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About Jaime

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  1. Jaime

    Defuse the Bomb

    Hi I'm using this wonderful script and its been great, thanks to the creator. But I have a bit of a problem. I'm trying to use or Xmed mod or BTC revive with this script and the problem is the timer window, it enters in conflict with the other windows that appear from the btc revive or the xmed mod. Don't know if there is a fix for this or the timer could be moved to other parts of the screen. If tried to look inside the code but no luck, I'm quite a noob. If looked into the bomb timer.sqf Maibe is a Arma 3 error that only has like 1 window for everything but im not sure. Thanks a lot for the help PROBLEM SOLVED I put the timer in the sleep to 30 or bigger of the bombtimer.sqf
  2. OK if solved the east west thing and the changing marker type with this code, but still no luck creating a ellipse type of marker or a area one. ["Objetivo2","Title","Description",west,["markerTask2",getmarkerpos "task2mkr","mil_destroy","ColorGreen","Objetivo1","Destruye esto"]] now im working on the triggers to see what I can get out of it.
  3. Hi guys I am trying to create a TvT mission using taskmaster, y did a campaign with and people loved it. But if got no idea how to do it or if it is possible and maybe you have a possible tip or way to do it. Ill give you a general idea of what im trying to do and what problems if encountered so far. 1) I'm trying to crate a task to take and secure an area basically destroy all enemy units or have a majority of blufor or opfro there. So first of all y try to create a task with an ellipse type marker a big circle area but dont know if it is possible. if tried things like ["Objetivo2","Title","Description",west,["markerTask2","objetivo2",getmarkerpos "task2mkr","mil_destroy","ColorGreen","Destruye esto",],"State"] and many combinations but canot create a task it always says in the rtp y mis a [ so dont have a clue on how to do it. If tried using the ellipse type marker but its strange it dosent come in the http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers page class Markers { items=5; class Item0 { position[]={4852.646,339,9704.5254}; name="Zone1M"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="Empty"; colorName="ColorOrange"; a=50; b=50; 2) This I haven't tried yet but would it be possible to make a few contested areas with the taskmaster. By this y mean 2 or 3 areas that have to be captured, they start neutral or to bluefor, but for example if opfor takes it, a task would be assigned to blufor to take it. and if bluefor take it. a task would be assigned to opfor, and so on in a infinite maner. Im very noob with scripting so thanks a lot for the help.
  4. Thanks a lot iceman going to work this afternoon with it and see how it works. ASS is great but has too much going for mi level of editing its got scores, respawns and load of things going on the mission too much for me right know.
  5. Because aas is to complicated has millions of scripts and lots off things y dont need. I just need some zones to be captured with some type of visual effects like hints or something like that and the triggers to end the mission. I will deal with respawns weapons logistics and the rest.
  6. Hi guys the script is great and works like a charm. But I have a little questions would it be very difficult to add 2 things to the script. 1) A visual bar showing a capture rate like in AAS with a percentage or something similar. 2) This is apart, a trigger or triggers that would end the mission with east or west wining or a stalemate if nobody captures all the flags in some time like 2 hours. I'm trying to break into bits some of the code of the great AAS mission with a friend with a bit more knowledge than me in coding to make realistic tvt missions for ACE and I got everything solved except the capture zones and end mission triggers. If searched a lot in the forums thanks a lot
  7. Jaime

