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Everything posted by McSpeed

  1. McSpeed

    WarFX : Blastcore

    whatever happened to that awesome A-10 sound you showcased on youtube? will that see a release at some stage? pleeeease say yes :D
  2. why not just use waypoints? set AI troups with WP's move > move > getin> getout > move > move and a chopper with waypoints move > move > load > move> unload synch the green waypoints with each other and the blue ones with each other, set the chopper to PLAYER and off you go.
  3. oh hey, thanks for that. completely missed that one. but since i never had any issues i never had to look it up :) will update my launcher now. :ok:
  4. uhm, if he has A2 and OA adding up to Combined Ops wouldnt the @CBA be the only one he needs? i thought the other 2 are for either one or the other.. for my part i only run @cba and i never have any issues with combined ops
  5. McSpeed

    How Many Hours?

    started tracking about 3 months ago :/ if anybody has seen my life please pm it back to me...
  6. We are proud to announce the release of our first mission - ArmaFans Fallujah Domination 2.61 Beta This version is designed for Combined Ops / Reinforcements COOP VANILLA ONLY!!! Not Tested in any other game mode (probably wont work) This mission includes a lot of tweaks compared to a standard DOMI: - Increased OPFOR Spawns around Main Targets, Side Missions and increased Patrols. - F.O.B. at north of Town with teleport from/to main base for easy deployment into action. (Thanks to Reddogg1) - F.O.B. contains A.I. Recruit / Mobile H.Q. / Tanks / Choppers and wheeled transport. All Players, regardless of role, can call Airdrops or Artillery and set FARPs and MASH tents to enhance the pace of the game (thanks to Reddogg1) Bonus aircraft will spawn in Hangars at Airfield. APC's carry Satchel Charges and Laser Designator. =BTC= Custom Loadout Pad included on Airfield. A-10 custom Layout includes: Mk82 Bombs and Hellfires AH64 Layout includes Sidewinders and Laser Designator instead of Canon. A-10s, UH-1s, most Little Birds, APCs, M1A1s and HMMVs will respawn after a while while the rest of vehicles will have to be recovered. A10 Desert Camo re - textures compliments of Nukerat. Slot CAS1 (Pilot1) is admin slot - 20 secs to enter server admin pass before kick. ----------------------------------------------------- Known Issues: - Main Targets will at times appear in already conquered zones, in this case the makers may not be displayed or be displayed incorrectly. Tower and Bunkers should show on map though. - This is due to the limited ammount of City Names on the map. - Destroyed Buildings and Trees will appear intact to JIP players. This is a Problem with the Fallujah Map. - Side Missions will have incorrect descriptions (these are somewhere in the scripts and refer to takistan locations) - Side Mission "Oil Pump" will appear and solve itself right away. - Cause unknown - Some side missions say "eliminate" in description and will Fail - Cause may be due to incorrect description. - Addon CO-SLX wounds.pbo will cause stuck in spectator mode after respawn/revive. ----------------------------------------------------- Addons required: - Arma2 - Arma Combined Ops - Fallujah v1.2.... duh :) Thanks to Xeno for releasing such an awesome mission and not giving up on it :) Thanks also to reddogg1 for helping out with some scripts and testing. and thanks to the-oldboys folks for testing this mission night after night. I'm sure they are fed up with Fallujah for a while. Last but not least thanks to Bohemia for this great sandbox of a game and for providnig this forum to the community. ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can find this mission under this link: http://armafans.com/files/ArmaFans_Fallujah_Domination.rar
  7. hmm :( ok well, thanks xeno. guess i'll spend the day cleaning up my base then :)
  8. hehe i was going to do that today, no kidding. I dont see why it should cause issues, It does automatically resize groups to stay under the 144 limit and has its own zones. dom generates units in a similar fashion though i am not sure if it has the group size balance function too. Ill let you know tomorrow how the DAC works. One thing i would recommend though is to set a manual trigger for it, like radio , to make sure it spawns units after dom has set the first main target.
  9. uhm Xeno, one question about side mission 46, the silos. Unlike the petrol station mission (sm_24) this one doesnt seem to create a building. How does the mission select and check building for status? Did you do it via map ID number? If so, is there a way to actually "Fail" this mission? Else it just sticks at that point and thats that. edit: nvm :) placed the marker right on top of a tank and *BOOM* mission accomplished :D
