aren't influenced by that, unfortunately. This is what I've changed so far: if (_popUp isEqualTo "YES") then { if (_type isEqualTo "TargetP_Inf_F") then { _obj addEventHandler ["HitPart", "[(_this select 0)] execVM 'PopUpTarget.sqf';"]; _obj setVariable ["_nopop", false, true]; } else { //code for moving targets }; } else { if !(_type isEqualTo "TargetP_Inf_F") then { //code for moving targets }; }; The following commands do work (e.g. in the console) for "Target_Swivel_01_ground_F" etc. but I can't get them to work within the function/eventHandlers. t1 animate ["Terc",1,true]; t1 setVariable ["BIS_poppingEnabled", false]; // prevents pop-down after bullet hits t1 setVariable ["BIS_isPopping", true]; // prevents left-right swinging +(all other possible animations(?) including popdown)
  4. The handling is so great, plain awesome! Just wanted to say thanks again for this master piece Silola! Also outstanding support here and with your website and I'm looking forward for the update! One tiny thing; maybe give the changing cursor hints for shortcuts half a second more to get read :D Also +1 on the 2-or-more can build together on a dedicated server (and save the project) idea. That would be mind blowing if possible :P (I know it's a terrainbuilder tool in the first place :P ) Does this mean to host a session and let the friend/s join on one's computer? Best wishes for the new year Silola and the rest of you of course and droelf medals for your passionate detailed work :)
  5. killshot

    Save Zeus Map?

    The scripts posted in this thread work great for singleplayer/editor, but is it somehow possible to make them work on a dedicated server, so that 2 or more players can build something and one of them can copy the work to his clipboard?
  6. Having this in initPlayerLocal worked. But I have problems to get it to work in the actual script like you said, but nevermind, I will go with the eventHandler-solution, it seems to work great. Thanks again. :)
  7. Thanks for your response. I actually used your idea from a script of you (popup.sqf). [t1] call fnc_noPop; Would the eventHandler solution be the better one? There will be round about 25 targets get spawned.
  8. Hello everybody, I would like to spawn in BIS Interactive Targets "TargetBootcampHuman_F" via script, but without their default settings. (Using Zeus you get a few options to change settings for the object) I managed to change the texture, but failed to make the targets not popup again. This is what I have so far: I guess the solution is somewhere in BIS_fnc_target (?) Maybe someone of you can help :) Kind regards.
  9. killshot

    Little function issue

    Oh yes, you are right, I changed from if else to two ifs here in the forum version. Thank's I corrected it in the first post.
  10. killshot

    Little function issue

    Thank you both for your responses. I can't believe I was too lazy to press shift-key all these hours, it's working now, thank you f2k sel. :bounce3:
  11. Hello people, could someone help me with this small function, please? I want to have the possibility to give an argument to choose between "ACE_Wheel" and "ACE_Track". [player,"track"] call fnc_grabSparePart or [player,"wheel"] call fnc_grabSparePart fnc_grabSparePart = { private ["_caller","_sparePart","_choice"]; _caller = _this select 0; _sparePart = _this select 1; if (_sparePart isEqualTo "Track") then {_sparePart = "ACE_Track"}; if (_sparePart isEqualTo "Wheel") then {_sparePart = "ACE_Wheel"}; _choice = _sparePart createVehicle (position _caller); [_caller,_choice] call ace_dragging_fnc_startCarry; }; Spend a couple hours without success. Kind regards.
  12. killshot

    Arma 3 wont start in native resolution

    I started Arma about 30 times since then, no problems after drivers update. I start with Arma3-Sync, my graphic card is GTX570. Hope you guys get it fixed for you.
  13. killshot

    Arma 3 wont start in native resolution

    After installing the newest Nvidia drivers and restart of computer it's good for me again.
  14. killshot

    Arma 3 wont start in native resolution

    Since update today I experience the same problem, never had this before. Resolution is on 640*480 at game start... restart "fixes" it (sometimes).
  15. Hello everybody! When playing with MBG Killhouses (by Mondkalb) and you breach/destroy a door or penetration point (white x), you are not able to walk through it. That's because the animationPhase will stay at 0, making it an insivible wall. So I use an "handleDamage"-eventHandler to call a (poor ^^) function to set animationPhase to 1 after breaching damage is given (>0.7). But this does only work for the doors so far and not for the penetration points, because they are not animated(?) This is what I got now: fnc_fixMBGKillhousesBreaching = { _target = _this select 0; _damage = 0.7; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit1") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit1",1]; _target animate ["door1",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit2") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit2",1]; _target animate ["door2",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit3") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit3",1]; _target animate ["door3",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit4") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit4",1]; _target animate ["door4",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit5") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit5",1]; _target animate ["door5",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit6") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit6",1]; _target animate ["door6",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit7") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit7",1]; _target animate ["door7",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit8") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit8",1]; _target animate ["door8",1];}; if ((_target getHitPointDamage "hit9") >= _damage) then {_target setHitPointDamage ["hit9",1]; _target animate ["hit9",1];}; }; "hit9" is "breachSegment_1" and the last line of code isn't working this way to fix the "invisible wall". I tried also setHit on it. This is only for object "MBG_Killhouse_2_InEditor" (Killhouse, Medium) - 8 doors and 1 penetration point. This is the config part of (only) this building: Maybe someone can give the solution for the penetration point problem? Also I guess it would be better to have a function, that is more complex, counts by itself and so includes all killhouses at once? I saw this post by Heeeere's johnny! and I think it's quite close to a solution for this problem, too? So I tried to use it and of course due to my lack of skill failed to succeed: _fnc_fixMBGKillhousesBreaching = { _target = _this select 0; _damage = 0.7; _houseType = typeOf _target; _animationSources = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _houseType >> "AnimationSources"; _sourceCount = count _animationSources; for "_i" from 0 to _sourceCount - 1 do { if ((_target getHitPointDamage (_sourceName = configName (_animationSources select _i))) >= _damage) then {_target animate [_sourceName, 1];}; }; }; Would be cool if you could help to make the code work! And maybe it's even possible to filter the AnimationSources to doors and breachsegments only? Because for example _sourceCount for this building results in 17, but only 8+1 (doors+breachsegment) are needed? But I don't know if that's even relevant ^^ Thank you for reading and sorry for the long post. Kind regards.