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About newboerg

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  1. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    the code needs to be tweaked a little bit, but not that much. i could help you with this i think i will do the same to mine EDIT: Although you can use the HC06 i would recommend buying a HC05. because its more versatile. for example can be used as a HOST not just client. Price is the same.
  2. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    OK, for the ones having constant drift problems with the sketch described withon the guide try the following: search for: hat.gyro[2]=angle_z; inside the arduino sketch file and change it to hat.gyro[2]=angle_z*0.988; where 0.988 is the value needed to correct the drift you might need to up or down it a bit with your setup heres the edited sketch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jl5cdmcepdjt63w/gy_521_send_serial_HAT_ITG_spring_reset_compensation_setup.ino
  3. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    what if you swap the two wires
  4. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    try the following: upload the "I2C Scanner" Sketch to your arduino. http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner to see if the connection is working.
  5. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    :) Nice , i was thinking to do roughly the same for the 6050 setup. as the drift is, when its there, usually very constant, i thought about an "reset" function that would meassure the drift in eg. 5 seconds and use this to compensate the drift
  6. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Hi guys, amazing how many people got this thin to work. I just ordered an MPU9150 (its an MPU 6050 with compass included) When its there i will add another guide in how to use this thing. Its a little bigger investment (around 10€) but i think it will make the Head Track device way more usable. As it should not be that prone to drift using the compass. I'll keep you up to date...
  7. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    just take those standard smartphone charging cables...
  8. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Price Update: Just bought some Pro mini microcontroller boards for 2,80€ free shipping....
  9. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    2m could be too long i guess, as the I2C bus used is not suitet for long cables lenghts ( it was developed to be used INSIDE TVs) i use about 15cm and a long USB cable for the connection to the pc. Oh and for those who dont want to tweak the facetrack settings endlessly, here is my config file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcs73q87o29238t/bennihat.ini
  10. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    For those who experience drag along the Z-Axis. Try not to move the Sensor after Power-up (plug in usb). if you move it right afterwards you'll get drag.
  11. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    danczer: typo! missing ; after sensitivity = 1.0/FS_SEL and its always returning into the start position
  12. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    UPS, looks like the Thread is not dead :) haven tlooked in since page 4 :)... oh and for the ppl asking which orientation is needed, i put mine on top of the headset so that the connector pins face to the left
  13. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    will work, the leonardo uses the same Microcontroller as the china board i described in my guide( just use other ports for "SDA SCL" <- I²C , analogue 4 and 5 i guess... but you ll need to check if thats correct)
  14. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    OOPS, Typo :) facetrack 1.7 is correct :)
  15. newboerg

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    newest version of facetrack has the accela in as well. but i needed to disable filters completly just smoothing set to 15. gets a great responsivness and there is realy no need for filters with this setup. The 20$ Thing Should work, it has the same Microprocessor and the same Gyroscope Chip as my setup. you might have to tweak the firmware a bit, because it will probably use other I/O Ports. Nothing fancy though. The only diffenerence should be that you have to solder on 4 wires in my setup. my idea was to go as cheap as possible, thats why i put these two things in my guide.