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About Hbomber110

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Hbomber110

    FN 2000s for the US military?

    Its just a campaign choices already, im sure that customs MP missions will fit any scenario ranging from cold war to today's guerrilla/insurgency to WW3 era If im going to buy Arma 3 , its not going to be for the campaign. Il have to be sure that my current HD4890 will be able to run the game smoothly no matter in what environment (city/forest) without any objects flashing because of LOD switching and texture flickering and whatever bug that makes the game look like K'wrap. MP warping is also unacceptable IMO. For the rest, give me a gun and people to play with and im happy !
  2. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    A recovery truck ? Please leave that in the main base we need as many riflemans as possible
  3. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    Talking about the Zoom, i agree it may look very unrealistic but in fact even human can somehow do it. Accomodation (Wikipedia)
  4. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    The thing is that we already thrust the RDEV team because they have been releasing increasingly innovative and exiting updates for 5 years on the same old engine (Bf2) And with Arma's engine our expectations are sky high. thats probably why they are pushing the release so far.
  5. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    I can't wait for Christmas and all that free time to play video games, all these gifts and good times with clanmates and... Oh wait im on the PR's thread ! ;)
  6. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    If you call me a fanboy because i was badly disapointed of my previous Arma2 PvP expericences while i play regulary at PR and notice that theres more people playing online on a single MOD then a whole game... I can live with that :p
  7. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    The "knowledge" they will bring here is HOW to play the game correctly. That pretty significant.
  8. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    What a weird question lol Off course not And yes .95 is for Bf2
  9. Hbomber110

    Disable artillery computer

    Using a shorter range(smaller muzzle velocity) reduces the time of flight and the minimum range Unfortunately we can't use (below 45degrees) angles. It would reduces the time of flight even more and add more flexibility like MRSI (already possible but with only 2 rounds impacting at the same time from 1 gun and it is only possible in a small range specter. And you can't choose rapidly between different ammo like smoke or illum. In a perfect world we could change the round's fuze to set it at point detonating(default) or Proximity or even delay for structures...
  10. Hbomber110

    DLC - Canadian Forces

    You are still debating over a Canadian DLC ? C'mon , will you enjoy the game more with different skins and models after the firsts seconds of "OMG ITS A C7" ? I am Canadian ! (and an actual soldier btw) And i don't give a **** about what country im playing with.
  11. Hbomber110

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    Why would you mod Project Reality ? On of the reason why Arma2 is so unpopular is because theres almost a unique addons setup for every single servers. The R-Dev know that and by regulating the server licence they will avoid a variant mess (ACE - PR, CWR - PR,Pr with this map and this one...) Arma 2 is a great game , it is realist enough to enjoy , but PR will show us the right way to enjoy it (tons of stupid Ai and omg explosions are not)
  12. Simple, light... Brilliant ! We need more of this stuff :p
  13. Ok thats disturbing I see this as an excellent decoy !
  14. Project Reality will weld the community back as One. Correct me if im wrong but they will be the first in the OFP-Arma's history to focus on PvP experiance. This might just be what we are missing
  15. Hbomber110

    Project Reality Development

    You don't know PR