    Mission Timer help

    Hi guys Im trying to make this work on a mission but I cant seem to make it work what if done Make a INIT.SQF and copy init code make a TIMER.SQF and copy code Cant make it work tried with caps or not and few other thing but dont work. Not a very good scripter I am. Thanks for the help
  8. Hi seba thanks for the help, its not the debug its turned of im going to make a screen and post it.
  9. Hi guys Im having one little problem with upsmon that I havent been able to find or solve. The problem is that enemy ai units dosent mater the dificulty apear on the map like if y play on recruit. Do you know how to solve it? Amazing script its so much easy to make coops now. Thanks for the help
  10. Shuko Thanks again if got it sorted y was missing th public variable on the trigers. Thanks all sorted this is way easy to edit objectives like this.
  11. No worries shuko the script is amazing just like everything first time you do it in this case me it takes some time. If got just a little problem im unable to solve, this is mi first objective its in spanish but i think you understand the order. How can y add a marker on the map of that objetive. If tried placing a marker naming it obj1 and then this tipe of code but it gives me errors and dosent work. This works perfectly but I have to place the marker manualy on map: ["Objetivo1","Destruir Antiaereo Strela","En el castillo de rog se encuentra un antiaereo Strela, debeis destruirlo para poder hacer una extraccion segura al final de la mision."], This Dosent if tried a few combinations but no luck. ["Objetivo1","Destruir Antiaereo Strela","En el castillo de rog se encuentra un antiaereo Strela, debeis destruirlo para poder hacer una extraccion segura al final de la mision.",true,["markerTask1",getpos obj1]], Thanks for the help
  12. Hi guys I think this script I a really good idea cause briefing are terrible dificult to implement in arma 2. If tried using this script for a coop mission im making and its been imposible for me to make it work if tried for 2 days but no luck at all. Im no scripter or programer so no idea if you explain me very quick what to do. The script is well explained but only for real veterans in coding y personaly dont understand much. If looked for tutorial on how to set it up but only found this and its not very good: Lets start frome the begining, first y download the example mission and if got 2 files that i dont know what to do or if to copy to mi folder mission: init_localize, stringtable.xml My mision goes like the folowing there are 2 objectives 1) destroy an AA 2) Get some data from a lap top grab it basicly. I dont care in the order of the task just if it says objetive 1 or objective 2 is more than enought i just want that when the objective 1 is complete it tells al the group or faction. If tried lots and lots of combinations in this 2 days with no luck this is one of them but no idea if it was the best. if tried things like or very similar but no luck: [[ ["Task1","Task1Title","Task1Desc",true,["mrkGreenStart",getmarkerpos "placeholder1","Start","ColorGreen"]], ["Task2","Task2Title","Task2Desc",true,["mrkGreenStart",getmarkerpos "placeholder2","Start","ColorGreen"]] ],[ ["Note1","something",West], ["Note2","something",West], ["Credits","<br />Made by: Shuko of LDD Kyllikki<br />Contact: shuko@Quakenet<br />www.kyllikki.fi<br /><br /><img image=lddk.jpg' width='100' height='100'&gt] ]] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; EDIT After a long fight if finaly got it working im using this code: //TaskMaster (Objetivos) [[ ["Task1","Task1Title","Task1Desc"], ["Task2","Task2Title","Task2Desc"], ["Task3","Task3Title","Task3Desc"] ],[ ["Note1","Hello group A"], ["Note2","Hello group A"], ["Note3","Hello group A"], ["Note4","Hello group B"] ]] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; y got it from this tutorial: now only have to set triggers and the rest thx a lot Thanks a lot for the help and sorry but im very noob with scripts.
  13. Thanks a lot mate Its worked great, I had to copy the mods onto the toh folder and thats all, now I have to start testing and see what is working well and what not. It was very funy that the main menu of the game was bugged because of the ace configuration apearing on the old arrowhead menu and you cannot exit the game jejeje have to finish the program. If see there is a take on ace has anybody here tried it?
  14. Thanks PVPscene Didnt know about engine features, but im very satisfied with toh the only thing I was pointing out is it will be more dificult for bohemia to sell. Ok back to topic this is my route and the problem is its to big for the shorcut. "-mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@panthera;H:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe;H:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2oa.exe;H:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\Expansion;H:\Steam\steamapps\common\take on helicopters\Rearmed" FORGET ABOUT THE SHORCUT IF CREATED A BAT FILE WITH A FRIEND. The problem its giving lots of errors like if arma 2 and arma 2 oa were not loading why can this be? Will this be ok never had trouble adding mods or shorcut nether to me or the server we use. Thx a lot for the help guys.
  15. In my case i wasnt expecting ka 50, because y already have it, but expecting just a simple but realistic and functional flight model and y think toh is just perfect, this combined with the awesome arma and its mods makes a very alive sim that for example ka 50 cant even imagine, players in tanks, troops, sams, and much more that enriches the flight experience. It just needs like y told you before a good merging between arma and toh or polishing it and flares for military transport helos that is sacrilige!!! to not have and y dont think it would take months of work just copy paste the ones on the hinds. And another thing that y dont understand is why change the editors menu, now its a nightmare if done lots of editing in arma and im quite lots now editing. If tried the solutions on the link you have posted and yes y can launch with some mods but still get errors ill post the errors and see if you may help.