  10. I think what he means is a side wont be created *while* the main target is being set up. With the 2.6 version you can move the locations for side and main targets freely around the map by moving the markers in the editor. I am now in the process of doing this on Fallujah. But ... wow there are a lot .. i mean A LOT of side missions and its difficult to see which marker corresponds to which mission since they only carry numbers. sooo at the moment i am playing every single side mission and i am making a list, hopefully doing them in order will give me the correct numbers. Then i should be able to actually know where to place the convoy start - end for example. --- While i am here, I noticed the buildings on fallujah dont stay destroyed / are not destroyed for JIP players. Is this a problem with the map or is there a way i could fix that script wise? I am loving this new "Modular" Domination. Great job Xeno :D
  11. i too had a lot of questions modding the dom and found all the help i needed in this tread. Take your time and read through it, a lot of pages - a lot of information.
  12. i mentioned it a few times now.. i wonder if you cannot see my replies... open the pbo in eliteness and then in eliteness open the mission sqm, you will see a wall of text on the right hand side. copy that and paste that into your actual mission.sqm , replacing the initial text. done.
  13. This might get me an infraction since i added this question to an old thread but i dont know if people read through old threads at all. And this has been wrecking my head for over a month now. So, if this is breaking the rules i do apologise , but my scripting knowledge is limited and google isnt much help either. I have a bargate which i want to open for pilots and stay locked for all other units. I did get it working perfectly in single player / editor preview but have no success in MP. The reason i am not simply grouping the units with the gate is because players can leave the group. here is what i have: my bar gate: gate2 init field: this animate ["Bargate", 1]; gate=this execVM "gate.sqf"; this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; (gate sqf keeps the gate locked and prevents others from opening it via action menu) lock = true; while {lock} do { gate2 animate ["Bargate",1]; sleep 0.01; }; now i placed 2 triggers: - to open the gate for pilots: activation: Blufor / repeatedly / present / timeout type: none condition: Pilot1 in thislist or Pilot2 in thislist or Pilot3 in thislist or Pilot4 in thislist on act: gate2 animate ["Bargate", 0] on deact: gate2 animate ["Bargate", 1] - to exclude pilots from the gate.sqf lock activation: Blufor / repeatedly / present / timeout type: none condition: Pilot1 in thislist or Pilot2 in thislist or Pilot3 in thislist or Pilot4 in thislist on act: lock= false OK, as i said, in single player this works like a charm. I walk up to it with a pilot and it opens up. I try it with any other unit and it stays locked. what am i missing to apply this to MP?
  14. yay it now works just as it should \o/ thanks to you guys and mousetrap.:) he understood what you were talking adout ( i didnt get that the public variable line was meant literally :) ) So he implemented it for me and now , looking at it, it does indeed make perfect sense. When it comes to code its like i have a peas for brains sometimes :) thanks to you all. to sum this one up: place a gate, name it gate2 (in this case, else replace a the following "gate2" entries with whatever name you chose) enter in the gates init: gate2 animate ["Bargate", 1]; this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; set the trigger and fill out like so: (ignore the sold1 playmove line, it refers to a guard next to the gate) thats it :) problem solved. thanks again to all who helped.
  15. now it makes sense , of course. the difference between a definition and a comparison . thank you :)
  16. ok just to make sure i actually understand what it is i am doing here :) on Act: [color="#FF0000"]varlockg1=0;[/color] on Dea:[color="#FF0000"] varlockg1=1;[/color] those lines call for an action as defined in the script, correct? the action is defined here? (in the first line of the script) [color="#FF0000"]varlockg1=1;[/color] trying to understand so ill translate it into english: while{true}do{ if((gate1 animationPhase "Bargate" [color="#FF0000"]< 1[/color]) && (varlockg1==1))[color="#0000CD"]then{gate1 animate ["Bargate",1]};[/color] sleep 0.1; }; while the defined state is active (true) close the gate provided that the gate is already closed AND the action is being called am i getting this right? what i definately dont understand are these 2 things: and oh and why there are 2 "==" instead of just one. sorry for being so difficult now, but if i dont actually understand what i am doing i will never learn :)
