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About DeadDylan

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. DeadDylan


    just leave the game and come back, or join another. its a glitch that only happens to me maybe twice max in a full day of playing. no big deal.
  2. need to for the montage i want to make? anyone know how? or if its possible. thank you
  3. DeadDylan

    Performance Problems, 780ti

    hmm idk man you might want to youtube it directly, im sure something should come up. sorry i couldnt help.
  4. DeadDylan

    FPS optimization

    Check out my video on improving lag, i have worse settings pretty much. and i still get 100 fps with my settings. DO Everything i say in video and download ccleaner. you will be set with 100 fps. 100% i know it https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/206518-argo-videos/?page=2
  5. DeadDylan

    Performance Problems, 780ti

    i just made a video about improving lag, heres the link to the post i just made. https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/206518-argo-videos/?page=2
  6. DeadDylan

    Argo Videos

    If youre looking to improve your fps ingame, this video will help. also has tips to improve pc performance.
  7. If you have any problems with lag, or need some tips on how to improve fps, I just made a video on it. ( for mods) (I posted this here because people that have problems with fps ingame, are going to come here most likely. )
  8. DeadDylan

    Argo Videos

    Thanks for the pin. More of the community can now find youtubers videos. very smart whoever thought of this. Although I still think it would be better if you made a whole new area for posting videos. for example: general disscussions etc etc. That way people can make there own threads and find what they are looking for. montages, tips and tricks, just regular gameplay etc. think about it.
  9. DeadDylan

    Feedback Thread

    I LIKE YOU :)
  10. DeadDylan

    Feedback Thread

    why so butthurt bro? i never seen people get so mad over just wanting an extra mode for everyone to play lmao.
  11. DeadDylan

    Argo Videos

    Thanks man, appreciated . I love the respect.
  12. DeadDylan

    Argo Videos

    why would you need a one hit kill if they gun barely has recoil and it shoots fast? lol
  13. DeadDylan

    Feedback Thread

    well then dont plan to expand the game if you only have 1 good game mode imo. not everyone likes to play team based modes link is alright, raid is just campers going prone waiting for the enemy to come close (normally camping in a house) aka boring for both sides. clash is same thing as raid but bigger. #makeateamdeathmatchlol
  14. DeadDylan

    Argo Videos

    Thanks for the information, and i love bipods tho!!!!! the ak12 is good ive seen it
  15. DeadDylan

    Feedback Thread

    #wewantteamdeathmatch #brbwithreinforcements