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About Ginger_jihadi

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  1. Ginger_jihadi

    Rvmat error after generating layers

  2. hey guys ive just generated my layers in Map frames, after I click okay I get a error file popping up saying "11:47:21: Rvmat conf - LayerRvmatCFG.cpp bool CLayerRvmatCFG::Open( const char* filename = "p:\jkm\jkm_island\data\jkm_island_dirt.rvmat" ) Source file cannot be opened... 11:47:21: Rvmat conf - LayerRvmatCFG.cpp bool CLayerRvmatCFG::Open( const char* filename = "p:\jkm\jkm_island\data\jkm_island_dry_grass.rvmat" ) Source file cannot be opened... 11:47:21: Rvmat conf - LayerRvmatCFG.cpp bool CLayerRvmatCFG::Open( const char* filename = "p:\jkm\jkm_island\data\jkm_island_forest_pine.rvmat" ) Source file cannot be opened... 11:47:21: Rvmat conf - LayerRvmatCFG.cpp bool CLayerRvmatCFG::Open( const char* filename = "p:\jkm\jkm_island\data\jkm_island_grass_green.rvmat" ) Source file cannot be opened... 11:47:21: Rvmat conf - LayerRvmatCFG.cpp bool CLayerRvmatCFG::Open( const char* filename = "p:\jkm\jkm_island\data\jkm_island_soil.rvmat" ) Source file cannot be opened..." what do I have to do over come this ?
  3. Ginger_jihadi

    Cant generate layers

    ive changed that and it still comes up with the error heres what it looks like http://prntscr.com/gnxtim
  4. Ginger_jihadi

    Cant generate layers

    ive replaced the image, and click generate again but the same error has come up
  5. Ginger_jihadi

    Cant generate layers

    the link is the screen shot
  6. Ginger_jihadi

    Cant generate layers

    Heya guys whenever I try to generate the terrain this error keeps popping up, and I have no idea what to do ? my Map legend is in the same file as my layers.cfg http://prntscr.com/gnuyr0
  7. Ginger_jihadi

    I need a map

    Hey guys, I was wondering if some one could supply me a link or make me a empty terrain and files which I can edit in bulldozer, ive tried many times to make my own but I have no luck, as there are always errors or no textures even though I follow tutorials step by step... thank you and sorry about this post
  8. Ginger_jihadi

    terrain builder help

    Heya guys this will probably make me sound like a big pleb, but I'm a huge fan of Arma along with my mates.. lately we've been planning to make our very own server/map/missions.So I was wondering if you guys can help me... I've been trying to make my own map but im having great difficulty doing so, I've been following a tutorial step by step using L3DT and terrrain builder, but when I get into bulldozer all the textures are grey... I was wondering if anyone has a good tutorial they follow, or a easier way to make a map or know where I can get a plain flat map and bulldoze my way from there or even give up the time to make plain map that I bulldoze my way from there (willing to pay for your time)... Sorry if this isn't the right place to post Thankyou Ps I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times