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  1. Why not ask in the Jebus tread?
  2. Play3r

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    Yes I know of that one but it has only the weather script that I did share with ice, It was not the fog script he wanted, so if he did find another one I would be glad if he wanted to share it so others could have the opportunity to enjoy it. Cheers play3r
  3. Play3r

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    @icebreakr If you find one Please share it..
  4. Play3r

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    @icebreakr Found this one in a mission maybe you can use it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/j8f07ys2nyptxti18ybys/h?rlkey=7uzchk3nwo49erqqhuf6ylnvk&dl=0
  5. @mrcurry i nned your help again. i can only make the script run one time. if i place a explosive charge on the ground, and detonate it the units in the radius (set to 500) comes running. If i then place a new one they just keep going there own ways they don't come to look. @RS30002 Can you tried that?
  6. Yes the script is awesome but i see that you have error in InitPlayerLocal and mine is in the InitServer. i have just made a new copy and put it in Notepath ++ and did not see any "unwanted symbols", so will test it right now. After my new copy i have no error what so ever, and it work great. Thanks @mrcurry for the script.
  7. Hi mrcurry Thanks for the guide, i use Posidion tools for my scripts, and i did not see any "marks" or other things when i copied it, i have removed all spaces in the script and i still get the same error, guess i have to try it in Notebook ++ then. But thanks for the awesome guide in the problem solving, just going to bookmark this. // PLay3r all i did change was the TAG_react_radius to 250
  8. Hi @mrcurry i get a error when i use the script. Don't know i i did it wrong, but did just copy the Server script to my initserver,sqf. also the initPlayerLocal,sqf was also got copied, but i get error about a varible don't know if you can guide me on what to do, my line 27 is where right under the line: private _list = _position nearEntities ["CAManBase", TAG_react_radius] select { side group _x in TAG_react_sides }; { <- this is linie 27 in my script https://imgur.com/EvuRJTc i hope this helps. // Cheers Play3r
  9. Hi mrcurry. I can see what you mean by a vehicle ecploding, but if player want to blow up a truck they still have to place somethnig to blow it up with, that is why i mean by "player can detonate some C4 or make a truck blow up". Thanks for the script i will try it in my SOG misison, i'm trying to make. i can see that you already have put in my next question for the units: "do they go back to there route if they find nothing" and i see that is in the script. Thanks alot mrcurry // Play3r
  10. Thanks Gunter will give it a try. Maybe I will put 3-5 groups with a guard WP and test it.
  11. Hi Gunter Yes I have done that, but if the player want to go in from the west and the truck is in the south. So that is why I wanted it to be any explosion anywhere on the map. My idea was also to have enemy's run to it from anywhere they are, so the chance is that they will run against the player, so the player don't know where they come from. Hope that makes any sense to why I was asking about it // Play3r
  12. Does any one have a Script to a hosted server that makes OpFor unit investigate explosions, I want to have the option in my mission, that player can detonate some C4 or make a truck blow up, and then the OpFor units in a radius like 100 mtr ( variabel nummer ) run to the place. i have found a script that makes the units run to the explosion if the objekt is placed in by the editor. But the one i need is for all explosions made by the player. the script i have found, don't know if it can be altered to work like i want it ? Cheers Play3r Object addEventHandler ["Explosion", { params ["_vehicle", "_damage", "_source"]; if ((_vehicle distance _source)< 30) then { _list = _vehicle nearEntities ["CAManBase", 100] select {side _x == opfor}; If (_list isNotEqualTo []) then { { _x doMove (getPosASL _source); } forEach _list; }; }; }];
  13. Play3r

    Making a Virtual Garage Spawner

    Hi have a look at this maybe this can help you:
  14. I think you need this one in the Winter Section: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3129018901
  15. Play3r

    Scripted helicrash and MP

    if you take a look at this forum maybe you will find something that you can use.