  17. hmm that would be too easy but it doesnt work unfortunately. That was one of the first things i tried. The gatelock script i am using lock = true; while {lock} do { gate2 animate ["Bargate",1]; sleep 0.01; }; does work... once. as soon as a pilot opens the gate the lock is broken, i tried to re-initiate it by adding execvm "gate.sqf" to the deactivation line, but no joy. the script Pelham has posted there seems more complex than the one i am using, but since i dont understand what he means in that last paragraph (public variables) i cant apply and test this one yet.
  18. i really appreciate the help you guys are providing here :) But when you start throwing this kind of lingo around you are loosing me "change these to publicVariables by adding this after every variable change" Did i mention i have no programming background at all? :) hehe, i was really proud of myself when i understood certain things about scripting from reading the DAC pdf guide, which i think btw was excellently written so even a complete newb at this could make sense of it. I tried to read up on what a "Boolean" is, for example, but the explanation on the wiki had me more stumped than the term itself. For now i got the trigger to work on its own, and disabled the "manual gate open" by burying half the gate inside barriers, leaving enough space to walk through. Of course, the very first public player to join managed to break it by placing a MASH inside the trigger area. It took a few minutes for the trigger to work again. Even with an empty trigger area it seems to be somewhat temperamental. sometimes i can see the gate wants to open but then changes its mind and slams shut again. Its strange that something so seemingly simple turns out to be oh so complex :) but then, this is the ARMA universe, hehe ...
  19. ok it works :D woot! thanks guys so i set that trigger on the outside and another one (triggered by anybody) on the inside to prevent ppl from getting trapped in case someone manages to follow a pilot in. but, yes, as mousetrap said, being able to keep it locked would be nice, the lock gate.sqf i am using seems to get broken when a pilot AND a non-pilot are in the trigger area. but this is the closest i have been to what i want in a month. who said "forums are useless" ? :D thanks again. btw you may ask why i want to be such a control freak? :) well, its one thing to have the "only pilots can fly" option, but that doesnt prevent people from getting in and trying to fly... and since the first 7 choppers turn on but kick non-pilots out one of the other 10 may just work... having all choppers kick up dust at base does hit the frame rate somewhat i noticed. ___________________________ bleh, edit... it seems to work only sporadically...
  20. uh no dont get me wrong :) i just dont know how to implement it../ maybe it was just the mp editor preview. i'll check it on the normal dedi now. took me a while to wake up :) will report back
  21. wow thank you guys :) i am still trying to understand this script things. so am i getting this right that _x means player? and what does the count allunits >0 at the end do? ill be sure to test this out as soon as i had my first cup of coffee! Will report back asap. .... i dont know.. i tried it just the way you said. my gate is placed by hand, no script referring to it: and the trigger i edited just like you said: and i made sure to use the right kind of units: but i can do what i want.. no luck. The gate wont open.
  22. apart from what i have explained in the first post i have no further code. i am trying to add this to a domination mission. i have been following this thread with great interest as it seems to be starting to head into the direction i need :)
  23. i'd love to do it via script, sure. but i wouldnt even know where to start with that. best i can do is look at existing scripts and try to edit them / apply them to what i want. My limited knowledge doesnt allow me to create a script from scratch unfortunately.... :banghead:
  24. you can easily adjust most of these things by digging around in the files a bit, enemy type, amount, frequency and skill can all be adjusted. same goes for patrols. i look at Domination as an awesome template for great MP gaming. The replay value of it is great and Xeno has , with its latest versions, made it very easily editable and customisable. just have a read through the i_server file. There you can adjust all kind of things. (just be sure to make a backup as you can break things too)