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About bondematt

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    Private First Class
  1. Is there anyway to make "filter out for current project" permanent? If I change anything in the script the warnings/errors that were filtered out come back. Currently it warns me about every function "Public variable 'XYZ' may be used before being assigned a value". I'm using "call compileFinal preprocessFile" on the SQF files, so the error doesn't apply in my situation. It also warns about CBA functions, which I believe are preprocessed the same way. Other than that this has been fantastic. Using version 1.08.
  2. bondematt

    No recharging while disconnected?

    Only ways to charge is to sit idle as that rover, or drive another rover on the same map. However: Rovers do not currently need a charge to operate, they will drive along and do their tasks fine at 0 power. I assume this is going to be the case until the recharging system is fixed.
  3. bondematt

    Take On Mars Pre-Order now available

    Also make sure you have a store account, which can use a separate password from you BI profile account. You need to go under your BIProfile account page to add a store password, or at least that's what I had to do.
  4. Yup, that was it. Thanks for the quick response! Edit: Got the error I am getting from executing the arma.sql script. I don't know SQL so I don't know what syntax is broken here. 0 02:02:27 CREATE DEFINER = 'arma'@'localhost' PROCEDURE `CountLandVehicleIDsByMission`(IN tmid INTEGER(11)) NOT DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT '' BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM landvehicles WHERE mid=tmid Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 7
  5. Having an issue getting Arma2Net to even run it seems. I don't really see why so I'll just post the server logs. Used the provided startup options for CBA as well, but have tried with just the main CBA folder. Installed everything as per the readme in the OP. I have no arma2net log and no log folder in my arma2oa directory, so clearly I've missed something. @arma2NET contains all of the 1.13 version and the arma2NetMySql plugin as well. It is in the arma2oa directory under steam. with all CBA activated http://pastebin.com/yY5zrsk8 with just CBA activated http://pastebin.com/QMDL7gLF MySql server is setup and I imported the arma.sql, but it threw and error. I'll look into that later as the process isn't even to the point of trying to connect and I didn't note the error.
  6. Not sure what you are trying to do, but would using a radio trigger work for this? The keys would be 0-0-1 or whatever radio "channel" you set it to. Make a trigger, set activation: Radio Alpha(or any of the radio channels). condition: this In the on activation: [] exec "whatever.sqs".
  7. Awesome, thank you Pulverizer!
  8. I have a script that runs when the playable AI is killed, and it should be rearming him, setting his waypoint to hold at spawn, and restarting another script to start his 'mission' again. The script is fired by "this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "AIRespawnRearm.sqs"}]" in the units init line. It fires fine, and sends his current object info to the script, but not his name I give him in the editor, in this case 'E2'. Infact 'this' always seems to send his group and object info or something. When the script is run it grabs '_this select 0' which should be his object info, and it seems correct when I have it sent to sidechat, but it hangs at '@ alive _unit' and never continues. Nothing that references _unit seems to work, and the only conclusion I can draw is his object info changes when he respawns. I couldn't find anything in the first couple pages using the search, and there has got to be a way to work around this or I'm missing something going on here. The script that is called by "this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "AIRespawnRearm.sqs"}]" ; AIRespawnRearm.sqs ; Handles the rearming of the AI at spawn and clears mission _unit = _this select 0 _unit removealleventhandlers "Killed" ; remove weapon and replace @ alive _unit removeAllWeapons _unit {_unit addMagazine "KozliceBall"}forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6];{_unit addMagazine "KozliceShell"}forEach [1,2,3,4];_unit addWeapon "Kozlice"; ; Keep AI at spawn point until ordered again #east ?(side _unit == west): goto "west" _unit move getMarkerPos "Respawn_East" #west _unit move getMarkerPos "Respawn_West" ; restart AIcontrol script restart = true ; call this script to run again on death _unit addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "AIRespawnRearm.sqs"}] So basically he spawns with an AK or M16 and continues whatever he was doing if he had an objective.
  9. Awesome, thank you Norrin! Any clue onto why they hate the ropes, or what can be done? Every once and a while they still try and destroy it with rockets/grenades.
  10. It may be doing something that I'm not seeing if you place it on yourself, I would place it on an object/solider that won't be in the chopper. I'll try it out in a bit. Edit: Sadly I can't recreate this. When it lands at base does it do the normal fueling of the chopper and then gives you the "set fast rope destination"? Does it ever take off on it's own again, or do you have to command it?
  11. @ Norrin the problem comes from this line in FR_Destination [_heli, 0, 25, "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\rtb.sqf"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf"; Which when called does not set up the functions unless they are set beforehand by something else calling to NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf. Which I could do, but I don't think it hurts anything to call it everytime either other than a little system resources. To get it to work I need to change that line to [_heli, 0, 25, "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\rtb.sqf"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf"; Without the functions being set up the process halts in deploy_fastropes_AI.sqf as [_heli] spawn NORRN_FR_DR; is not defined. Could also do something like throw the functions into compileFunctions.sqf Also if it is working for you something must be creating those functions, the only place I see them is NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf so something must be running it? @tpw Yeah, that's the problem I had to. For a quick fix have a chopper run nul = [this, 0] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf" to create the functions. Actually you could probably run that on anything unnecessary, but definetaly not on the chopper you wish to use as a taxi.
  12. Thank you! This works perfect with one tweak, assuming I'm calling the taxi the right way. Under FR_destination it was calling directly to "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf"; instead of "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf"; Without this the functions were not being set up. I'm calling the taxi script using nul = [this] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf"; in the init line of the chopper. The instructions seem to skip over how to initiate the taxi. Awesome addons Norrin, just noticed you wrote the revive script I've been using too. Makes mission making a breeze when I can just throw your automation into it. [edit] hmm, I think the greater beyond ate my first reply. I noticed I need to change FR_destination to call to "NORRN_fastrope_init.sqf" instead of "fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf" otherwise the functions never get set up. other than that this is working beautifully. Thank you! Your addons make mission making a world easier, currently making a Guerilla Warfare-like mission for multiplayer that includes your revive script as well as DAC. It's been a painful experience, especially with figuring out how to work locality properly, but just being able to drop on the addon and add/change a few lines to work with what I need makes this a world easier! Edit: The AI also hates the ropes on the ground. Helo shoots at them and infantry keep calling out that they are throwing nades but they never do. I don't see any reason why they are doing this, as they are clearly created as an empty vehicle.
  13. Ok, so the issue here was FR_Destination never calls to NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf. There are a few other problems that occurred with the script as well, such as only working once(the helo doesn't wait due to a leftover variable from last cycle, and taking a long time to get through everything.
  14. So I've been working on fixing the taxi portion of this script, almost all of it was changing the spawn to execVM and the correct path to it. It now drops off correctly once, but then it's a crap-shoot the second time around where sometimes it will deploy ropes and other times it won't. On the second time even if it does deploy ropes it flies away while you/team are descending.