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  1. Hello! I have some code here, that a community member helped me with, but I accidentally posted it in the Arma 3 editing section. I believe the Params command doesn't work in Arma 2(?) Can someone show me how the script below should look in Arma 2? Thank you ever so :) private _fnc_getrandindexes = { params [ ["_array",[],[[]]], ["_indexcnt",1,[0]] ]; if (_array isEqualTo []) exitWith { //exit if passed _array is empty or not passed, if _indexcnt is not passed using 1 diag_log format ["_fnc_getrandindexes: Passed array is empty: %1 - exiting...",str _array]; }; //define output private _return_array = []; //some other prevents if (_indexcnt isEqualTo 0) then {_indexcnt = 1}; if (_indexcnt > count _array) then {_indexcnt = count _array}; if (_indexcnt isEqualTo (count _array)) exitWith { // exit with shuffled array if indexes count == _indexcnt _return_array = _array call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle; _return_array }; //loop for "_i" from 1 to _indexcnt do { private _randindex = selectRandom _array; _return_array pushBack _randindex; _array = _array - [_randindex]; }; //return _return_array }; _array = [variable_01, variable_02, variable_03, variable_04, variable_05]; private _myrandomindxcnt = floor (random (count _array)); private _mynewarray = [_array, _myrandomindxcnt] call _fnc_getrandindexes; //or if you want to change existing array _array = [_array, _myrandomindxcnt] call _fnc_getrandindexes;
  2. Donne

    Random Array

    Thank you, Davidoss - I think it makes sense to me, a bit, now! :)
  3. Donne

    Random Array

    Thank you for the response! However, unless I'm being really silly and have misunderstood, I would like to pull a random number of variables from the array. Are the examples above only for a single variable? A bit like this, I guess: Random Number between 1-3 >>> that random number of variables chosen randomly from the array >>> returns a random number of random variables (so - maybe the random number would be two and we'd end up with variable_02 and variable_05, or something).
  4. Donne

    Random Array

    Hello there. Sorry to hijack the thread, but I am also trying to get my head around a bit of randomness So, take the following: _numberArray = [1, 2, 3]; _number = _numberArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; How would one make the randomly generated number of selections from an array? For example, say our random number is 3. _array = [variable_01, variable_02, variable_03, variable_04, variable_05]; How could we choose the random number (in this case, 3) from the above array? I'm sure the answer is pretty simple - probably involves the 'count' command - but just can't quite nail it.