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About 169th_Ice

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  1. 169th_Ice


    As it says No bugs that I know of. If by chance as commander not being able to build after respawning. Go back to the soldier selection selection screen and rejoin. It will then work. ACE-ICED-Warfare-01.Sara
  2. 169th_Ice


    Version 14 hits the top three Not Bad http://stats.swec.se/game/statistics
  3. 169th_Ice


    13 - 14 Changes added 4000m view distance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Common\Init\Init_CommonCnstants.sqf ;Range at which commander must be from the HQ to use it. CONSTRUCTIONRANGE = 200 to 150 ;Max units that a player can own. MAXPLAYERTEAMSIZE = 18 to 24 ;Distance (meters) that can be scrolled from center on construction screen. CONSTRUCTIONSCROLLDISTANCE = 200 to 250 ;Time until an abandoned vehicle is removed. Â Set to 0 to never remove them. ABANDONEDVEHICLETIME = 2400 ;Meters per second for fast travel. FASTTRAVELSPEED = 150 RESISTANCEINACTIVETIME = 300 t0 600 DEFENSEINACTIVETIME = 300 to 600 SIDESTARTINGDISTANCE = 4000 to 5000 LARGEDEFENSESUPPLIES = 70 AIPURCHASERANGE = 300 to 500 AIDEFENDLOCATIONRANGE = 250 to 300 AIREINFORCERANGE = 300 to 500 AIPATROLRANGE = 150 to 250
  4. 169th_Ice

    Best Warfare for Single Player

    A mod that made AI walk on the side of the road would be better.
  5. 169th_Ice


    It worked fine. Hard to get a crowd these days though :-( Warfare_32-V112-ICED-V14.Sara
  6. 169th_Ice


    Lookng for clients to join my server "Ice's BIG Server" today / tonight. Testing version 14
  7. 169th_Ice

    Cheat / Hack Awareness Thread

    It will be a cheaters Hack, not a innocent mod. Especially not a sound mod lol.. to stop the hackers get DOOAcs.. its very good. thats if you like to use mods on your server that is without the hassle of server signatures Read my post.. I am Usings Doolittles anti cheat system.
  8. 169th_Ice

    Cheat / Hack Awareness Thread

    So, no one knows what mod or hack caused this ?
  9. Yesterday I was playing Arma on my Server (169th Panthers High Performance Server 100MB) and bought a Harrier which to my amazement had 600 GBU's and 600 TOW missiles. What sort of hack or Mod could do this? I am blocking this list of mods: Blocked Mods: XAM all of them SLX Mod ECS Mod Compact Fix for ArmA Fight For Nogova (FFN) Mod Morsa's Any Gear by 5133p39 PROPER World mod PROPER World Xtra Mods GDT ModHelicopter GDT Mod TOW GDT Mod Hellfire GDT Mod Satchel As seen in this thread using Doolittles DAACS
  10. 169th_Ice

    Wafare Tournament

    169th are interested. You can post details in our forums if you like: http://169thpanthers.com.au
  11. 169th_Ice


    Version 13 now available for download in the initial post. No bugs
  12. 169th_Ice

    Dedicated Server - Log

    What about the ability to save the chatlog ?
  13. Ok, well sorry about that Aussie i thought you and Aussie Dave were the same. If you look here, you might see why. http://www.gamingsa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5802
  14. they do dave. Hence the creditation in the initial post :-)
  15. 169th_Ice

    Dedicated Server - Log

    Good stuff. thanks !