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About nosseb

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  1. nosseb

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    I haven't played ArmA for a long time and was realy interested by the Units However a few things are preventing me to finde the righ Unit from the nearly 20K Open Units 1) Add a filter by skill level/monthly play time. Personally i'm a casual gamer (sadly does not have much time for it) and would be pleased to filter out units that have obligatory intensives training programs or that expect their players to play on a dayli basis. 2) Negative Filter. For exemple, I hate PvP, so in the filters I tick PvE. The probleme is with units that does a lot of PvP and very litle PvE. They still get listed. I would highly apreciate to be able to exlude Units that does PvP. 3) Alternative solution: a slider A unit may do 75% PvP and 25%PvE, that way we are better informed about what to expect from the unit. Nosseb