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About Mercenary11

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    Private First Class

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    All kinds of weapon systems...

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    I'm a passionate mission maker and have been active in the MilSim scene for almost 2 years now.

    I have been around the community since the late days of ArmA 2.

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  1. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @palatine I'm afraid but there is no such thing as a lite version. Please understand that this scenario is built upon the required mods and I never intended to create some sort of vanilla mission because there are already loads of them available.
  2. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @ferahgo Canteens can be refilled at all kinds of wells and water containers. Pumping does not do anything, but double-clicking when near a water source should work. If you'd like to make a small donation, you're very welcome to click on the "Donate" button on the Steam workshop page of this scenario. The link to Steam workshop can be found above (main post).
  3. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @nes4day I'm glad the fuel system eventually turned out to work (would be surprised if it didn't though). The PM can not be sold, which is intended. But I will make sure all other weapons can be sold. All vehicles are indeed spawned once and never again, meaning that if you happen to destroy one vehicle you'll never have access to it again. As of now, each vehicle is unique. Each time you (re)start the mission they'll spawn at random predefined positions though. There may be some changes to the vehicle spawn system soon. @ferahgo Great to hear that you're enjoying the scenario so far. I think nes4day pretty much covered your questions, so I see no reason for answering them again. Just to clear things up regarding the building system: It's extremely simple (no crafting, etc.) and I feel like there's no need for a guide. But please don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything about it that you don't quite understand.
  4. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @nes4day Thanks for your help with finding issues. I will definitely consider moving at least some of the vehicle spawns, but I don't intend to make it too easy to find one as DayZero is supposed to be a survival mission. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you regarding the zombie spawn because it spawns Undead dynamically around the player. For DayZ players, this may be a bit surprising but I had to do it this way for performance reasons. However, I see your point.
  5. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @nes4day Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad to hear that you like my mission. I have done extensive testing which included refueling vehicles and it worked all fine, so I have no clue why you're experiencing issues. I doubt you attempted refueling the Little Bird with an empty petrol canister (0L). Of course, I will run more tests now that you've informed me about it. Regarding vehicle spawns, I have received quite a lot of feedback stating that they're a bit too scarce. If I decide to increase the amount of vehicles it's going to be only to a very minor extent. People tend to look for vehicles at logical places like military bases, but in fact most of them are located in remote areas. I might change that as well. You may also want to check out the detailed in-game guide. It will hopefully shed light on the mechanisms of this scenario and its features. And yes, all AI except helicopter crews and traders/guards are hostile. Stay tuned for future updates and versions on other maps.
  6. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @ferahgo Medical tents won't do anything anyway. Which kind of antibiotics did you use? Yellow or red? Because the yellow ones are useless if you're shaking as their only purpose is to stop infections obtained from zombie bites. Also note that antibiotics have a delayed effect. Make sure to let me know if it still doesn't work for you after all. I'm glad you're enjoying the mission and hope I could help you.
  7. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @RoyBatty Well I don't recommend to use Ravage with this scenario anyway as it may cause scripts to conflict with each other. I've spent hours trying to add ambient music/sounds so far and there seems to be no proper way to do it unfortunately. But I will continue my efforts to improve the soundscape regardless. PS: I'm actually planning on further increasing the number of map objects and special locations to make "my" Chernarus more distinctive.
  8. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @RoyBatty Well, generally things don't work properly after people messed with the mission file. It is definitely not easy to change things without extensive knowledge of how the mission is structured. But it seems weird nevertheless that traders, who are civilians, would kill you on sight. @Ranwer135 Do I smell sarcasm? If not... again, it is just a mission inspired by a mod. I had to have something that I could base it upon.
  9. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    Sure I don't mind if you do that as long as it's solely for private use. Using Haleks' module is actually a great idea but I can't do that for obvious reasons (copyright). I might actually contact him and ask for permission to use the script if I can't come up with an own solution. Anyway, he is a modder whereas I'm only a mission maker so we have quite a different set of skills. Thought I'd mention that. Thank you anyway!
  10. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @RoyBatty I'm glad to hear that you like my scenario. You made a great suggestion. It is something that has been on my to do list for quite some time now. Unfortunately I haven't yet found a proper way to implement permanent ambient sound effects and music into the scenario. But I can assure you that it will be added once I find out how exactly it's done. I guess doing it yourself might be a challenging task. Just make sure 3den Enhanced is running when you fire up the mission in the editor.
  11. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @DarkDragoon Alright, then it was probably just that it didn't work initially. Anyway, I will see what I can do to make sure it works everytime. @Kepana Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying the scenario. I think this may not be an issue, but rather that you weren't lucky enough to find one so far. You're probably doing nothinf wrong. On mission start, about 20 vehicles are spawned across the map. Most of them are found in rather remote areas, but usually on or near roads. If you still can't find any vehicles, try restarting the scenario. And those items in industrial sheds are all static, btw.
  12. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    @DarkDragoon This is a rare infection resulting from zombie bites that leads to death within about 20 minutes if untreated. It can be stopped using a full injector, which has an immediate effect or by taking antibiotics against zombie bite (yellow), which has a delayed effect. Your body temperature also indicates that you have slight fever, which is a typical symptom amongst blurred vision. Please note that normal antibiotics will not stop the infection. If you can't cure it in any way, it must be a new bug related to the Heros Survive mod. I will investigate the issue if it happens to be one.
  13. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    I recently played A2 DayZ Epoch to see how it works and I noticed that there was a more or less constant spawn of zombies (or maybe there were just so many of them that I didn't realize it was just one group). It was probably different in Origins, although I've never really played that mod. And of course it sucks that there is no melee option in DayZero, but it would be impossible to implement it without a mod because from what I have read only the A2 engine supported the axe animation, whereas the one from A3 does not. But simply removing the zombies wouldn't really make gameplay better after all imho.
  14. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    I like your attitude. The spawn conditions for zombies are definitely going to be reworked. Sorry for my late response.
  15. Mercenary11

    [SP] DayZero [SURVIVAL]

    Alright, I definitely see your point there. But what I still want to make clear is that zombies are supposed to be the main threat and they spawn continuously because it was like this in DayZ as well (at least in Epoch). When I first started working on the mission, I was even unsure whether to add bandit AI or not and up to this day, they can be considered a minor threat imo. However, what I can assure you is that I will increase distance from the player to spawn zombies again, because we all agree that it's not fun to have them spawn right in front you.