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About mchide

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    hmm... what do u think?
  1. mchide

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Welcome back Ivan and Martin! Stay safe!
  2. mchide

    Edit pmc mission

    Mate you started two threads with same problem in really short time... Didnt you read your first thread to the end?
  3. Solution is so close and so simple... i know and i will keep my mouth shut
  4. I used this in Takistans east air base... still there was car here and there... cars are spawned aroud houses. If house class is blacklisted than car spawn is ignored around it. Type in sivile module init to see spawn positions for cars this setvariable ["DEBUG", True, True]
  5. I think i posted somewhere this allready. You need array of house classes something like: init=YOURMODULENAME OR THIS setvariable ["blackList",[ "Land_Mil_Barracks_EP1", "Land_Mil_Barracks_i_EP1", "Land_Mil_ControlTower_EP1", "Land_Mil_House_EP1", "Land_Mil_hangar_EP1", "Land_Mil_Barracks_L_EP1", "Land_Ind_Shed_02_EP1" ]];
  6. mchide

    RE Problem

    I use FSM file for sending this code around... Sorry mate, i would use someones sistem if there would not be the sistem for MP handling in game allready. Dont get me wrong... I know that your sistem is good and working ;) But maybe i made some mistake somewhere and i cant find it. F u c k is that all this work on SP or when im server. But on dedicated some code is sent and some is not!!! We have to figure this out. Or maybe someone allready did. THat the reason i posted this here.
  7. Ok guys... im haveing one small problem, I run most of stuff from server... i use MP framework Things like this work ... : [objNull, player, "per", rCREATETASKSET, "Wobj3", [ localize "STR_xy3_1", localize "STR_xy3", localize "STR_xy3_2" ], markerPos "Wobj3" ] call RE; [objNull, player, "per", rTitleCut, "", "BLACK", 2] call RE; [objNull, player, "per", rENDMISSION, "end1"] call RE; [objNull, player, "per", rFAILMISSION, "end2"] call RE; But calling objective status... [objNull, player, "per", rSETTASKSTATE, "Wobj3", "Failed"] call RE; Allso tried with no luck { [objNull, _x, "per", rSETTASKSTATE, "W_OBJ3", "Succeeded"] call RE; }foreach [units grpBAF_ALPHA, units grpBAF_BRAVO, units grpBAF_CHARLIE, units grpBAF_DELTA, units grpBAF_Air]; Anyone have same issues?
  8. you can convert possition with function... You need functions module... _pos = position player; _result = _pos call BIS_fnc_PosToGrid; hint format ["%1",_result];
  9. This works // init.sqf file; //something missionendhere = false; yourviewdistance = 1200; //server only if (isserver) then { onplayerconnected { {publicvariable _x} foreach [ "missionendhere", "yourviewdistance " ]; }; /* We need riffle in breifing screen */ {Nameofunit removemagazine "HandGrenade_West"} foreach[1,2,3,4]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal (unitbackpack Nameofunit); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (unitbackpack Nameofunit); (unitbackpack Nameofunit) addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M24_des_EP1",1]; (unitbackpack Nameofunit) addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_762x51_M24",4]; // Then i start briefing with MP framework // then some other server code can be here [] spawn{ Waituntil {!alive TANK}; missionendhere = true; publicvariable "missionendhere"; }; }; // Player settup [] spawn{ // some custom player code can be here... while{alive player}do{ "marker" setposmarkerlocal (position player); sleep 0.1; }; }; // Here is mission start... waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; setviewdistance yourviewdistance; setterraingrid 12.5; Note that it depends from backpack type. Some of backpacks cant carry weapons
  10. Developers, can please empty shells of 30mm and 40mm grenades are made and included in patch, or in next DLC. If you dont have time i can make models and texture them for you. Thank you.
  11. I soo that you edited wiki just after that... ;) I posted working solution
  12. I used "hideObject" command from server to hidde _x unit. It looks like that this command is local. Sqf works perfect on SP and if im server but when i start it from dedicated looks like that command is not broadcasted across network. Is it a bug or command is local only?
  13. mchide

    No distant muzzle flashes in OA?

    All weapons have muzzle flashes in all view lods. If soldier distance is 200m + how many pixles do you think his muzzle flash have?! Think on this.