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About aced170

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. aced170

    NIArms Release Thread

    This was supposedly a problem with the German Army G36s only due to a change to a cheaper polymer for the receiver. Or at least that's what has been claimed. I don't think any other operators of the G36 platform have complained about similar issues.
  2. aced170

    NIArms Release Thread

    The later G36s had a bolt hold open Incorporated, thats what you see. Should be the any G36 with a V in it(G36KV etc).
  3. Sweet looking forward too it. Ever thought about recoloring the BIS AAF digi camo with the Greek Lizard color scheme?
  4. Any chance at more SPC variants or IOTV retexs?
  5. aced170

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The Export M1s have a different armor package(read less effective) than the US Military M1A1s and M1A2s.
  6. aced170

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Export M1s or US Stock?
  7. aced170

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm about 90% sure there are no combat losses that weren't mobility kills with the US Military M1s.
  8. Any chance on getting US4CES and/or SPEC4CE camo patterns?
  9. I've used you Liberation code base to make my own custom version and every time anyone hits save or load in the Arsenal there is a 15-30 second freeze. Long enough that some people crash or drop connection. Other than changing classnames and default settings I've added VCOM AI and ICONs Airpower script. I'm using the custom whitelist to block out the deployable weapon bags. Any ideas?
  10. Been looking forward to this for a minute, just a couple of questions. That wounded GUI looks slick as hell, is it going to be compatible with ACE medical? My group currently plays a lot of liberation which saves your progress automatically as you take various objectives and gather resources. This save persists even if the mission unloads or the server restarts/crashes. Will PO4 have a similar system?
  11. aced170

    3den Enhanced

    Any chance on getting a respawn on start(respawnOnStart=1\0) variable?
  12. I tried that but no joy. Unless I used it wrong which is totally possible. This is the error I got when I tried it. 10:52:44 Error in expression < then { if ( getAllHitPointsDamage _veh > 0 ) then { _repaired = true; _average> 10:52:44 Error position: <> 0 ) then { _repaired = true; _average> 10:52:44 Error >: Type Array, expected Number,Not a Number
  13. I've got a modded version of Liberation that replaces nearly all of the vanilla content with RHS and swaps East and West. The issue I'm having is that the repair/rearm/refuel script does not repair the RHS vehicles, could someone help me out with this? Reyhard pointed me in the direction of using getHitPointDamage in the "if ( damage _veh > 0 ) then {" string. So how would I set this up to check all of the hitpoints? Is there an easy way to get hitpoint class names? Do I need to modifiy any other part the the script for it to actually repair those hit points? Apprecaited any help. private [ "_resupply_dist", "_repair_increment", "_repair_speed", "_repair_altitude", "_veh", "_repaired", "_rearmed", "_refueled", "_average_damage", "_average_fuel", "_screenmsg", "_rearm_time", "_refuel_amount", "_rearm_ticker" ]; _repair_amount = 0.01; _repair_speed = 2; _repair_altitude = 2; _resupply_dist = 30; _rearm_time = 60; _refuel_amount = 0.02; _rearm_ticker = 0; while { true } do { _repaired = false; _rearmed = false; _refueled = false; _average_damage = 0; _average_fuel = 0; _screenmsg = ""; _veh = vehicle player; if ( _veh != player ) then { if ( effectiveCommander _veh == player ) then { if ( (speed _veh < _repair_speed) && (((getPosATL _veh) select 2) < _repair_altitude) ) then { if ( count ( (getpos _veh) nearEntities [ vehicle_repair_sources , _resupply_dist] ) > 0 ) then { if ( damage _veh > 0 ) then { _repaired = true; _average_damage = (damage _veh) - _repair_amount; if ( _average_damage < 0 ) then { _average_damage = 0 }; _veh setDamage _average_damage; }; }; if ( ( count ( (getpos _veh) nearEntities [ vehicle_rearm_sources , _resupply_dist] ) > 0 ) && ( _rearm_ticker < _rearm_time ) ) then { _rearmed = true; _rearm_ticker = _rearm_ticker + 1; if ( _rearm_ticker >= _rearm_time ) then { [ [ _veh ], "F_rearmVehicle" ] call bis_fnc_mp; }; }; if ( count ( (getpos _veh) nearEntities [ vehicle_refuel_sources , _resupply_dist] ) > 0 ) then { if ( fuel _veh < ( 1 - _refuel_amount ) ) then { _refueled = true; [ [ _veh, (fuel _veh + _refuel_amount) ], "F_setFuel" ] call bis_fnc_mp; }; }; } else { _rearm_ticker = 0; }; } else { _rearm_ticker = 0; }; } else { _rearm_ticker = 0; }; if ( _repaired ) then { _screenmsg = format [ "%1 : %2%3", localize "STR_REPAIRING", round ( 100 - (_average_damage * 100) ), "%" ]; }; if ( _rearmed ) then { if ( _repaired ) then { _screenmsg = format [ "%1 - ", _screenmsg ]; }; _screenmsg = format [ "%1%2", _screenmsg, format [ localize "STR_REARMING", _rearm_time - _rearm_ticker ] ]; }; if ( _refueled ) then { if ( _repaired || _rearmed ) then { _screenmsg = format [ "%1 - ", _screenmsg ]; }; _screenmsg = format [ "%1%2", _screenmsg, format [ "%1 : %2%3", localize "STR_REFUELING", round ( (fuel _veh) * 100 ), "%" ] ]; }; titleText [ _screenmsg, "PLAIN DOWN" ]; sleep 1; };
  14. aced170

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I've got a very limited understanding of SQF and from what I've been reading there doesn't seem to be a way to check all hitpoints on any vehicle and then repair them. Unless I'm missing something?