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Sir Nutty Walrus

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Everything posted by Sir Nutty Walrus

  1. Sir Nutty Walrus

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Hi im having an issue with pboProject when im trying to export my map in arma, its the only error ive received and the config is not the problem neither is the layers config. Anyways a error pops up saying the following I think its probably the p drive but not sure, any help thanks!
  2. Is there a way to still have the server running, even when you turn off your computer
  3. I recently have set up the required ports, and they are open. But when I set up the server even with UPNP checked I keep seeing my server always in LAN and never in Internet, and cant invite my friend to join my server. Any help will be appreciated.
  4. Sir Nutty Walrus

    ZAM - Zulu-Alpha Modifications

    Hello, I recently downloaded your mod. So once I loaded the mod and started the game a message shows up saying zam.hpp not found. I look at the folder and its there. help.
  5. Sir Nutty Walrus

    Pulling Rank Icon From Configfile?

    Can yu just copy and paste a one of the scripts so i can have a better under standing
  6. Sir Nutty Walrus

    Pulling Rank Icon From Configfile?

    In player do I put in the variable name or what and in the texture part I put in the past but when I hit enter it brings up and error box BTW thanks for the quick response
  7. Sir Nutty Walrus

    Pulling Rank Icon From Configfile?

    Hold on, im confused ccan someone help me out?
  8. Sir Nutty Walrus

    Ranking system?

    I kind of see what your saying but confused at the same time. You want a Army or Marine ranking system but not like Battlefield or cod ranking system, your asking for a system where it shows one XP and skill level and teamwork, and it will takes days to achieve the rank/level. First off no one wants to show how much XP the have, they want to show what rank they have. And I'm confused when you say skill level explain that a little bit more please. And then to show teamwork, i think Invade and annex has a system for that. BTW THATS F***ING OFFENSIVE SAYING ABOUT ADHD PEOPLE, BECAUSE I HAVE ADHD.
  9. Ok I did that now it's not show UPNP failed but it still won't show in internet
  10. A nd what ports exactly........ And thanks for the info
  11. How did you setup your UPNP?
  12. ,I've set up the udp in windows firewall and my router is it also required in out bound and so what ports same?
  13. So far it's a pain for setting it up because, every net gear video I find is not the same version as mine.
  14. Did any of you had to go to your internet and set up ports?
  15. UPNP failed, an yes I've done the correct port
  16. Watching this dam youtube videos saying I need to buy a server first.
  17. Sir Nutty Walrus

    CUP Aircraft AWS Enhancement

  18. Am I required to buy a server first or is this to do free? Because if this for free then I wasted a ton of money
  19. Welcome to the 23rd Infintry Division! We are at heavily based MISLM group we are focused on Zeus operations when a event is up. We run a recruiting server everyday, and when it is up you will get an notification, and you are heavy suggested to join. . ————————————Available Roles—————————————————————— •Infantryman •Machine Gunner •SMAW Gunner •Tank Crewman •AAV Crewman •Force Reconnaissance Man •Corpsman •Military Police •Radioman •JTAC •Pilots[If you choose this role you don't get to fly all air vehicles] /—————————-—————————Officer Role—————————————————\ How Can I Become A Officer? You are required to be 17+ to apply for an officer, and you are required a mic. And after you get an your application approved you are required few weeks of training. •Personnel Clerk •Personnel Officer •Personnel Chief •Intelligence Chief •Intelligence Specialist •Logistics Specialist •Logistics Chief •Drill Instructor •Combat Training Instructor •Recruiter. If your unable to arrive at training constantly you will eat her be kicked or put in the reserves{Reservers don't get alerted about operations as much}. Order of Battle 1st Battalion: Fully focused on Arma III. There are four companies: Alpha Company is the aviation element, consisting of both Fixed and Rotary aircraft pilots and crew. Bravo Company comprises Mechanized Infantry and Armored (Tanks), utilizing M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Strykers and M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks. Charlie Company is the tip of the spear, with two platoons of Airborne infantrymen and an airborne support/engineering platoon. Delta Company is a combined arms company with armored and infantry focusing on the Air Cav: Vietnam modification. 2nd Battalion Light infantry. 2 companies focusing on Squad, and Insurgency. What do we offer? Weekly training events at the squad and platoon level. Monthly training events at the company and battalion level. A custom tailored Modpack hosted on our 5 servers, ready to be used. Various Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) simulated accurately with their own training courses and units. Advanced courses based off of real US Army courses such as Airborne School, RANGER School, Air Assault School, and more. A large community, with opportunities for members who display leadership skills to be placed in command positions either as Non-Commissioned Officers, or as Commissioned Officers. Tons and tons of people to meet, play with and make a lot of new friends. Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/283396366246477825/283396366246477825 Steam Group, required to join for notifications: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/toptaskforce Arma 3 Unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/join Required Mods: 23rd Infantry Division [Mod Requirements] By: AAATopNinjaGaming Mods Required to join the 23rd Infantry Division servers. To contact me please message me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198320688262
  20. Sir Nutty Walrus

    Tanoa Trains

    Great to finally here you talking to the public again, exited to know that your listening to us. Good looking mod so far, shame not supposed to ask for updates Exited to use in operations, and exile, survive, ect servers. Like the how your a able to transport vehicles, or even turrets. Seen the multiplayer video looking smooth, and nice FPS so far, and looks good supporting 2 trains. If unable to support the CUP rails, ect I wil, try to create a custom rail, if that's ok. Exited to see it action, and can't wait for another update video on the progress!