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ALCpl. N. Mitchell

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About ALCpl. N. Mitchell

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. ALCpl. N. Mitchell

    camera systems

    so myself and others are making a vehicle for arma 3, cant relay say what it is at this point. the project has come on relay nice however we are having issues with the gunner position, it has a camera for the gunner, we would like to add a custom image to the camera so its not the default camera that is plane and basic. so basically we have used photo shop to make a screen system more eye candy when looking into the camera if anybody knows how this would be made possible you would be helping out massively Regards
  2. As the Title say looking for a modder that can help me out in starting my new mod Am looking to do the following but for arma 3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3404 If you are able to help plz send me a message.
  3. ALCpl. N. Mitchell

    making mods

    update am not sure what i have done wrong but when i load me addon into game the guide provide here useing https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb's_Addon_Tutorial pase not tha am not makeing the samething he is but i be leave i have edited it enough for my addon. I load up arma3 fine it can see my addon but i get can not open .p3d File in the editor and my mod is invisible. /* Declaration as Addon-Content.*/ class CfgPatches { /* "Hey ArmA2, this is an addon and it's named "@sgctest1"*/ /* The name should be indentical to the folder's name*/ class tunnel_sgc { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; /* The category in the editor like "Objects" or "Cars".*/ class CfgVehicleClasses { class TUT_WallsVehicleClass { displayName = "tunnel_sgc"; }; }; /* This is where arma gets the information about a new object. */ /* Donät be confused by the "vehicles" in CfgVehicles*/ class CfgVehicles { /* everything between here and "Class Land_ ..." is important for the animation to work properly without any "lags". */ class All; class HouseBase; class Ruins: HouseBase {}; /* Again your very own basic definition*/ class TUT_Base_Object : All { scope = 0; side = 3; icon = "iconStaticObject"; nameSound = "object"; simulation = "house"; picture = "pictureStaticObject"; model=""; sound = "Building"; placement = "vertical"; ladders[] = {}; vehicleClass = ""; displayName = ""; coefInside = 1; coefInsideHeur = 0.25; mapSize = 7.5; animated = true; armor = 200; destrType = "DestructBuilding"; damageResistance = 0.004; class DestructionEffects { class Sound { simulation = "sound"; type = "DestrHouse"; position = "destructionEffect1"; intensity = 1; interval = 1; lifeTime = 0.05; }; class DestroyPhase1 { simulation = "destroy"; type = "DelayedDestruction"; lifeTime = 2.5; position = ""; intensity = 1; interval = 1; }; class DamageAround1 { simulation = "damageAround"; type = "DamageAroundHouse"; position = ""; intensity = 1; interval = 1; lifeTime = 1; }; }; }; /* Your very own base class for buildings*/ class TUT_Housebase : TUT_Base_Object { scope = 1; model = ""; icon = ""; displayName = ""; animated = true; vehicleClass = "TUT_WallsVehicleClass"; nameSound = "house"; accuracy = 0.2; typicalCargo[] = {}; transportAmmo = 0; transportRepair = 0; transportFuel = 0; mapSize = 11; cost = 0; armor = 800; /*extern*/ class DestructionEffects; }; /* Everything between here and "Class All" (above) is important for the animation to work without any "lags". */ /* The "Land_" infront of all buildings is important for the destructioneffects to work properly. After the "Land_" the name of the .p3d (without the .p3d ending) has to follow!*/ class SGC_tunnel: TUT_Housebase { model = "\tunnel_sgc\untitled.p3d"; /* path to the object */ displayName = "$STR_TUT_Wall"; /* entry in Stringtable.csv */ /* Important are the $ and the capital STR_*/ nameSound = ""; mapSize = 8; /* Size of the icon */ icon = "iconStaticObject"; /* Path to the picture shown in the editor. */ accuracy = 1000; armor = 450; /* "Lifepoints", if you like to call it that way.*/ destrType = "DestructBuilding"; /* type of destruction, when armor = 0 */ scope = 2; /* Display it in the editor? 1 = No, 2 = Yes */ class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects { }; }; };
  4. ALCpl. N. Mitchell

