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About TheHitman

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Having issues with our vehicle save Here is the saveVehicle _ArryLength = count INV_SavedVeh; getPlayerUID player; if(_ArryLength >= 3) then { player groupChat "You can not save more than 3 vehicles, to get more please remove a vehicle at the retrieve vehicle box..."; } else { _vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0); _vclClass = typeOf _vcl; player globalchat format ["VEHICLE ARRAY : %1",_vcl]; // debug INV_SavedVeh set [count INV_SavedVeh, _vclClass]; player globalchat format ["SAVED ARRAY : %1",INV_SavedVeh]; // debug deleteVehicle _vcl; player groupChat "VEHICLE SAVED, YOU MAY RETRIEVE IT AT THE VEHICLE RETRIEVE POINT!"; ["INV_SavedVehicle",INV_SavedVehicle] spawn clientsavevar; }; And the action lines action223 = _role addaction ["[*SAVE VEHICLE*]","saveVehicle.sqf";',1,true,true,"",'_vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0);player distance _vcl < 5 and _vcl in INV_ServerVclArray and _vcl in INV_VehicleArray']; Slight update to the scripts... _ArryLength = count INV_SavedVeh; _counter = 0; //if (player distance (getmarkerpos "chopshop1area") > 20) exitWith {hint "You cannot save a vehicle this close to a vehicle vendor!"}; if (isnil "playersavingveh") then { playersavingveh = false;}; if (playersavingveh) exitWith {player groupchat "you're already saving vehicle!"}; _dice = random (20); _dice1 = random (10); _wait = _dice - _dice1; _wait = round _wait; if (_wait < 10 ) then {_wait = 15;}; if(_ArryLength >= 3) then { player groupChat "You can not save more than 3 vehicles, to get more please remove a vehicle at the retrieve vehicle box..."; } else { _vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0); _vclClass = typeOf _vcl; if (getDammage _vcl > 0.25) exitWith {hint "That's wrecked! Please repair it before saving the vehicle."}; player groupchat format ["Saving Vehicle. Please wait %1 seconds and stay within 3 Metres",_wait]; playersavingveh = true; while {true} do { hintSilent format ["Saving Vehicle : %1 seconds",(_wait-_counter)]; if (_counter==_wait) exitWith { player globalchat format ["VEHICLE ARRAY : %1",_vcl]; // debug INV_SavedVeh set [count INV_SavedVeh, _vclClass]; player globalchat format ["SAVED ARRAY : %1",INV_SavedVeh]; // debug deleteVehicle _vcl; ["INV_SavedVehicle",INV_SavedVehicle] spawn clientsavevar; hint "Vehicle Saved! To retreve please visit a vehicle retrieve point."; playersavingveh = false; }; if(!alive player) exitWith {hint "Vehicle save cancelled due to death.";playersavingveh = false;}; if (getDammage _vcl > 0.25) exitWith {hint "That's wrecked! Please repair it before saving the vehicle.";playersavingveh = false;}; if(isstunned) exitWith {hint "vehicle save cancelled as you were stunned!";playersavingveh = false;}; if(animationstate player == "CivilSitting") exitwith {hint "You've been ziptied! Vehicle Save stopped.";playersavingveh = false;}; if(player distance _vcl > 4) exitWith {hint "You ran away from your vehicle! Save cancelled.";playersavingveh = false;}; if(!alive _vcl) exitWith {hint "Vehicle destroyed!";playersavingveh = false;}; if(isnull _vcl) exitWith {hint "System has lost the vehicle. has it already been saved?";playersavingveh = false;}; _counter = _counter + 1; sleep 1; }; }; action223 = _role addaction ["<t color='#009933'>[*SAVE VEHICLE*]</t>","noscript.sqf",'(nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0) execVM "saveVehicle.sqf";',1,true,true,"",'_vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0);player distance _vcl < 5 and _vcl in INV_ServerVclArray and _vcl in INV_VehicleArray']; RPT Output 11:37:59 Error in expression <ta\saveVehicle.sqf" _ArryLength = count INV_SavedVeh; _counter = 0; if (isnil "> 11:37:59 Error position: <INV_SavedVeh; _counter = 0; if (isnil "> 11:37:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: inv_savedveh 11:37:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Emita\saveVehicle.sqf, line 1 11:37:59 Error in expression <a\saveVehicle2.sqf" _ArryLength = count INV_SavedVeh; if(_ArryLength >= 3) the> 11:37:59 Error position: <INV_SavedVeh; if(_ArryLength >= 3) the> 11:37:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: inv_savedveh 11:37:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Emita\saveVehicle2.sqf, line 1 saveVehicle2 _ArryLength = count INV_SavedVeh; if(_ArryLength >= 3) then { player groupChat "[!] Vehicle Save Full [!]"; } else { _vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0); _vclClass = typeOf _vcl; player globalchat format ["VEHICLE ARRAY : %1",_vcl]; // debug INV_SavedVeh set [count INV_SavedVeh, _vclClass]; player globalchat format ["SAVED ARRAY : %1",INV_SavedVeh]; // debug deleteVehicle _vcl; player groupChat "-| Vehicle Saved |-"; execVM "Scripts\statSave\jaysantiglitch.sqf"; ["INV_SavedVehicle",INV_SavedVehicle] spawn clientsavevar; execVM "Scripts\statSave\jaysantiglitch.sqf"; };
  2. One of them was moved from squad and fan pages
  3. The map is Cicada and is running on the TCG Addons You can download the addons HERE or HERE The feature list is extensive and I will list a few as of right now Stat Save Complete Donor Paycheck / Perks System 50K Paychecks Active Admins 512 Slot TeamSpeak Server New Gaming Community Experienced Development Team Chance To Play Island Life Again HOMEPAGE Server Information:
  4. This map is Cicada and is running on the TCG Addons You can download the addons HERE or HERE The feature list is extensive and I will list a few as of right now Stat Save Complete Donor Paycheck / Perks System 50K Paychecks Active Admins 512 Slot TeamSpeak Server New Gaming Community Experienced Development Team Chance To Play Island Life Again HOMEPAGE Server Information:
  5. We are primarily focusing on multigaming However we do have a ARMA III Life mission in development at this time Be sure to check out our homepage here: http://www.xlightcorex.net/ Further updates and information will be posted on that page Thanks for reading :) _____ The life mission is now up and running, Still being worked on TeamSpeak: TS.XLIGHTCOREX.NET Server information is on the homepage
  6. TheHitman

