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Pain ful

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About Pain ful

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  1. To. Bohemia Interactive's ARMA 3 Develop team. When I was saw the announce of Jet DLC contents. As I thought, CSAT must have 'Naval aviation' as well as Carrier (For example, Admiral Kuznechov) According to FAS Report, 'The Russian Navy A Historic Transition' in Chapter Three 30~31p, Russian Federation navy can be logically considered that the further development of the PAK-FA program could include the future fighter for a new aircraft carrier that could become operational by the early 2030s, if Russia decides to build it. Link: https://fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/historic.pdf I know this is not offical project, but it is interesting. This is included in ARMA 3 worldview. So... Bohemia, I hope your answer as soon as possible