    making mods

    thank you for the link but this realy dose not help it was made for arma 2 this dose not make any scene
  5. ALCpl. N. Mitchell

    my project help

    Hello this is my Last attempt to trying this. I have a mod that i am making but i have run into massive problems as there is no guides outhere to help so to start up i have a raw hanger that has been made in blender it has been made an arma3 object using the blender tools arma3 tool box. I can load it up in object builder fine. but have no clue how to get it into game i beleave it needs come sort of config but have no clue were to start. as again the is no guid for how to make one for my building/ hanger that i have made. And the second problem is when i apply textures to my object in object viewer using text viewer 2 it changes the colour in object builder. if someone knows what i can do or can help i would very much appreciate this a lot. if you guys cant help i will just have to abandon my project. kind regards.
  6. The 6th Airborne Division (6th AB) is a realism unit based in ArmA 3, As a realism unit we strive to play ArmA 3 in a realistic fashion using British military tactics and equipment to try and simulate modern British forces. Who we are. The 6th Airborne bases itself on the modern British parachute regiments, its namesake coming from a parachute division from World War Two. The unit was formed in 2008, originally as a realism unit for the Half Life 2 modification, Resistance & Liberation. Then we moved to ArmA 2: Combined Operations. A year ago we moved to ArmA 3 for a more realistic, large scale and modern gaming experience. What modifications do we use. As a British realism unit, the 6th uses several excellent mods to assist in keeping our game play both realistic and interesting. These mods include: Task Force Radio (TFR). Advanced Combat Environment (ACE). Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment (ALIVE). 3CB Weapons. 3CB Equipment. ASR AI3. Many more! Ranking System. We have a concrete rank system based on a hybridization of NATO and British ranks; the rank structure ensures chain of command and realistic leadership responsibilities. As a member you are expected to respect these ranking systems whilst in training/operations. Our Training Times. The 6th have two operations or trainings a week on Wednesdays and Sundays at 19:30 GMT but we also strive to host community made games on a day-by-day basis. Our operations are cleverly scripted by an excellent team of mission makers that are a part of the 6th Airborne and all are hosted on our dedicated server managed by our outstanding tech team. Our Community. We have a large and active community that frequent both our forums and our TeamSpeak. We encourage a friendly and relaxed atmosphere for all our members, where we hope people can have fun chatting and gaming together. Our Prerequisites. To join the 6th Airborne you must: Be over the age of 17, 16 for exceptional candidates. Be mature, responsible and dedicated. Have the TeamSpeak client and a working microphone. Be able to attend both Wednesday and Sunday trainings at 19:30 GMT. Own a copy of ArmA 3. Joining Us. If this sounds like your kind of thing, or even if you want to get a little bit more insight into the community that is the 6th Airborne, feel free to apply on our website (www.6th-ab.co.uk) or join our TeamSpeak if you have any questions (! Yours, The 6th Airborne Division
  7. ALCpl. N. Mitchell

    making mods

    Hello I hope this is the correct place to post this. So to start it off i have just started to try and make my mods for arma 3 but i have issues as there are tutorials out there are are very much uncompleted. i am using blender arma3tools the mod's that i am making are buildings, with that being said can anyone give me a step by step way of doing this as all the videos i have watched so far are weapons and cars but no one seems to have done buildings with blender. and showing the complete steps also please not the buildings that i am making are have no windows or doors. As stated i have my building made in blender but have no way of getting them in game with cfg files and so on if you can help i look forward from hearing from you.
  8. ALCpl. N. Mitchell

    6th Airborne is Recruiting New Soldiers

    Some media of the 6th airborne. We are currently in home rotation and gearing up for deployment. Join now and be the best.