    ARMA II Persistent Save

    Since the site is dead on this link: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145320-ArmA-II-Persistent-Stat-Save-Server-and-other-open-source! Does anyone have the old persistent save system anywhere? Thanks for reading guys
  7. TheHitman

    BEC Issues

    Dealt with, Simple missing quotation in the startup parameters
  8. TheHitman

    BEC Issues

    Having issues with trying to fire BEC Checked and rechecked everything http://i.imgur.com/izm06ir.png (238 kB)
  9. TheHitman

    BI Seriously..

    We seriously need BE ASAP You've heard this countless times We need at least some protection My server was full until 5 Minuets ago until "Jack" Comes in, Advertises a hacking community with a placed animated banner at the bottom of the screen and then crashes the server..
  10. TheHitman

    TeeTimes Warfare

    Could you add an admin console within the next update? Thanks
  11. TheHitman

    Crime Life Roleplay Mission

    Listen ArMaTeC You fucking buck teethed little shit You are a fuckwit that cannot even defend his community from DDoS Attacks and you claim to have one of the best communities in the whole ArmA Scene Someone goes against you and plays another modification you will permanently ban them from the site Something does not go your own way you will claim it as your work even though it is not I don't care if I am gravedigging this thread but I want to get my point across that you are a fucktard that sells "Donation Cars" That you don't even have the copyright for from the manufacturer.. I don't see Lamborghini giving you permission to use their cars/reskin them into police cars.. Seriously.. Which country in the world has a Lamborghini/Porsche as a police car? Other than for emergency organ transplants.. Seriously pull your head out your arse and make something unique
  12. TheHitman

    Mission Edit Issue

    All I need to edit are a set of map markers :/
  13. TheHitman

    Mission Edit Issue

    Anyone any ideas?
  14. So.. I am trying to edit a Cherno Life mission in the editor.. All it loads within the editor is the game logic, Nothing else.. No markers.. Nothing How can I get around this? All I want to do is change a few markers.. Screenshot: