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About A.W.O.L

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. A.W.O.L

    Overview picture size

    Ok, have been making loads of addons recently and only just got back to missions. Can somone please remind me exactly how to add an image to a mission. Have a .jpg 64 by 128. Hav slung it my miussions folder. Hav a description.ext, overview and briefing. Can I use .jpg? And do I have to put in one of these files to open this image for my mission. Once I have done this can PBO it. I used to use a mission assisitant to do all of this. However it dpoes not seem to open this mision i am working on. Perhaps it is too old a version. Can somone tell me what the best tool to use is? Have tried looking a little on forum but doing A levels right now so dont have much time. Thank you
  2. Ok Have made a huge long range artilery about the size of a building. This kind of weapon does not engae anything as the targets in its range would be several miles away. Therefore it is mainly for looks and to be used as an objetive target. However during the mission wi have made where uhave to assualt it, i would like it to be firing seemingly at the front say about 10 miles away. This means that in reality it must just be firing at nothing. Can u make a unit fire just for the hell of it without firng at something?
  3. A.W.O.L

    Need help on some textures

    ok to use Jpg, put jpg file into ur addon. Then where it comes to texturing face/object with that texture and u have to browse for it open the folder it is in. Ok O2 cant officialy open Jpg as the browse options only allow u to open file types .gif, .tga and .pac/.paa. Therefore type in the jpg name and put .jpg on the end. Then click ok and it should load the texture. Hope this was what u meant and that u undertand.
  4. A.W.O.L

    "invisible force field" problem

    THANK YOU SO MUCH - PROBLEM SOLVED ! Now can release several addons and continue massive V2 Rocket Complex project. Problem was to do with corrupt components. Am not entrierly sure what it was as tried several things, but possibly planes are not allowed in Geomatry or Fire LOD? Cause got rid of them - they are only in 0.000 visual LOD. Also there was a roadway problem that was not helping matter but that did not explain all the others, so I think it was done to some dodgey components. Basicly I have made everything in visual LOD one compnent and all the other LOD I deleter component numbers and then re did them and made sure there were no planes, and that there were all solid objects. Anyway Thanks a lot !
  5. A.W.O.L

    "invisible force field" problem

    Ok what I did was in each LOD I deleted all the components from 1 - whatever. Then I did structure topology find components and made it do the components again. Surely that would remove the corrupt components - but it didnt. Also this problme is ot hust invisible fireproof wall buyt also invisible barrier that u cant walk through. Is it that I have to many components? I have 128 components max on the most complex LOD the o.ooo visual one. Could this be the problem? Should I have less components?
  6. A.W.O.L

    Cargo in a bunker

    Thanks for ur help. Looked at Zwaers bus stop and have altered by config to this. however OFP wont load as there is a mistake in the config. Have I made a really obvious mistake? // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeRye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class AWOL_Pillbox1 { units[] = {AWOL_Pillbox1}; requiredVersion = 1.01; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Weapon: Default{}; class AWOL_Pillbox1: Weapon{}; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class mg42Ammo: BulletSingle { hit=12;indirectHit=0.1;indirectHitRange=0.1; minRange=20;minRangeProbab=0.80; midRange=500;midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=3000;maxRangeProbab=0.05; cost=30; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun: Default{}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun{}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{}; class Browning: MachineGun12_7{}; class AWOL_Pillbox1: Browning { ammo=mg42Ammo; displayName="MG42"; displayNameMagazine="MG42"; shortNameMagazine="MG42"; count=100; initSpeed=600; reloadTime=0.100000; magazineReloadTime=6; dispersion=0.0015; sound[]={"\AWOL_Pillbox1\mg42.wav",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; maxLeadSpeed=865; aiRateOfFire=0.001; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{}; class APC: Tank{}; class M113:APC{}; class M2StaticMG: M113{}; class AWOL_Pillbox1: M2StaticMG { scope=2; crew="Civilian"; hasDriver=0; icon="unknown_move"; maxSpeed=1; side=0; displayName="AWOL_Pillbox1"; nameSound="jeep"; accuracy=0.500000; armor=1000; cost=30000; fuelCapacity=0; transportSoldier=1; transportAmmo=0; model= \AWOL_Pillbox1\AWOL_Pillbox1; armorWheels=0.120000; hasgunner=1; vehicleClass="Objects"; cargoAction[]={"ManActJeepCoDriverBack"}; cargoIsCoDriver[]={1,0}; typicalCargo[]={"Civilian2"}; class IndicatorSpeed class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-30; maxElev=+30; minTurn=-60; maxTurn=+60; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxytpillbox: ProxyWeapon{}; }; class CfgVehicleActions { AWOL_Pillbox1Gunner="Up"; }
  7. A.W.O.L

