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About Starfire

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    Private First Class
  1. Starfire

    Able to use no-cd?

    There is no current legit no-cd patch available for Arma 2 currently. The developers did release a patch for Arma 1 quite a number of months after release that dispensed with the CD-check, so that might happen for Arma 2 as well eventually. Discussion of third-party nocd cracks of any kind here (whether you own the game or not) will get you a moderator warning here and a thread-lock at the very least.
  2. What kinda performance are you getting on High settings? I have a suspicion your Q6600 is kinda bottlenecking your performance. Also, how much vram does your 8800GT have?
  3. Starfire

    Slowly loading menus!

    Might wish to try defragging and checking how much free space you have on your drive.
  4. Starfire

    Lost Sale

    1. $200 for a game? Where the heck are you buying it from. (Btw, I'm from Australia too and ex-military) 2. From what I understand, you are unhappy that you can't install one copy of the game on more than one PC. When you buy a game, you're entitled to use it for your own personal use. If you want to install it on 2 computers, buy two copies. When you buy a set of golf clubs, you wouldn't expect it to come with a matching set so you can play with your mate, right? 3. Everything after the third paragraph was basically just whinging. But of course, you're entitled to your opinion, Mr. LostSale.
  5. Have you tried the 182.50 drivers? Others report that those work a lot better with Arma 2 than the newer 186.18s.
  6. Starfire

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    Any chance this could be made compatible with VOP 2.0? The sounds are awesome and I'd love to use it, but the fact that it can't be used along with VOP means I'll have to give it a miss for now.
  7. Starfire

    Where to download arma 2

    Really amazes me why people come to a game's official forums to ask how to pirate the game.. It's like walking into a police station asking for tips on how to steal a car. Seriously, if there's anyone else out there reading this thread who wishes to obtain this game illegally, there is a DEMO available for free. Download that, and try it. If you don't like it, don't bother with the game. Arma II is not the sort of game you can blow through in a weekend half-drunk and expect to enjoy. It has a rather gravity-defying learning curve, and you have to invest a certain amount of time in it to reap the benefits. On the other hand, if you like the demo and want more, then buy the damn game.
  8. Starfire

    How do you refuel a helicopter?

    The energon source is in Egypt. ;)
  9. Starfire

    Arma 2 Steam Demo Accuracy problem

    I think it's pretty realistic that when you're getting shot, your aim isn't too great. Try right-click when you want to shoot more accurately. A friend of mine complained about the demo too till he discovered the use of sights with right-click.
  10. All the more reason to not download them, right? After all, why go for the ASUS 182.50s when you ca use the Nvidia 182.50s. You're just saving yourself from having to deal with any crap bloatware that ASUS has added to it. General rule of thumb to follow is, always go for the Nvidia drivers if possible.
  11. I would not do this. Download the 182.50 drivers, not the ASUS ones.
  12. It seems Arma II is having some problems with Nvidia cards based on the 2xx architecture, so I'd definitely stick with your 8800GT SLi for now. Upgrading your CPU (and maybe dropping in another gig of ram) would probably do more to boost your performance.
  13. Starfire

    New Patch made things worse!

    I'm guessing that should be 186.18. Have you tried the 182.50 drivers? Others have reported performance problems using the 186.18 drivers with Vista.
  14. Starfire

    New Patch made things worse!

    Which drivers are you using for your video card?
  15. Starfire

    Question about nHancer

    It's not useless, but it is what I'd call preliminary findings. It's a starting point. Your evaluation of the use of nHancer in increasing Arma 2 performance does require further data for validation. You have a hypothesis, that nHancer increases the performance and possibly the graphical quality of Arma 2. However, your data is exploratory in nature and has not taken several controllable variables into account. Therefore, any subsequent testing performed (if you so feel inclined) should take these variables into account, as well as provide a quantitative measure of any performance gain.