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About Bergmania

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  1. Bergmania

    Forever alone in Sweden

    The 200 round cassette for the KSP90 prolly weights as much as a 30 round magazine.. not that I mind being able to carry 4000 rounds on me.. :p But in reality it is around 3kg full..
  2. Bergmania

    Red's Fix v1.2

    Nice.. however.. The gunner don't have a hatch in the first place.. he is actually the only one in the tank that doesn't have one.. he use the TC's hatch. The other turret hatch is the loaders..
  3. Bergmania

    Linux server beta

    On my glibc spits out these <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">*** glibc detected *** /opt/stuff/arma/server: corrupted double-linked list: 0x08cd74d8 *** and dumps a core, but only when Im using the armaserver script. If I manually start the server it works.. ***UPDATE The script didnt find my server.cfg file for some reason.. after editing the watchdogs server start line it works..
  4. Bergmania

    64 Bit operating system

    About the /3GB parameter in boot.ini.. Ok.. this wont work on any 64bit system.. There is a funny thing that happens to 32bit XP when you have more memory than 2GB also.. or when PAE is enabled I should say.. to make a long story short.. PAE makes 32bit XP slightly slower as paging is done in 3 levels instead of 2.. Microsoft has basically abandoned PAE in XPSP2 and 32 bit Vista so in most cases they will only use 3120mb out of you 4GB anyways.. So far there are no performance gains using a 64bit OS over a 32bit one (a Microsoft one or Linux) and since driver support is still a big problem for 64bit Im atleast are staying with a OS that I know works..
  5. Same here.. Did butkus on performance for me.. Then again I now can install my printer that apparently me disabeling UAC bugged Vista so it was unable to map a network printer.. It fixes some real nasty things to though.. • When you synchronize an offline file to a server, the offline file is corrupted. • Poor memory management performance occurs. Ah well.. back to XPsp2
  6. Bergmania

    Problem with squad xml files

    I think the TexView2 tool is better for conversion than a PS plugin.. I saved my logo with transparency as a png, loaded it into the texview2 tool and saved it as a *.paa and it kept its transparency, TGA should have done that to but it didn't for me
  7. Bergmania

    Error: Cannot Create 3D Device

    The Intel 82G965 is most likely to weak to handle Arma, Intel have a Game Compability Page and stuff like Doom3 and HalfLife2 are listed as playable but with low framerates Company of hero's is listed as unplayable.. So my best guess would be Arma is unplayable on the X3100
  8. replace camCreate with createVehicle
  9. Bergmania

    Grey Question marks- ping

    I think that atleast some of the grey questionmarked servers are behind firewalls.. so they tell the "master" that they are there and use some nifty NAT-T tricks so some players can connect Atleast thats what happened to me, I had a slight misconfiguration in my server settings so I did report to the master but I had not port forwaded anything in my firewall and yet people could connect.. Pinging the server will not work either in that scenario as its behind the firewall and the firewall is configured not to answer pings.. I suspect that there can be problems connecting if you are using NAT aswell..
  10. Bergmania

    Problem with squad xml files

    Is there a way to make them separate? I was under the impression that the defined squad image was both arm patch and vehicle logo.. I have had trouble before that the server or client caches the image somewhere and showed the wrong one even after restarting, I had to rename the logo image and edit the xml file to get the right one showing..
  11. Bergmania

    DDR vs. DDR2?

    I thought that Linda was a plant distribution system... so that the devs don't need to place the trees/grass/flowers by hand .. Bi Wiki Linda The trees are just to polygon rich when we cram up the object resolution.. We either need separate tree detail level or just a tree replacement.
  12. Bergmania

    Multiplayer Crashes at times.

    Do you have a reason to believe that the gfx-card is overheating? If it does it usually takes down the whole system.. not just a CTD.. and one usually see gfx glitches before it goes down.. not always thought.. Hard to tell whats wrong with the limited info
  13. Bergmania

    Start up crash

  14. Bergmania


  15. Bergmania

    Start up crash

    Something is fishy here.. I have Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvopenal.dll, 6.14.0465.0000 (English), 7/26/2005 07:02:42, 54272 bytes Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\OpenAL32.dll, 6.14.0357.0011 (English), 7/27/2007 18:07:14, 86016 bytes my nvapu.sys (the main nvidia sound driver) is also 6.14.465.0 Newest OpenAL32.dll should be 6.14.357.22 according to Creatives Dev site Creative OpenAL download