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About -G-Shock-

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    Private First Class
  1. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    Can't build a flight model, all sensors and the like...but surely something can be done to make this copter at least of some use...even a minimal use. Totally useless as it is now.
  2. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    Let's start from ArmA. If we wanted to build a copter as it should be (and i mean all copters) the first thing to do would be to change the ejection sequence. This means if you are shot down, you die. Simple as that. One of Ka-50's prerogatives is the ejection seat which actually works...and it looks like it's the only helo that can do that irl. This means if Ka-50 gets shot down, the ejection works exactly as with the airplanes. It has the parachute. All other copters, in real life, go for autorotation. For those who don't know what it is, all modern copter blades have a variable angle. The more inclined, the more lift they generate and this of course is controlled by the pilot. When helos are shot down, the pilot has to set the prop on "neute" and as the copter falls down like a rock the air below it pushes the blades that start moving exactly as if they were activated by the engine. Of course, being the blades on "neute" they generate no lift. As the copter is about to crash, the pilot manouvers the prop pitch so that the blades generate lift with the speed accumulated during the fall and use this accumulated speed to slow down the fall or even land properly if enough power allows it. As you can imagine, the pilot only has one shot...once the power is runs out the helo will crash inevitably but still, there's a good chance to at least slow down the fall which may lead to crew survival. The autorotation system is totally missing in ArmA and that's why all copters were given the "ejection" with parachute while irl none have...only the Ka-50. (time to re-evaluate the real combat parameters of this copter. It's bis who didn't build it but the copter is very good) ...when you see on the news that a copter has crashed and all insiders died you wonder : why didn't they autorotate to safety? Autorotation needs time to build speed. The copter is a rock falling from the sky and to lift the damn thing, the blades must be rotating very fast. It takes TIME to build this speed during the fall and, as you know, the operational height of copters is very low for obvious reasons. There's basically no time to build that speed needed to generate lift. Back to the Ka-50, the vids show in the lomac hud a box, it's representing the gimbal limits of gun movement and the pilot slews the gun moving the cursor on the tdc within these limits. The limits are overridden basically by the avionics system. He hits a button and the copter autoheads towards the target. Inkompetent, you need to either build the box in the Ka-50's hud (and mod the movement limits allowing us to move the sensor within these limits) or build the auto-heading, not much differently working for auto-hover, if you want to complete what BIS left incomplete. Most likely, both should be done.
  3. -G-Shock-

    Better Kamov v1.0

    I see you're a man of few words, inkompetent! GJ!!!!
  4. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    You can see from the hud in those vids about the ka-50 that there's a box when the gun is armed. That's most likely the shooting area. The limits are pretty evident as the box is totally slewed to the left. Since you can move the cursor in the screen, i think you can actually move the gun as well within these limits. Working on the avionics and an approximate thing like that, working exactly as it does with the arma cobra would be so nice. Sure...we miss many things in the copter flying models. 1) Flares/chaff 2) Flir 3) Autorotation system But this of the sensor and gun is the most important thing missing, at least in this copter.
  5. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    1) It's evident by the flight model but bf2 for example is not a sim either still you can use the main copter functions pretty easily...and both copters are devastating. 2) The rotation of turret must be limited for evident reasons. The cannon is on the right side of fuselage and you can only shoot left if you want more air conditioning 3) Yes it would be better, but some choices of compromise can still be done with the ka-50 to make it enjoyable. Besides, the sensor doesn't specifically need to be slaved to the cannon, which means we should be able to use it (unrestricted) at least to zoom and identify targets. I'm rather discomforted by this attitude they have of releasing multiple versions in multiple languages, then release 1 or 2 patches and then move on to next project. I don't think they'll ever "patch" this copter. It's a shame coz all new players do the SP and when they get to "Alligator" they curse...then in "Battlefields" their arms fall off.
  6. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    Great link for the vids, SUBS17! I'm just trying to figure out why bis put this copter into the game without giving a real chance to the players who fly it. It turns out to be a really superficial choice and probably putting a different russian copter would have been a better choice. I don't really think BIS will spend 1 minute on it as i can imagine they're committed on arma2, so ...let's forget about a patch but meanwhile, the russians in arma have no credible copter threat.
  7. -G-Shock-

    Goodbye Public ArmA Servers...

    Ye liked to vote NO to the poll on arma+punkbuster eh?
  8. -G-Shock-

    ArmA Ranking System

    Without pb...a ranking system is completely useless.
  9. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    The engine allows the auto-hover though...isn't it possible to fit in a auto-header when a target is locked on this copter?
  10. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    I was wondering if it would be sufficient to patch (if not mod) to put in the game the automated turn-system of the copter. Being the flight model a bit too "superficial", turning the copter manually to aim, especially distant zoomed targets, makes it pretty hard, too hard. Essentially it's like some tankbusters of ww2...u don't twist the turret you turn the whole hull because....there's no turret. This difference in us/ru concepts has a point (questionable but still one) but being as it is now in arma it's a pretty useless copter as it lacks the essential part of the avionics this copter was built around.
  11. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    That conflicts with another url i found: http://www.defencejournal.com/dec98/ka-50.htm (it says unrestricted aim for the gun lol) It looks like the copter has an automated system making it turn heading towards the locked target (and this is what is currently missing from arma). So...maybe, just maybe such a system should be modded in arma...lock + autoturn. The sensor still should be able to move that bit though. It just doesn't make sense right now, if this system is the key for aiming (and it has to be because it's a single-seat copter) without it in arma, this copter is a dead trap. Luckily it's got an ejection seat...but in arma, you can eject from all copters
  12. -G-Shock-

    Sensor view on russian attack copter

    That's basically insane. You mean that the real hokum pilot needs to move the sensor's pipper onto the target (i.e. inf to hit with mg) manouvering the whole copter? That's impossible imo, right bc it's a single seater there's double reason to make the sensor move. I'll search on the hokum...i'm curious now to see how the real thing works.
  13. Hello there... Even though i own the very best fps in the world since 1.05, and even though i have completed the alligator mission, i was wondering how comes i cant move the sensor camera view in the helo to lock and engage targets. Is there a way to bind this camera view to keys? What are the default keys? How is the sensor motion called in the key list? In cobra i can move the camera with mouse...but in hokum how comes i can't move it? I just can't move the sensor and must manouver the copter with the pipper on target in order to lock and engage....pretty hard...help pls!
  14. -G-Shock-

    Linux Dedicated server

    Same thing happens here. The machine generally hangs between 2 and 4 times a day. The result is: Can't host ArmA and it sucks since it's the only game i play. Where is the linux ded server BIS ? ? ? ?
  15. -G-Shock-

    New Mission Editing Tutorial

    Took a moment to thank you, Rick...i'm starting from the real ZERO having never even seen OpFP and your guide not only looks good but also seems good. Thanks!