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About nephros

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  1. [CUP] Helicopter Pilot: Altis SAINT 4-1 Background: NATO forces have recently captured Altis Island as a staging ground for invasion of Eurasia. We control the airfields and have established outposts across the island. Mopping up operations are underway. Remaining enemy forces are putting up bitter resistance and continue to receive reinforcement from the mainland. The local population is primarily hostile to NATO. Situation: You are an all-purpose rotary wing aircraft pilot in squadron HMU-86 'Saints', callsign SAINT 4-1. Your primary bases of operations are Altis International Airport and the USS WASP, anchored in the inlet to Pyrgos Gulf. Mission: Fly missions in support of NATO forces on Altis. Mission types include troop transport, insertion and extraction, medevac, fastrope insertion, search and rescue, close air support, patrol, search and destroy, and slingloading cargo. Friendly Forces: NATO has 5 bases, 6 airfields and 17 outposts strategically located across the island. There are 3 hospitals used for medevac - at Pyrgos, Kavala, and Altis airbase. Artillery support is available throughout the island and mortar support in proximity to some bases. Enemy Forces: All areas of the island should be considered hostile. Aircraft frequently receive machine gun and anti-air rocket fire, especially around highly populated areas. Requirements: CBA CUP (CUP Terrains Core, CUP Terrains Map, CUP Units, CUP vehicles, CUP weapons) Optional: [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird *This is the CUP/MELB version of my previous scenario SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis Instruction Manual: Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913314881
  2. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Thanks! I'm getting close to finishing the CUP version. RHS and Unsung would both be fun to do. To do them justice they both need to be full conversions of all models, not just the helos. Then there is porting to Tanoa (for all versions)... ...so many ideas, so little time!
  3. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    TeTeT, Do you know how to get the LHD in EDEN? It no longer shows up in the object list and I can't find a good answer online. It doesn't show up on the CUP cfg vehicles wiki page either.
  4. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Absolutely. I gave up on it last year because of a bug where the AH1Z was exploding on takeoff, and difficulty working in 3D with a 2D editor. I now realize it's a problem with the advanced flight mechanics setting, which I can bypass. And now we have the Eden editor. My original idea was to have most of the marine helicopters based out of the LHD and the others at the airfield. I'm also going to maybe separate the mission focus of land / sea targets between the two. Not completely separate them, but change the probabilities based on where you start from.
  5. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    I've added all MELB variants as options for modifying loadout at the little bird landing pad. I don't know how to easily allow people to independently add other vehicles to the game since the player vehicles are scripted, but if there is one you'd like, let me know. The missions aren't really geared towards planes though.
  6. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Not currently, but I could add it in. I'll have to give some thought to adding some new mission types.
  7. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    I've finally gotten time to get back to work on the scenario. I'm working on an update to this one along with creation of a CUP vehicle version. Following that I will port it to Tanoa and maybe other maps. I'm taking an informal poll on the CUP version - At present I'm using CUP air and ground vehicles but the base ARMA3 soldier models. Would folks prefer CUP soldier models as well? A couple of screenshots from a CUP ocean search and rescue mission:
  8. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Khugan, thanks, I'll get that fixed. Jnr487 - sorry, I haven't had time to look at that yet, bear with me.
  9. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Thanks for the feedback. For the ambient air I have 2 scripts running, one for helicopters and one for the plane. The ambient scripts call 'masterArray', which is an array of multiple other arrays, and is called by almost all my scripts. It includes arrays of waypoints used for missions, sorted by type. These waypoints are invisible helipads placed on the map and given names listed in the arrays. Note that some of the waypoint arrays are nested arrays including both the location and a string name (base, fob, hospital, airport). The 'landat' codes for the different airports on Altis are also listed in my init for reference. Hopefully you can figure it out by looking through the scripts, but here is the code in my init that shows how 'masterArray' is built: //List of helipad sites sorted by type, and id names for groupID random name generator //aoArray radius 2500, waterArray radius 1000, deepwaterArray radius 2500 aoArray = [ao1, ao2, ao3, ao4, ao5, ao6, ao7, ao8, ao9, ao10, ao11, ao12, ao13, ao14, ao15, ao16, ao17, ao18, ao19, ao20, ao21, ao22]; idARRAY = ["ALPHA", 'BRAVO', 'CHARLIE', 'DELTA', 'ECHO', 'FOXTROT', 'GOLF', 'HOTEL', 'INDIA', 'KILO', 'LIMA', 'MIKE', 'NOVEMBER', 'OSCAR', 'PAPA', 'QUEBEC', 'ROMEO', 'SIERRA', 'TANGO', 'UNIFORM', 'VICTOR', 'WHISKEY', 'X-RAY', 'YANKEE', 'ZULU']; baseArray = [[base1, "Altis Airfield"], [base2, "Camp Longhorn"], [base3, "Camp Sooner"], [base4, "Camp Red Raider"], [base5, "Camp Bear"], [planePad2, "AAC Airfield"], [planePad3, "Ammolofi airfield"], [planePad4, "Molos Airfield"], [planePad5, "Almyra Salt Lake Airstrip"], [planePad6, "Selakeno Airfield"]]; fobArray = [[fob1, "Outpost Horned Frog"], [fob2, "Outpost Cyclone"], [fob3, "Outpost Mountaineer"], [fob4, "Outpost Cowboy"], [fob5, "Outpost Jayhawk"], [fob6, "Outpost Wildcat"], [fob7, "Outpost Aggie"], [fob8, "Outpost Mustang"], [fob9, "Outpost Bruin"], [fob10, "Outpost Buckeye"], [fob11, "Outpost Trojan"], [fob12, "Outpost Gator"], [fob13, "Outpost Wolverine"], [fob14, "Outpost Irish"], [fob15, "Outpost Seminole"], [fob16, "Outpost Bronco"]]; waterArray = [w_1, w_2, w_3, w_4, w_5, w_6, w_7, w_8, w_9, w_10, w_11, w_12, w_13, w_14, w_15, w_16, w_17, w_18, w_19, w_20, w_21, w_22, w_23, w_24, w_25, w_26, w_27, w_28, w_29, w_30, w_31, w_32, w_33, w_34, w_35, w_36, w_37, w_38, w_39, w_40, w_41, w_42, w_43, w_44, w_45, w_46, w_47, w_48, w_49, w_50, w_51, w_52, w_53, w_54, w_55, w_56]; mountainArray = [m_1, m_2, m_3, m_4, m_5, m_6, m_7, m_8, m_9, m_10, m_11, m_12, m_13, m_14, m_15, m_16, m_17, m_18, m_19, m_20, m_21, m_22, m_23, m_24, m_25, m_26, m_27, m_28, m_29, m_30, m_31, m_32, m_33, m_34, m_35, m_36, m_37, m_38, m_39, m_40, m_41, m_42, m_43, m_44, m_45, m_46, m_47, m_48, m_49, m_50, m_51, m_52, m_53, m_54, m_55]; hospitalArray = [[med1, "Kavala Hospital"], [med2, "Altis Airbase Hospital"], [med3, "Pyrgos Hospital"]]; //6 slingloadArray = [dock, airportDepot, waterDock, huronSite]; artyArray = [arty1, arty2, arty3, arty4, arty5, arty6, arty7, arty8, arty9, arty10]; deepWaterArray = [dw_1, dw_2, dw_3, dw_4, dw_5, dw_6, dw_7, dw_8, dw_9, dw_10, dw_11, dw_12, dw_13, dw_14, dw_15, dw_16, dw_17, dw_18, dw_19]; airportArray = [[planePad2, "AAC Airfield"], [planePad3, "Ammolofi airfield"], [planePad4, "Molos Airfield"], [planePad5, "Almyra Salt Lake Airstrip"], [planePad6, "Selakeno Airfield"]]; //doesn't include altis airbase. Landat codes: altis 0, aac 1, ammolifi 2, selakeno 3, molos 4, almyra 5 masterArray = [baseArray, waterArray, mountainArray, hospitalArray, idArray, fobArray, aoArray, slingloadArray, deepWaterArray, artyArray, airportArray]; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 For the ambient plane the following goes in the init: -All ambient planes / helicopters are civilian and set friendly to opfor so they aren't shot down and don't shoot at opfor. -deepwater array is an array of sites nearest to the edges of the map. The plane basically flies from the main airport in a random direction to a point near the edge of the map, then returns and lands at the airbase. Then repeats. -You'll notice PlaneTypeList is an array with only one variable. It started with more, but other planes wobble strangely on takeoff so I removed them. More planes can be added to the array if you want random plane types to spawn on loading. civHQ = createCenter CIVILIAN; CIVILIAN setfriend [EAST, 1]; //keeps ambient air from shooting at opfor //ambient Airplane init PlaneTypeList = ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F"]; ambientPlaneGroup1 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientPlaneLoop1 = [planeTypeList, deepWaterArray, ambientPlaneGroup1, 1]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientPlane.sqf"; The script- "scripts\ambient\ambientPlane.sqf" -PlanePad1 is a position just north of Alikampos, where the plane spawns. If it spawns too close to the airport it can't execute the 'landat' code properly, so I always have it return to this position prior to landing, about 2500m away on an approach heading to the airport. This is still buggy, in that occasionally the plane gets caught in a loop circling the airport. -The scipt is set up so I can easily add a second plane by activating the inactive code, but I haven't tested this yet. //"scripts\ambient\ambientPlane.sqf" //2016 by Nephros /* plane types "B_Plane_CAS_01_F" "I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F" "O_Plane_CAS_02_F" */ private ["_waypoint", "_startPos"]; //arguments _planeTypeList = _this select 0; _waypointArray = _this select 1; _group = _this select 2; _selector = _this select 3; _AltisAirbasePos = getPos planePad1; //start pos _startPos = getPos planePad1; //sets plane 1 at altis, plane 2 at AAC //not used, but works if I want to add a second ambient plane. //If (_selector == 1) then //{_startPos = _AltisAirbasePos} else //{_startPos = getPos ((_airportArray select 1) select 0); sleep 300}; _planeMaster = [_startPos, 0, "O_Plane_CAS_02_F", _group] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _plane = _planeMaster select 0; _crew = _planeMaster select 1; while {(getDammage _plane) < 1} do { _group move _AltisAirbasePos; waitUntil {unitReady _Plane}; _plane landAt 0; //landat code for altis airbase _waypoint = getPos (_waypointArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom); _group move _waypoint; waitUntil {unitReady _Plane}; _Plane setfuel 1; }; //hint "ambient plane respawning"; deleteVehicle _plane; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _group; if (true) exitWith {ambientPlaneLoop1 = [planeTypeList, deepwaterArray, ambientPlaneGroup1, 1]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientPlane.sqf"}; //switch (_group) do //{ // case ambientplaneGroup1: {ambientPlaneLoop1 = [planeTypeList, deepwaterArray, ambientPlaneGroup1, 1]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientPlane.sqf";}; // case ambientplaneGroup2: {ambientPlaneLoop2 = [planeTypeList, deepwaterArray, ambientPlaneGroup2, 2]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientPlane.sqf";}; //}; ambient helicopters: in init: -ambientPad1 through 6 are invisible helipads at altis airbase corresponding to spawn sites. -MasterArray is a master list that includes all map waypoints, as described above. civHQ = createCenter CIVILIAN; CIVILIAN setfriend [EAST, 1]; //keeps ambient air from shooting at opfor //ambient helicopter init heliTypeList = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Light_01_F", "I_Heli_light_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "O_Heli_Transport_04_F", "I_Heli_Transport_02_F", "B_Heli_Attack_01_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F"]; ambientHeliGroup1 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientHeliGroup2 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientHeliGroup3 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientHeliGroup4 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientHeliGroup5 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientHeliGroup6 = createGroup CIVILIAN; ambientHeliLoop1 = [helitypeList, ambientPad1, ambientHeliGroup1, masterArray, 0]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"; ambientHeliLoop2 = [helitypeList, ambientPad2, ambientHeliGroup2, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"; ambientHeliLoop3 = [helitypeList, ambientPad3, ambientHeliGroup3, masterArray, 120]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"; ambientHeliLoop4 = [helitypeList, ambientPad4, ambientHeliGroup4, masterArray, 180]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"; ambientHeliLoop5 = [helitypeList, ambientPad5, ambientHeliGroup5, masterArray, 240]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"; ambientHeliLoop6 = [helitypeList, ambientPad6, ambientHeliGroup6, masterArray, 300]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"; script: "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf" -ambient helicopters spawn at ambientPads at Altis airbase. Each has a delay before it initially takes off. It is then assigned a random waypoint (which can include the players current waypoint), lands there for 60 seconds, flies to a second random waypoint, lands for 60 seconds, then retuns to it's altis airbase pad where it lands and sits anywhere from 1-5 minutes. It refuels and is repaired if damaged. Then the loop repeats. If one gets destroyed, it is deleted and a new one spawns. //"scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf" //2016 by Nephros private ["_waypoint1", "_waypoint2"]; //arguments _heliTypeList = _this select 0; _helipad = _this select 1; _group = _this select 2; _masterArray = _this select 3; _delay = _this select 4; //notes - in my init masterArray, some waypoint types have names, others do not, so I have to modify the code as below depending on waypoint type. Most of this code can probably be simplified for use in other scenarios. //format [location, name] _baseArray = _masterArray select 0; _hospitalArray = _masterArray select 3; _fobArray = _masterArray select 5; // format [location] _mountainArray = _masterArray select 2; _aoArray = _masterArray select 6; _slingloadArray = _masterArray select 7; _leftoverArray = [taruSite, huronSite, repairPad, rearmPad, refuelPad]; //helipads _locationList1 = [_baseArray, _fobArray, (_hospitalArray - (_hospitalArray select 0))]; _locationList2 = [_mountainArray, _aoArray, _slingloadArray, _leftoverArray]; _heliMaster = [getPos _helipad, 0, (_heliTypeList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom), _group] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _heliMaster select 0; _crew = _heliMaster select 1; _heli setPosATL [getPos _helipad select 0, getPos _helipad select 1, 0]; _heli setFuel 0; _heli land "LAND"; sleep 1; _heli setFuel 1; //_heli allowdamage false; sleep _delay; //delay before helicopter takes off while {(getDammage _heli) < 1} do { //waypoint 1 _randomizer = [1,2] call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; If (_randomizer == 1) then {_waypoint1 = ((_locationList1 call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) select 0} else {_waypoint1 = (_locationList2 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom}; _group move getpos _waypoint1; waitUntil {unitReady _heli}; _heli land "LAND"; sleep 60; //waypoint 2 _randomizer = [1,2] call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; If (_randomizer == 1) then {_waypoint2 = ((_locationList1 call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) select 0} else {_waypoint2 = (_locationList2 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom}; _group move getpos _waypoint2; waitUntil {unitReady _heli}; _heli land "LAND"; sleep 60; //return to base _group move getPos _helipad; waitUntil {unitReady _heli}; _heli land "LAND"; sleep ((random 240) + 60); _heli setFuel 1; _heli setDamage 0; }; deleteVehicle _heli; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _group; //hint "ambient heli respawning"; switch (_group) do { case ambientHeliGroup1: {ambientHeliLoop1 = [helitypeList, ambientPad1, ambientHeliGroup1, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"}; case ambientHeliGroup2: {ambientHeliLoop2 = [helitypeList, ambientPad2, ambientHeliGroup2, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"}; case ambientHeliGroup3: {ambientHeliLoop3 = [helitypeList, ambientPad3, ambientHeliGroup3, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"}; case ambientHeliGroup4: {ambientHeliLoop4 = [helitypeList, ambientPad4, ambientHeliGroup4, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"}; case ambientHeliGroup5: {ambientHeliLoop5 = [helitypeList, ambientPad5, ambientHeliGroup5, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"}; case ambientHeliGroup6: {ambientHeliLoop6 = [helitypeList, ambientPad6, ambientHeliGroup6, masterArray, 60]execVM "scripts\ambient\ambientheli.sqf"}; };
  10. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Mission updated: - Patrol and attack missions include enemy helicopters - Slingloading reworked: Slingloading targets have variable weights. Helicopter weight changes dynamically based on fuel level and number of helicopter crew, which may require adjustment in order to slingload an item. A table of helicopter maximum external weight capacity vs. fuel tank level is found in the map menu, titled 'Weight Table' - Added mission: Recover damaged helicopter via slingloading. - Aesthetic changes: - Ambient helicopter helipads now flank player helipads on both sides, making take off and landing at base more challenging. - Player now starts game in HQ facing map of Altis, where mission settings can be adjusted, in order to minimize confusion.
  11. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Mission updated: -'Request Assignment' and 'Call out of current Assignment' only show up in your radio menu when they are available options -added markers for player helipads, non-playable helipads to map -Mission Randomization can now be toggled at HQ. When called from a helicopter it can either be helicopter specific, or completely random. This is so that if you want completely random missions you don't have to exit your helicopter after every mission before requesting a new one. -slingload missions now have no enemy AA -fixed patrol ID bug where it was giving patrols duplicate names -On reporting crash, all passengers will disembark and wait for pickup so you can continue the mission if you wish. Medevac patients will probably be dead by then though :) -Crew can be requested / changed via radio menu when in proximity to HQ, landing pads. When you land they will disembark, and new crew will spawn at HQ. So you don't have to go to HQ every time you change your crew. -Reworked extraction - Now you pop smoke only when extraction helicopter is near the pickup site (but it still won't land without smoke/strobe), and it will automatically take you back to base. -modified SAR mission so 25% of time the wreck doesn't smoke, for increased difficulty. -added documentation to briefing- gps is sometimes reported inaccurately (up to 25%), so if your troops aren't at the waypoint you need to search around the area. And enemy patrols at LZs are random wrt presence and location. -added ambient plane flight -fixed order new heli bug -added IR strobe / green flare to heli cargo -added 5 airports as mission destinations -refuel station will no longer drive away :)
  12. In the virtual helicopter transport module, when the player boards the helicopter he is prompted to choose a transport unload location, to which the helicopter then moves. Is there a way to pre-set this location so that a transport helicopter will always automatically return the player to the main base, for instance?
  13. nephros

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    I'll make it so that calling in a crash also makes all units on that helicopter disembark. Perhaps I can also figure out how to make them board a new helicopter so you can return and complete the mission.