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About thedubl

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  1. I will send an example of btc working in mp. I have it in a bunch of missions that run on a dedicated server and never had an issue. Just give me a day or so.
  2. Sounds like you just need a revive system. There are a bunch out there so I would waste time reinventing the wheel. BTC revive is first one that come to mind. I implement one see how it worka for you amd make adjustedments accordingly. Just don't forget to credit the orginal author. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18955
  3. 200 eh. Maybe you might have lag during the spawning. You could spawn randomly placed triggers that fire when a certian side is near to spawn your crates. But I would check the server and your local rpt first. Dub
  4. Here you go. Unzip and place in your arma 3 missions folder. The call to the script is in the init.sqf. This will spawn the crash site attach the smoke. After 300 seconds clean up and spawn it again. Link example: /************************************************************* smoke column example thedubl nul = [] execVM "scripts\smokecolumn.sqf" *************************************************************/ /**************************************************************** function to delete smoke ****************************************************************/ fnc_deleteObj = { _this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { _this = _this select 0; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach (_this getVariable ["effects", []]); if (isServer) then { deleteVehicle _this; }; }]; _this setDamage 1; }; /**************************************************************** get players position spawn a crashed vehicle and attach smoke ****************************************************************/ _pos = position player; _veh = createVehicle ["Land_UWreck_MV22_F",_pos, [], 0, ""]; _smoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle position _veh; _smoke attachTo[_veh,[0,-6,-2]]; sleep 1; _veh setVehicleVarName "drone";drone = _veh;//give the vehicle a name _crash = missionNamespace setVariable ["crashsite",_veh];// set the name as a global variable so that it broadcasted to all computers. /**************************************************************** //sleep for 300 seconds then run again ****************************************************************/ sleep 300; /******Call the function to delete the smoke*********/ _smoke spawn { sleep 1; _this call fnc_deleteObj; }; deleteVehicle crashsite; null=[] execVM "scripts\smokecolumn.sqf";
  5. Sure, on my way to work, but after I will put together a quick example you can run in the editor.
  6. I used create vehicle to create the smoke effect using "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" and attach it to the object. Will smoke until you detach and delete. Maybe this will help you.
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setUnitPos Set the prone and set behavior as you spawn them.
  8. Yes. I assume you are using some revive script. Just look in the code for when it sets the damage and adjust accordingly. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDamage
  9. thedubl

    Heli Transport script

    FYI - that is not being offensive. People just need to have patience.
  10. thedubl

