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About Raxlly_CZ

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Hi guys, I have problem running this mission. Whenever I try to run it I get an error message: "This mission cannot be played/edited it depends on content that cannot be downloaded (was deleted) .moach_hw_basics" (translated from czech) I have steam version of TOH.... any ideas?
  2. Raxlly_CZ

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Hi guys I don't have any troubles launching AÄŒR as many of you here my problem is that Jedra: sry for that
  3. Raxlly_CZ

    Crash to desktop.

    Well I don't know if I have same problem as you guys, but here it is: From time to time when I'm playing, the game freeze them screen goes black and then game is running again but the only thing I can see is my desktop and cursor from TOH, I can hear the game running and usualy I hear sound of crashing heli :). I wasn't paying attention to this because it was happening twice a week top, but now.... three times in a single hour!
  4. Raxlly_CZ

    Take On: Hinds!

    Thank you
  5. Raxlly_CZ

    Take On: Hinds!

    @hon0: I'm not getting what is that Track IR bug all about... can you explain it little more for me please? thx
  6. Raxlly_CZ

    Steam version of Hind DLC

    @Dwarden no minimálnÄ› to, co mi vyskoÄilo (po vypnutí hry) ve stÅ™edu mÄ› po kliknutí na "podrobnosti" pÅ™esmÄ›rovalo na domovskou stránku steamstore... teda chvíli se to snažilo naÄíst stránku položky v obchodÄ› "http://store.steampowered.com/app/ Äíslo nevím, ale pak se to pÅ™esmÄ›rovalo.
  7. Raxlly_CZ

    Steam version of Hind DLC

    Aha tak to by mě fakt nenapadlo. xD Protože ráno mi vylezlo okno s novinkama a ani to nefachalo.
  8. Raxlly_CZ

    Steam version of Hind DLC

    Are you sure about it? Because it seems to me that it is still not avaible everytime I click on Hinds DLC in my wishlist it redirects me to steam store homepage.
  9. Raxlly_CZ

    Take On: Hinds!

    I hope that there will also be the 221st Attack Helicopter Squadron camouflage of the Czech Air Force:war:
  10. This is how NOT to fly the C-130... I guess i should gain some altitude before trying to make a loop ´=) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/649876689838913879/606FE522DE66CD9D2297A0836DBABA2D12D7BEA4/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/649876689838914951/E5E25C8C41E2FB986BCC98B5A5EDD01174FC5FD3/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/649876689838915750/9D325236FA6A5F1054EA4E667BB5239439E31C81/
  11. F.L.Y. 5 have a vertical axis of rotation too (i'm using it instead of pedals) but i guess it will be a little uncomfortable to have an arm turned to the left/right all the time... do you think i could use pedals from my steering wheel (Saitek R440) ?
  12. I have the Saitek Cyborg F.L.Y. 5 and I use it with predefined scheme for "Saitek Cyborg USB stick" (hope this it what you want to know cause I'm :pet2::cool:)
  13. Awesome flying hon0... i think with the police skin it will have a little extra juice (it will be perfect):rolleyes: btw: I'm not getting how anyone can fly on the expert difficulty. I tried it once and I was... yeah I was "flying" if spinning around on square kilometer like a jerk could be called flying:D
  14. Oh it's fine now:eek: looks like it was steam problem.