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About thrawn

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. From what I've seen so far in the beta. it is well worth the $50. I have paid $60 for games that are far inferior(call of duty:modern warfare comes to mind if you're not big on multiplayer) Waiting to go home to try the full version but I'm guessing they'll even blow themselves out of the water with that.
  2. I haven't had a chance to verify this but I recall reading that the camera and FLIR are only available when sitting in the copilot seat. so I'm presuming it's whichever key switches you to copilot and then your cyclic controls move the camera. This is just a stab in the dark tho
  3. thrawn


    map up a joystick. it makes a world of difference. I ran through the first tutorial with just keyboard since I'd just put together my new computer and hadn't plugged in my flight stick. I was absolutely horrified at my inability to fly. Plug in the joystick...no problems
  4. thrawn

    How to use trim ?

    Incorrect actually. For models like the light(basically an MD400 from my guess) there is none. But a lot of the bigger birds and especially the military models have at least a small degree of computer coordinated stabilizing.(check out the specs for a high end bird like the blackhawk)
  5. thrawn

    ToH - Like SimCopter??!?!?

    I had been working on writing a new version of simcopter. But now that I've found TOH I may just work on making new scenarios for it instead. I'd be down for a simcopter style mission set
  6. I presume so but I cannot say for sure since I'm not at home and my RDP is off. I know it had me preload what it was indicating was most of the full version last night.
  7. thrawn

    ToH - Like SimCopter??!?!?

    I think from the literature, and what was seen in the beta that it will be more mission based. as in you take on an assignment, read the briefing and then fly that activity. Although it sounds possible that the career mode may be a little more ongoing than that. Still probably not quite what we saw in simcopter
  8. Oh, that was in relation to my previous comment about going over cap limit. Which is no longer an issue. it seems i was confused on where their "month" starts. turns out I just rolled over so I'm good to go once the release is set
  9. interestingly the way steam did the pre-load for the game makes it so that I no longer have access to the beta. Now I wish I hadn't downloaded the beta so that I could just play the full tomorrow
  10. thrawn

    x52 trim setup

    I map mine for TOH the same way as I map trim settings for other flight sims the two wheels on the throttle I think they're like z-rotation and y-rotation or something along those lines
  11. I had some issues with it being squirrely for a little bit on my x52 pro. But then I noticed the edge of my stick was bumping the mouse a bit and the mouse was set as cyclic controls. No problems for me after fully mapping my x52 and unmapping the mouse
  12. Thanks Ziggy. I did not see that notice when purchasing and downloading from Steam. TommyToad2- I appreciate the offer but I'm up in the great white north so shipping times and whatnot will mean waiting til about the same time. Fortunately for me up until last night my computer couldn't quite handle the Beta so I imagine there will be enough material in there to keep me busy for a week. Happy flying everyone
  13. Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll have to wait until the tuesday following release for my cap limit to start over.
  14. I just got the preorder. and I'm wondering does downloading the Beta also preload the full game for release date or am I going to have to download next week as well to unlock the remaining content?