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About ChrisDRob

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. How can I get a soldior to stay still but to look around? Basically what I'm trying to do is make a sniper on top of a tower look around for enemies while remaining on the tower, as opposed to actually jumping of the tower to look around. I just want him to stay still where he spawns but constantly looking in the distance for enemies. Is this possible, and if so how can I do this> Also how can I get a soldier using a static spotlight, or a mounted weapon to constantly look left and right, while obviously while remaining where they are? Thanks.
  2. I've made a simple waypoint cycle (patrol) for a group of opfor infantry, when the bluefor arrive at a certain place the opfor break from that patrol cycle and go after the bluefor, Basically, I want to know how you go about ending an infinite patrol cycle. Thanks.
  3. I've given 3 units an initialization to moveincargo of a c-130J, how do I make it so that 1 of them units eject from the plane in 30 seconds, another in 45 seconds, and the other in 50 seconds.
  4. How can I make it so that when UnitA dies, UnitB moves to waypoint 2. Thanks
  5. I'm new to the Arma 2 editor: I'm trying to get a plane to deliberatly crash into the ground at a certain waypoint, I don't want it to have low health or aything, I just want it to randomly crash into the ground, so that one min its flying normaly and the next it's being piloted towards the ground. As I say i'm a new to Arma 2 and bad at it, so don't give me crap load of script unless its the only way. Thanks :)
  6. Code for?: When a unit is detected fire at unit? If a Bluefor unit/group is detected by a Guerilla unit/group have the guerilla unit/group will fire at the civillians? How can I put this in code, and in what field? I'm pretty new with the editor...:confused:
  7. :confused: I'm new with ArmA 2. Is it the timeout field because i'm unsure with it?
  8. Just trying to figure out how to get any unit to move to a given a waypoint after, 1min 30sec for example. ?
  9. How can I play as the Co-Pilot/Passenger in the C130J? > New With ArmA 2 Editor <:confused:
  10. How to get a unit to kill another unit once he is present in a trigger? New with ArmA 2 Editor..
  11. How do I get a unit to persue a particular waypoint after a certain amount of time? I dont quite understand the Timeout Part of the waypoint interface. I'm new with ArmA 2...
  12. How to Give a Civillian a Weapon? I tried using: this AddWeapon M9 in the initialization field on the unit, but it didn't work. I'm new with ArmA 2 so need a bit of help...
  13. Helicopter Turn On Light Code? So How can I Get a AI Helicopter ro turn its light on? I'm really new with ArmA 2, so I need a bit help with this one...
  14. How do I place Vehicles onto the Air Craft Carrier, they just spawn in the sea? I only just got the game a few days ago so I don't understand the scripting language yet so I need a bit of help on this one ...