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  1. Can you tell me how i can do to disable all other mission in the SOM ?
  2. Hello, i am looking for easy possiblity to call the artillery without using the SOM module.
  3. I have an problem. When i using in the attached demo mission the m109 or the mortars, there is only one shot shooten by these batterys. What can that be?
  4. Berezino: containers and waste container in walls: http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/2268/capture_27082009_204101.jpg See object ID 262023.
  5. Hello, i have a little problem. I need round number, but my hint says "0" for the variable "_n". _posMax = 8; _cnt = 14; _n = _posMax/_cnt; ;~1.5 _n = floor (_n/1); hint format ["_n - %1",_n]; Where is the problem?
  6. Its not a bug - i want - but its not logical: Shooting on tyres of wheeled vehicles, causes disembarking by the crew. But its not realistic to leave good working tower or weapon (LAV25,HMMWV mk19 etc.) when enemy is near, and fighting outside of the vehicle. The crew (in first the gunners/commnader) should be still in the vehicle, behind the good saving armor, an fight aganist the enemy so long they can or the enemy is alive and nearby. Please BIS - fix it!
  7. AI driving tanks are jumping on the rocks and stones. See screens. http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/3460/capture18082009195421.jpg http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/9734/capture18082009195422.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/5625/capture18082009195423.jpg http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9734/capture18082009195422.jpg http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9702/capture18082009195424.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3460/capture18082009195421.jpg
  8. AI led mortar groups, who one soldier (w/o mortar) has contact with enemy, but the mortars doesn´t see the target, doesn´t fire. Leaders of these groups doens´t commanding mortar fire on the target. See here the demomission
  9. - units walking still through fences (player must/can jump over) and through walls, houses, vehicles and other units - i seen units which are walking on a place - without moving - ai pathfinding is most times really idiotic - the "centimerter AI" is only a dream. I can give to soldiers in my group a command to move only 1-2 meters. Units answering "ready" without movement. I see no difference to ARMA1 here - actionmenu positions can fitted by "addAction" only to 4 positions. Any more action can not be seen - the performance is no more good enough after updating to 1.03
  10. I am not sure, but i think, that ARMA2 is now, from time to time, "forgetting" to execute some scripting commands. I launched testscript in other script and in 70% that was not executed !
  11. Syntax: group leaveVehicle vehicle Parameters: group: Object or Group Example 1: soldierOne leaveVehicle jeepOne Example 2: groupOne leaveVehicle jeepOne Working with units AND with groups. I tested older, ARMA1 made, scripts and these are all working correctly. So it must be a bug.
  12. Yes, it is a bug. I haven´t this problem with the same script with 1.02 version or in ARMA1. Hundret precently an engine bug.
  13. @ Physics - i seen M1A2 Tank, which was jumping, tipped over and landing on the tower after it was moving over small stones.
  14. Ok, this is definitively an engine bug. Infantry group, which is not in the same group as the apc crew members, dismounting the vehicle following by the vehicle crew. _veh = apc1; _troop1 = infantry1; ~random 2 {_x leavevehicle _veh} forEach units _troop1; Makes no difference. So it must be a bug in 1.03.
  15. All soldiers on the USMC side are colored "Afroamerican" and Caucasians. But in the whole US forces over 40% (or over 50% ?) are Hispanics. So is ARMA2 "political incorrect" and i hope, BIS can change it. And don´t forget the 4% of Asian guys!