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Hudson's Skull

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About Hudson's Skull

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hudson's Skull


    You don't need extra mods to remove stamina. If you are altering the missions in the editor, you can also remove the player's stamina from the editor. I'm not sure they will. You can try and see.
  2. Hudson's Skull


    @lv1234 I'm no expert, but from my experience, I'm pretty sure you'll need to start over.
  3. Hudson's Skull


    @lv1234 Best way to go about it is to copy/paste the Ravage missions into your missions folder (Documents\Arma 3\missions), rename them to "WhateverYouWant.Altis" and "WhateverYouWant.Tanoa", then open then in the editor and edit them to your liking. This way you can save without altering the original Ravage missions. Then you need to export your new scenario from the editor (Scenario--> Export--> Export to Single Player). Your new mission will show up in scenarios along side the Ravage missions. Don't forget to "Export to Single Player" each time you make changes to your mission or the changes you make wont take effect in the Scenario section of the game.
  4. Hudson's Skull


    @haleks OK. Thanks for the info.
  5. Hudson's Skull


    Hi guys. Anybody know how to spawn renegade camps? I noticed a "rvg_fnc_spawnBanditCamp" script is called with a trigger for the survivor camps on the Altis demo and was wondering if there was anything similar for renegades? If not, is there any possibility of copying the script and altering it to spawn renegades or any other faction? Maybe having a module for this allowing mod/scenario makers to put down friendly/enemy camps in various places on a map.
  6. Hudson's Skull


    Sorry, my bad.
  7. Hudson's Skull


    That's the one. Thanks man!
  8. Hudson's Skull


    Ok thanks for the response, at first I thought my rig was starting to act up, because I googled it and anyone who didn't have an answer blamed it on hardware. Yeah right. Like fake news from anonymous sources blaming it on Russia. Edit: What's the class name for the Fuel Canister and Empty Fuel Canister, I want to modify the content of the rvg_repair_box. I managed to find most class names in the tuto.sqf and in a previous post by Cosmic10r: But I can't seem to find the ones for the fuel. I tried rvg_fuelcanister , rvg_fuel_canister , etc...
  9. Hudson's Skull


    I don't know if this ever happened to anyone else, this might be a problem with ARMA 3 in general, but when I test my scenario through the editor using the simple "Play in SP", everything works fine, but if I try using the "Play SP with briefing" the game crashes right after hitting the "Continue" button. It also happens when I export to single player and try playing. I get a "The instruction at 0x009b6f17 referenced memory at 0xffffff could not be read" error. If I un-tick the "show briefings" option in "Attributes/General/States" then export to single player and try it out, it skips the briefing and I spawn in game without a problem.
  10. Hudson's Skull


    Quick question about the zombie horde placement module. Does it trigger only once? If so, is there a way to reset it using a trigger? I placed some at the center of cities and towns to have a few more walkers roaming around and was just wondering if I needed to make some sort of triggering system to reset the modules when returning to those areas. A reset timer in the module settings would be handy to allow a certain amount of time to pass before in can be enabled again (just a suggestion).
  11. Hudson's Skull


    Cool! Thanks a lot man. :)
  12. Hudson's Skull


    Alright, got it. Thanks for the heads up FireWalker. I'm still new to the reputation thing in Arma, what's the best faction to play as when creating Ravage scenarios? Are there any benefits to playing as a particular faction?
  13. Hudson's Skull


    Hey thanks for the quick response man! Love your work on this. Two thumbs up!!! And thanks for the tip. Just another quick question. I added a squad member to my unit (as a hunting buddy "spotter") but I get so far and he ends up shooting me in the back. Was I in his crosshairs (friendly fire) while he was shooting at an enemy? I don't know but it happened three out of three times and I don't recall it ever happening when I recruited survivors in the game. Are survivors scripted differently than the run of the mill squad mates? Here's a peek at the load screen for my scenario...
  14. Hudson's Skull


    Hi guys, a newbie here. I just started playing Arma 3 a few weeks ago and I gotta say, I'm very impressed with this mod. Congrats to everyone involved. I started playing around in the editor, just goofing around. Seems pretty cut and dry. I'm trying to make a scenario, nothing complicated, a simple Point A to Point B type of mission. I call it "The Road to Outpost 13"... An officer returning from RnR (a hunting trip) has to try and make it back to the outpost he was stationed at. I figure it will help me learn more about the editor in the process. Anyway, I noticed some of the values in certain modules (like for example the atmosphere module) have some features deactivated by default and I was wondering where I could find the correct values for the modules so the gameplay will resemble the Altis free roaming mission included with the Ravage mod. Some of the yes/no values are obvious (i.e. Survival System, Save System, Atmosphere, etc.) but I was wondering if the default % values in some of the modules needed tweeking in order to hit that sweet spot in the Altis demo. Also, I placed a Zombie blacklist module at my starting area (radius=400 ; Time=Always ; Trigger repetition=Yes) so the player doesn't get attacked right out of the starting gate but when I test it out, there are often a few zombies spawning inside the defined area within a few hundred meters of the player. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Here is a list of the mods I'm using: CBA_A3 CUP Weapons ENFORCER (only using it for the Indiana Jones type fedora that my character wears lol) Friths Ruin Ravage Ravage Apex RHSAFRF RHSGREF RHSSAF RHSUSAF TAC VESTS TRYK [TRYK's Multi-play Uniforms]