    Heli Transport script

    Example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11jd59UrT5_HOooWmCYo_gD-1VjscN2z-/view?usp=sharing What I would adjust from the get go. 1.The loitering behavior while the heli waits for smoke or the ir. 2. Disable whomever gets the action until the heli is destroyed or the insertion is complete. How it works. Call the heli via addaction, wait until all is in the heli to click the map, once the map is click you most use the new action "Order Pilot". You select wither insertion or land (if insertion wait until heli stops of insertion point and toss ropes.) once on the ground order the heli back to base. (heli will move to "transportdelete" marker for clean up.) Please note, the heli will find a safe place to land. Not always right next to you. setup: 1. add this to initplayerlocal [[player,[("<t color=""#ff8000"">" + ("Transport") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; 2. Place this code in folder called "scripts" and name it "insertion.sqf" 3. place a default marker anywhere on the map called "transportdelete" UPDATE: I forgot to give rep too zealot111 for the fastrope. initplayerlocal: //insertion [[player,[("<t color=""#efe92b"">" + ("610 Helo Insertion") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target and (_target distance getMarkerPos ''safezone'') >= 250']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; // Add it back when you die/respawn. player addEventHandler [ "respawn", { insertion = [[player,[("<t color=""#efe92b"">" + ("610 Helo Insertion") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target and (_target distance getMarkerPos ''safezone'') >= 250']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; } ]; Insertion: /************************************************************************************************************* thedubl setup: 1. add this to initplayerlocal [[player,[("<t color=""#ff8000"">" + ("Transport") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; 2. Place this code in folder called "scripts" and name it "insertion.sqf" 3. place a default marker anywhere on the map called "transportdelete" ************************************************************************************************************/ _host = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _params = _this select 3; _type = _params select 0;//true for all group, false for player only. "Roger... Transport inbound! " remoteExec ["hint"]; sleep 2; /******************************************************************** spawn chopper **Going to make this spawn multiple helos later. ********************************************************************/ _heliPos = [(getPos player select 0)+1000,(getPos player select 1)+random 1000,(getPos player select 2)+300]; InsertionHeli = createGroup WEST; { _vehType = _x select 0; _vehName = _x select 1; _veh = [_heliPos, 0, _vehType, InsertionHeli] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; if (_vehName != "") then { (_veh select 0) setVehicleVarName _vehName; missionNamespace setVariable [_vehName, (_veh select 0)]; }; } forEach [ ["B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_Tropic_F", "helo"] //** heli types B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_Tropic_F,B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F ]; sleep 1; //pickup _playerPos = getPos player; _arrivePos = [( _playerPos select 0)+50,(_playerPos select 1)+100,( _playerPos select 2)]; _pickupPos = [( _playerPos select 0)+round(random 10),( _playerPos select 1)+round(random 10),( _playerPos select 2)]; //monitor _monitor = [] spawn { waituntil { sleep 1; (alive helo) && (!alive player)}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew helo + [helo];}; //Go to location wait for signal _insertWp = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [_arrivePos, 0]; _insertWp setWaypointType "Move"; _insertWp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _insertWp setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; //_insertWp setWaypointLoiterRadius 50; _insertWp setWaypointCompletionRadius 100; //_insertWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "if (daytime >= 0 && daytime <= 6 ) then {""Deploy IR gernade!"" remoteExec [""hint""];}else{"" Pop smoke!"" remoteExec [""hint""];};"]; //depending on time of dayt requires either ir or smoke if (daytime >= 0 && daytime <= 6 ) then { //_caller groupchat "Wait to deploy IR gernade until we clear the area and in range!"; hint "Pilot: Wait to deploy IR gernade until we clear the area and in range!"; }else{ //_caller groupchat "Wait to pop smoke until we clear the area and in range!"; hint "Pilot: Wait to pop smoke until we clear the area and in range!"; }; //Wait until the chopper is close. waituntil { sleep 1; (_caller distance helo) <= 250 ; }; //B_IR_Grenade if (daytime >= 0 && daytime <= 6 ) then { "Pilot: Deploy IR gernade!" remoteExec ["hint"]; waituntil { sleep 1; count(_caller nearObjects ["IRStrobeBase",50])!=0 }; }else{ "Pilot: Pop smoke!" remoteExec ["hint"]; waituntil { sleep 1; count( _caller nearObjects ["SmokeShell",50])!=0;}; }; sleep 5; //PICKUP!!! //_caller groupchat "We have eyes on... Landing!"; hint "Pilot: We have eyes on... Preparing to land!"; sleep 2; //set the way point for pickup _insertionWp = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [_pickupPos, 0]; _insertionWp setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _insertionWp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _insertionWp setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; _insertionWp setWaypointCompletionRadius 10; sleep 3; //_caller groupchat "Once we land, load up quickly..."; hint "Pilot: Once we land, load up quickly..."; //Once in allow order options waituntil { sleep 1; (player != vehicle player && player in helo && alive helo || (!alive helo)) } ; //**********************************open map and get pos*************************** if (not alive _host) exitwith { hint "Inserttion Not Available"; _host removeaction _id; }; //_caller groupchat "Select insertion point."; hint "Command: Select insertion point."; openMap true; mapclick = false; onMapSingleClick "clickpos = _pos; mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick """";true;"; waituntil {mapclick or !(visiblemap)}; if (!visibleMap) exitwith { //_caller groupchat "Request Cancelled..."; hint "Command: Request Cancelled..."; }; pos = clickpos; sleep 1; openMap false; //***************************************************************************** //_caller groupchat "Waiting for orders... use the order pilot action!"; hint "Pilot: Waiting for orders... select a map poistion and use the order pilot action!"; if (!alive helo) exitWith {}; /**************Funcitons for commanding pilot******************************/ dub_showActions = true; dub_fnc_insertion = { _insertionWp1 = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [pos, 0]; _insertionWp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _insertionWp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _insertionWp1 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; _insertionWp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 10; InsertionHeli setBehaviour "CARELESS"; helo flyInHeightASL [25,25,25]; _insertionWp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""Pilot: GO! Toss the ropes!"";"]; dub_showActions = false; //Add rtb addaction [] spawn dub_fnc_rtb; }; dub_fnc_Land = { _insertionWp2 = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [pos, 0]; _insertionWp2 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _insertionWp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _insertionWp2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; _insertionWp2 setWaypointCompletionRadius 10; InsertionHeli setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _insertionWp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""Pilot: Unload!"";"]; helo flyInHeightASL [25,50,50]; //Add rtb addaction [] spawn dub_fnc_rtb; dub_showActions = false; }; dub_fnc_rtb = { hint "Pilot: Once everyone is out, use the Order HELO RTB to order us home! "; sleep 2; _rtb = player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>ORDER HELO RTB!</t>" ,{ _insertionWp3 = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "transportdelete", 0]; _insertionWp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _insertionWp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _insertionWp3 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; _insertionWp3 setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; InsertionHeli setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _insertionWp3 setWaypointStatements ["true","{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew helo + [helo]; " ]; _player = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _player removeaction _id; hint "Pilot: Good luck solider! Over and out! "; },[],0,false,true,"",'vehicle player ==_target']; }; /****************************************MENU***************************************/ INSERTIONMENU = [ ["Options",true], ["Insertion", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 1 spawn dub_fnc_insertion;"]], "1", "1"], ["Land", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 2 spawn dub_fnc_Land ;"]], "1", "1"] ]; _menu = _caller addAction [("<t color=""#007fff"">" + ("Order Pilot") + "</t>"), {showCommandingMenu "#USER:INSERTIONMENU";}, [], -99, false, true, "", "dub_showActions"]; if (!alive helo) exitWith { _caller removeaction _menu;};
  11. thedubl

