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  1. Block II components.http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae213/Will816/P7160385.jpg Here's some block II components in action with the U.S. Army for anyone interested.
  2. lsp

    H&K USP 9 mm Pistol

    You can make it better by making it look like this. http://i735.photobucket.com/albums/ww359/jerlsp1/330088_198522263563716_1398113838_o_zps65bb2ec2.jpg http://i735.photobucket.com/albums/ww359/jerlsp1/aasdawd_zps256e1186.jpg
  3. Would be great if someone would take it upon themselfs to make reloads more realistic. Slow it down, alot. You have to undo the pouch holding your mag put the old one in a mag pouch, pull the new one out then load it into the gun. Takes longer then a couple seconds that it does currently ingame. Times would vary depending on your chest rig and setup/practice. Despite what most people think, soldiers/marines don't just throw their empty mags on the ground, and insert a new one.
  4. People in this thread have no idea what they're talking about. Looks like they consulted the internet for most of their information. Also does this mod come with the ability for all the chinese equipment to fail or break upon use? Like in the real world and all their poorly made crap.
  5. You guys really need to fix the elcan. The drastic six clock hold you hav eto do is ridiculous. And if that's the way the canadian army trains to shoot, they're wrong.
  6. When is someone going to come out with a modern version of the U.S. Army with proper gear? There has been greeks, asains, british, danish, spanish, canucks, Russians and probably more that I've missed. And with proper load outs too, If I see one more mod with U.S. Army infantry carrying marine gear with m16a4's I'm going to scream.( lot of that in arma 2). With proper unit names and proper squad/platoon make up.
  7. lsp

    Left handed option?

    People saying there's no purpose of having it, that it makes no difference. Why don't we just have nothing but white guys to play with in game then? There's no game play benefit to having different races in game so just make them all white. That's what you guys sound like, I'm left handed I don't want to see my guy shooting right handed in game. It used to be a option in games back in the day, now it's none existent. Shoulder transitions have no purpose in a video game, not even for shooting from cover. So that's a non issue.
  8. Still haven't fixed the front post and the barrel aye? I would think that would be top priority, seeing as how their not authentic.
  9. Good work so far, but the front post needs some work. And it's using the wrong type of barrel, m4's have a kink right after the front post for the attachment of the 203. And the stock could be pulled out more, doesn't need it, but it looks funny not shouldering the weapon. No one in the world who is a competent shooter shoots like that.
  10. lsp

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Please extend the stock out more so its actually touching the models shoulder. The other m4 pack that is available right now made the same mistake, who uses a stock on a ar with it collapsed anyway. I know I don't.
  11. lsp

    Arma 3 US Army Helmets

    You Mauro and Nubs are all modders now?
  12. Mauro a modeller? Alot changes in a couple years apparently.
  13. lsp


    OMG, noooo GHOST RINGS on a AK -_-. Why??? the leaf sights with the proper front post you did was amazing, why did you ruin it with shitty ghost rings. Should have just used the side mount that real ak's use. Dust cover rails are trash in real life anyway's. An ak with ghost rings and/or a collapseable stock isn't a ak. Also, stock is too small on the rpk, looks funny. Didn't notice this before, but I like how the double mags taped together the extra one is empty lol. The fowardgrips look off now too. Look like two different ak variant foward grips on one rifle, looks weird. Would rather have the real steel counterparts instead of making abominations for the sake of attachments.
  14. I would rather play with these modern canucks then with the future unbelievable U.S. Army that is in the game. That is using Israeli tanks and cancelled helicopters with small arms the U.S. Army would never use to begin with.
  15. I hope the ak12 never makes it in the game, a ugly version of a sexy gun. I can't wait till something like ace comes along and makes arma3 what it should have been, in the modern time frame with a believable conflict. Not super power iran(LOL) with American firearms, and space alien equipment. And get rid of the firearms the U.S. Army would never use to begin with, along with things like the Israeli tanks(give me a break, they're junk only suitable for one role) And the cancelled helicopter.