    "invisible force field" problem

    When checking if it is corrupt do u mean clicking on each component number on that little mnu on right hand side and checking that each one is made up of something. Is a corrupt component one that is not made of any faces?
  8. Ok sounds like a weird topic. My problem is that I have made several buildings and for some strange reason sometimes there is a forcefield around them that IS NOT in the position of the geomatry LOD. It is is reading th geomatryt model incorrectly and preventing access where normaly u should be able to go. Please help. This problme has prevented the release of oads of my stuff and I havent got a clue why it is happening. Is it to do with covexities? I got rid of all the covexities in all the LOD except the niormal visual one. That has not helped. Do I need to getrid of covexities in that one as well or has this got nothing to do with that?
  9. A.W.O.L

    Cargo in a bunker

    Ok I am making a bunker with a machine gun position. Basicly it looks like a bunker and u can walk inside it BUT as it is officialy a fixed machine gun veichal u can also get in as gunner. Ok that works fine. Now I want to add cargo. BUT NOT A DRIVER as it is a bunker- Â it is not supposaed to moive. Is very simple bunker design. Get in as gunner and u can fire a fixed MG42. I want get in as cargo so that u could have the cargo sitting on crates of something in the back like they are relaxing. Can u have cargo if u use an Fixed MG as the class? Here is the config: // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeRye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class AWOL_Pillbox1 { units[] = {AWOL_Pillbox1}; requiredVersion = 1.01; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Weapon: Default{}; class AWOL_Pillbox1: Weapon{}; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class mg42Ammo: BulletSingle { hit=12;indirectHit=0.1;indirectHitRange=0.1; minRange=20;minRangeProbab=0.80; midRange=500;midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=3000;maxRangeProbab=0.05; cost=30; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun: Default{}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun{}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{}; class Browning: MachineGun12_7{}; class AWOL_Pillbox1: Browning { Â ammo=mg42Ammo; Â displayName="MG42"; Â displayNameMagazine="MG42"; Â shortNameMagazine="MG42"; Â count=100; Â initSpeed=600; Â reloadTime=0.100000; Â magazineReloadTime=6; Â dispersion=0.0015; Â sound[]={"\AWOL_Pillbox1\mg42.wav",db0,1}; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â soundContinuous=0; Â maxLeadSpeed=865; aiRateOfFire=0.001; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{}; Â class APC: Tank{}; class M113:APC{}; class M2StaticMG: M113{}; class AWOL_Pillbox1: M2StaticMG { Â displayName="AWOL_Pillbox1"; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â picture="im113"; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â model="\AWOL_Pillbox1\AWOL_Pillbox1"; Â cost=15000; Â weapons[]={"mg42"}; Â magazines[]={"mg42","mg42","mg42","mg42"}; Â Â Â Â Â side=0; Â crew="SoldierGB"; Â armor=60; Â armorStructural=20.000000; Â icon="kulomet.paa"; Â //modelOptics="optika_PK"; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-30; maxElev=+30; minTurn=-60; maxTurn=+60; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxytpillbox: ProxyWeapon{}; }; class CfgVehicleActions { AWOL_Pillbox1Gunner="Up"; } Can u make it so there is cargo? Say 3 people can get in as crago. I can do all the stuff u need to do in the model itself. But doesnt work. Is it possible or not? Thanks
  10. A.W.O.L

    How to make glass textures?

    why dont u open the demo OFP house - doesnt that have glass textures? If it does, note down the name of the texture than either take the texture from data folder and put it in ur model, or link ur model to the texture located in data folder
  11. A.W.O.L

    Carriers - ofp 1.46

    I dont think it works properly so in 1.46 u probably still get bounce
  12. A.W.O.L

    Carriers - ofp 1.46

    roadway must be slightly above geomatry model, then stuff doesnt bounce
  13. A.W.O.L

    Working lights

    Thank u very much - Sorry for basic question but where can u get demo models such as M2 Machinbe gun - know where to get some other ones like BMP but not M2 - Do i need to download a demo?
  14. A.W.O.L

    Working lights

    hey please can u help - I have made a guard tower but would look a lot better if it had working lights. Is there a way to have search lights (they dont have to move) mounted on a building. Do u have to use certain proxys? and have a special config? Is it possible? I know it is possible on a verichal or a fixed machine gun like official west M2. Is it possible for a building - Imagine how cool it would look to have a base made up of decent buiuldings (like Project IGI style - those sorts of gurad towers - but with the base all lit up ! And is it possible if u can do that to make them yuirn on and off AND to specify this point so for example u could sneak into a base and there would be like a powerbox from which u could turn of that buildings power and make lights go off?
  15. A.W.O.L

    Limits making models

    Ok I am nor sure of exact size limit, but i know there is one - I made a sub pen roughly 3 times the size of the grid in O2 and ingame geomotry and fire didnt work unless it was smaller., I know for a fact that 2 ladders possible (have dne). I assume 2 ladders AND 2 doors possible as in ressistance there is building whee u can open door 1 to lift, climb ladder 1 to get on top of lift, climb ladder 2 up lift shaft, and open door 2 to get onto roof. However have not seen another model with more than this so dont know if it is possible.