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About zorilya

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  1. After having a headache from trying to figure out what was wrong with my latest project i realized it was an uninitialized variable being set using the setVariable command. my script was originally : _item = (nearestObject [player,"TimeBombCore"]); fnc_test = { _thing = _this select 0; hint (str(_thing)); sleep 1; _thing setVariable ["Name","bomb"]; _variable = _thing getVariable ["Name","no name"]; hint (str(_variable)); sleep 1; }; [_item] call fnc_test; _var = _item getVariable ["Name","no name"]; hint (str(_var)); in this example i was testing if it was perhaps due to when it was being used i.e. called in a function. this one returned the object reference of the model i.e. 123456: C4_charge.p3d or whatever it is then "no name" and finally "no name" so i tried this instead _item = (nearestObject [player,"TimeBombCore"]); fnc_test = { _thing = _this select 0; hint (str(_thing)); sleep 1; _thing setVariable ["Name","bomb"]; _variable = _thing getVariable ["Name","no name"]; hint (str(_variable)); sleep 1; }; [_item] call fnc_test; _var = _item setVariable ["Name","bomb"]; hint (str(_var)); sleep 1; _var = _item getVariable ["Name","no name"]; hint (str(_var)); again just to test if it was an issue of where it was being defined. still i could not get a return of the name being "bomb". so to recap: the script has the charge object stored in the main script scope and in the fnc_test when it is called. neither times with the variable is set does it actually seem to has set a value in any variable space. any Ideas as to why this might be. I can only conclude that you cannot setVariable using this particular object but it seems odd that every other object reference seems to be perfectly fine with setVariable e.g. units, houses, vehicles
  2. the script wasn't written with vehicles in mind ... i'll keep it in mind as an addition to the Patrol function :) ---------- Post added at 15:15 ---------- Previous post was at 15:14 ---------- already done though i haven't done too much work on it lately
  3. zorilya

    arma 3 action scripts

    Thanks for taking the time :)
  4. zorilya

    arma 3 action scripts

    i'm not looking to edit them just look... do you know the references so i can execute the same actions seperately?... my issue is that i'm trying to place C4 and when i generate the model for the demo charge it doesn't yet have the characteristics of a charge (timer and touch off options). just looking for how to add them to the object
  5. Does anybody know where the scripts are that execute when your use an action like "put satchel charge". I ripped open the configs but i can only find string table references, which don't contain the whereabouts of the script... i'm just looking for the script that executes when you use the aformentioned action
  6. I uploaded a new version or my garrison script...http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17677
  7. I have been testing a simple free hostage script where the hostage joins the group of the unit who calls the action. works great on a unit added in the editor. however this doesn't work when i script a unit into the world... the unit, when spawned stands as if holding a weapon but is unarmed and when i activate the action for him to join my squad, nothing happens. I have tested this with civilians, opfor and blufor units. any ideas?
  8. I've never tested it on a vehicle... in theory the partol script would worrk on a vehicle but a vehicle cann't move into a building i think. perhaps it is p[hysically limited through pathfinding (like most things are hehe) ---------- Post added at 01:49 ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 ---------- Glad your finding it useful... yes the Garrison is being improved from A3... the normal version still works but i'm adding a little bit more functionallity and i'll hopefully be able to get to some MP issues that have been reported...
  9. yeah ... that was the whole point i made it so glad it's livening up someone elses game too. enjoy :)
  10. Thanks man ... i guess that's what was born out of me not using it with enough variety. nice spot looking at that a second time i don't know why that was giving you problems.... it seems to work fine for me, no matter who i put it on... odd hehe
  11. tried the fired EH... sadly doesn't trigger when an explosive is placed. so i went with the nearobjects check with a 0.5 second sleep on the loop. this sadly was my worst idea i thought but hey it's done now. thanks anyway :)
  12. the only problem i have is gathering the explosives in the first place. i thankyou for the suggestions and i can see how i might apply them in other circumstances but i can't seem to get the explosives when they are placed in the first place... just to be clear, i am not creating these explosives with a create vehicle command they are being places normally by units in the game. any idea how i might execute code on the placement of a given explosive?
  13. i'm afraid this doesn't deal with my issue... i'm looking to add an action to an explosive when it is placed. the reference material you gave deals with adding an action to an already placed object.... it is the sensing when the explosive has been placed that is the problem here
  14. hi there, I am currently trying to get my head around writing configs as i believe this will solve the problem i'm having. the problem is that i would like to execute a piece of code when a specific item is created. I theorised that there must be some way to add an init code for this item in the config file and therfore when it is created my code will run. failing that i was looking around for some way to detect when an item has been created. from there i would check what it is and run the code if the item was appropriate. the item is a explosive and i have developed a function that allows you to place the explosive on an object. but i need somewhere to add the action for the explosive and this is my problem. i could just run a trigger on the player and check the contents of the trigger every few seconds but that seems a bit overkill. any ideas?
  15. great info man thankyou ... just polishing the functionality of the C4 placement but this was next on my list :)