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About gutiarhero814

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  1. I have played with COIN on Kujari. When requesting Air Lift I get all the radio command hints and the LZ is marked with purple smoke. I also see the helicopter get spawned in on the map. But it never makes it to the LZ.
  2. Ive made sure to start the redi server launched the app and i go to load the demo mission in the editor (only launched cba, redis,wings) and my arma just crashes to desktop) any thoughts?
  3. The 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) is an ArmA III milsim unit that attempts to accurately portray the values and tenets of the U.S. Army 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), otherwise known as 3SFGA. The 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) is a group comprised of current/former military personnel and avid aficionados of military simulation. Starting from pre-op planning through execution to post-mission debrief, we are a group of serious gamers that like to enjoy the camaraderie of a smaller scale unit. 3SFGA is was founded in 2018 and is designed for people who want to do more in ArmA than the typical “special forces” missions encountered in ArmA. We strive to play the game in a way that personifies the true mission set of the U.S. Special Forces: guerilla and unconventional warfare, counter terrorism, hostage rescue, special reconnaissance, and direct action. All of our missions and operations are fluidic and built around a storyline that can change depending on mission outcome. 3SFGA is looking for dedicated, driven members who want to do more with less, and are willing to improve their skills and gameplay. Our members constantly strive to better themselves, others, and the unit as a whole. Joining 3SFG means becoming part of something that you will help shape as you grow in the unit. Given the size and scope of our operations, we do have a selective recruiting policy but the standards for recruitment and acceptance are attainable. Our entry training will teach even the newest player to ArmA III the minimums required to pass selection. After that, the follow-on Operator Training Courses will teach candidates everything else they need to become effective operators within our unit. We strive for those missions where the training we do pays off, and we are successful in the mission, no matter the odds. We train to fight, and we fight to win. Do you think you have what it takes? Our basic requirements are as follows: Minimum age of 17 years old. Own a functioning microphone, have TeamSpeak 3, and the ability to install TS3 Plugins Own a legal copy of ArmA III and the Apex DLC Be able to Speak/Read/Write English at a functioning level No current or pending memberships with another ArmA III Milsim/Realism unit Be able to attend weekly operations at 1900EST on Sundays If any of the preceding information sounds like the style of gameplay you wish to achieve, feel free to submit an application on our website. Website - www.3rdsfg.us Teamspeak 3 - teamspeak.3rdsfg.us
  4. So I have created this script and have lanes of twelve targets down. I have the script to pop up 20 random targets but only will pop as many targets as I have laid down on the map. Perhaps can look at this and give me some insight why. Thanks // Prepping the arrays to hold the sorted targets TargetsLane1 = []; TargetsLane2 = []; TargetsLane3 = []; TargetsLane4 = []; TargetsLane5 = []; TargetsLane6 = []; // This function checks all the targets and sorts them based on catagories and stores them in arrays. { _x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this call third_Func_Target_Hit}]; _x animate ['terc', 1]; _Ln1 = [lane1trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; _Ln2 = [lane2trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; _Ln3 = [lane3trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; _Ln4 = [lane4trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; _Ln5 = [lane5trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; _Ln6 = [lane6trigger,getPosAtl _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; if (_Ln1) then {TargetsLane1 set [count TargetsLane1, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];}; if (_Ln2) then {TargetsLane2 set [count TargetsLane2, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];}; if (_Ln3) then {TargetsLane3 set [count TargetsLane3, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];}; if (_Ln4) then {TargetsLane4 set [count TargetsLane4, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];}; if (_Ln5) then {TargetsLane5 set [count TargetsLane5, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];}; if (_Ln6) then {TargetsLane6 set [count TargetsLane6, _x];_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this spawn third_Func_No_Pop;}];}; } forEach _targetList; // Unknow distance functions thirdUnkDistMasterArray = [TargetsLane1,TargetsLane2,TargetsLane3,TargetsLane4,TargetsLane5,TargetsLane6]; Third_Func_PronSup = { // 20 targets but must start with 0. // this will keep track of whats been poped. _ProneSupMasterCount = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13]; _meu_Func_get_rand_targets = { //Pick 1 random targets _target1 = _ProneSupMasterCount call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //remove them so we dont select them again //_uknTargetMasterCount = _uknTargetMasterCount - [_target1]; _list = [_target1]; _list }; // First Target hint "Target 1!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Second Target hint "Target 2!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Third Target hint "Target 3!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Fourth Target hint "Target 4!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Fifth Target hint "Target 5!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Sixth Target hint "Target 6!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Seventh Target hint "Target 7!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Eigth Target hint "Target 8!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Ninth Target hint "Target 9!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Tenth Target hint "Target 10!"; _targetsList = [] call _third_Func_get_rand_targets; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 0]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; sleep 6; { _laneNum = _x; { (_laneNum select _x) animate ['terc', 1]; } forEach _targetsList; } forEach thirdUnkDistMasterArray; // Tenth Target _showNote =[["ThirdKneelingProne",[]],"BIS_fnc_showNotification",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; I've only included 10 targets in the script but if I have 20 or 15 or any more than a number of targets in the triggers (which is 12) it will only pop up that amount. Any help on this would be helpful. Thanks
  5. I have found a couple things on displaying the time, looking to try and modify this for multiplayer use. Wanting to start the clock, and freeze it to record the time and being displayed globally for all to see. have come across this as a base _seconds = 0; _secondsTemp = 0; _minutes = 0; _hours = 0; while {true} do { _timer = [] spawn { uiSleep 1; //uiSleep uses system time rather than in-game timekeeping (which is tied to framerate) and is therefore more accurate }; _seconds = _seconds + 1; _hours = floor (_seconds / 3600); _minutes = floor((_seconds - (_hours * 3600)) / 60); _secondsTemp = floor (_seconds - (_hours * 3600) - (_minutes * 60)); if (_hours < 10) then { _hours = "0" + (str _hours); }; if (_minutes < 10) then { _minutes = "0" + (str _minutes); }; if (_secondsTemp < 10) then { _secondsTemp = "0" + (str _secondsTemp); }; waitUntil {scriptDone _timer}; //all math should be done before before the script has finished, //this prevents the CPU from simply sitting idle and then wasting time number crunching when it should be displaying information hint format ["%1:%2:%3", _hours, _minutes, _secondsTemp]; //after script is finished then the proper amount of time has passed, display the info };
  6. gutiarhero814

    OHally's T-10 Parachutes

    Did this new version get released ?
  7. gutiarhero814

    AGM Spotter App: WIP

    launch arma in full screen window
  8. gutiarhero814

    AGM Spotter App: WIP

    get a second monitor
  9. How would you change the light color to green via an add action when your the pilot flying for a halo jump
  10. gutiarhero814

    Moss Targets

    Ive also had the glitch when I add another player it says to sync all objects to logic and then all the targets and all functionality of the mission is gone
  11. gutiarhero814

    Moss Targets

    Yes, I tried to load a loadout with arsenal and the two front targets go black.
  12. gutiarhero814

    Moss Targets

    Have a bug when putting down a BIS Aresnal box, the two targets on the front of the range go black, and do not show my target score up close.