    Heli Transport script

    Ill share it when I get to it (at work). Fyi- my life doesn't revolve around the bis forum. Also, I dont post scripts for the sake of posting. I offered and said pm me since they have already found one. Deal with it.
  12. thedubl

    Heli Transport script

    I have one for you if want it. Pm later and ill send it. Smoke and ir nades to make them land and map click for destination. Can be inserted by fastrope or landing.
  13. I can make an simple mission example which you can copy paste. Give me a day or so.
  14. This should get you going. Review and try it. The pilot/survior will have a add action to join the group. time: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDate https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/skipTime https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Mission_Parameters basic example: Place the markers for testing ("casualty","casualty_1","casualty_2","casualty_3","casualty_4") private ["_sur","_mkr","_marker","_Pos"]; //variables //Markers placed on the map. Can be as many as you want. _mkr = ["casualty","casualty_1","casualty_2","casualty_3","casualty_4"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //select a random spot _Pos = getMarkerPos _mkr; //position to spawn the casualty //create the unit unassign the group _sur = (creategroup west) createUnit ["b_g_survivor_F", _Pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; [_sur] join grpNull; _sur setBehaviour "COMBAT"; _sur setCaptive true; //so he doesn't get killed waiting for pickup. // create a action for survivor to join group, give him a gun, and set the captive back to false. [[_sur,[("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Join Group") + "</t>"),{ [_this select 0] join (group player); (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2);(_this select 0)addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";(_this select 0)addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";(_this select 0) setCaptive false;},[_sur],0,false,true, "",'alive _target']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; //create marker at least for testing _marker = createMarker ["survivor", _Pos ]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker setMarkertype "hd_dot"; _marker setMarkerText "Survivor location"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRED"; //do something, some condition, waituntil...? //deleteMarker "survivor"; task example: Place the markers for testing ("hostage","hostage1","hostage2","hostage3"). You can make more random after you understand the script. /************************************************************************** downed pilot thedubl 6-26-2016 null=[] execVM "scripts\tasks\hostage\hostage.sqf"; *********************************************************************/ private ["_h1","_mrkr","_hostage","_mkpos","_marker","_pos","_smoke","_veh"]; //variables if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _mrkr = ["hostage","hostage1","hostage2","hostage3"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _hostage = getmarkerpos _mrkr; hint format ["hostage pos %1",_hostage]; /**************************************************************** function to delete smoke ****************************************************************/ fnc_deleteObj = { _this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { _this = _this select 0; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach (_this getVariable ["effects", []]); if (isServer) then { deleteVehicle _this; }; }]; _this setDamage 1; }; //round(random 50) -25 //_pos = [(_hostage select 0) + 25, (_hostage select 1) + 50, 0]; _pos = [(_hostage select 0) + round(random 50)-25, (_hostage select 1) + round(random 100)-50, 0]; //Crash site _veh = createVehicle ["Land_UWreck_MV22_F",_pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _smoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle position _veh; _smoke attachTo[_veh,[0,1.5,-1]]; _veh setVehicleVarName "crashedPlane"; crashedPlane = _veh; //create the unit unassign the group _h1 = (creategroup west) createUnit ["b_g_survivor_F", _hostage, [], 0, "NONE"];//check pos [_h1] join grpNull; _h1 setBehaviour "COMBAT"; _h1 setCaptive true; //addaction to join group [[_h1,[("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Join Group") + "</t>"),{ [_this select 0] join (group player); (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2);(_this select 0)addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";(_this select 0)addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";(_this select 0) setCaptive false;},[_h1],0,false,true, "",'alive _target']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; //create a task [west, "Rescue", ["Rescue Mission","Rescue the pilot before the the enemy finds him first and takes him hostage.",""], [], true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; ["Rescue", "CREATED",true] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep .5; //create marker _marker = createMarker ["hos", _pos ]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker setMarkertype "hd_dot"; _marker setMarkerText "Transponder Signal"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRED"; //wait until _h1 is near the flag or dead. waitUntil {sleep 2; (_h1 distance NatoFlag <= 20) || (!alive _h1)}; //marker at base if(!(alive _h1)) then { ["Rescue", "FAILED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }else{ ["Rescue", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 20; deleteVehicle _h1; }; //cleanup the markers, crash site, and smoke deleteMarker "hos"; sleep 60; deleteVehicle CrashedPlane; _smoke spawn { sleep 1; _this call fnc_deleteObj; }; ["Rescue", west] call BIS_fnc_deleteTask;
  15. thedubl

    Black Screen

    Provide logs.