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About ryandombrowsky

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  1. ryandombrowsky

    Arma3 Videos

  2. ryandombrowsky

    Arma3 Videos

  3. ryandombrowsky

    Arma3 Videos

  4. ryandombrowsky

    Arma3 Videos

  5. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    More silly videos. :P
  6. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Never heard of that before. Are you using other mods? And did you use the "force add uniform" option or not? Just manually use "this setdamage 0.5" to the one demon a few seconds after the mission has begun. 0.5 is the same as what a module uses for stronger I think. You can lower it and make them even stronger but they won't be covered in blood unless you also use "this sethit ["body",0.5];" or something.
  7. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Finally time to update. Hope there's no new bugs. DOWNLOAD MOD V5.0 - STEAM WORKSHOP DOWNLOAD MOD V5.0 - GOOGLE DRIVE Changelog: - ACE damage issue fixed. Zombies will assault unconscious units until they're mashed potatoes - unless ACE revive is enabled. - Deletion and spawner activation issue fixed. - Waypoint module is now working as intended. - Headshots only feature added (optional, off by default). - Zombies aren't temporarily invincible while jumping now, but still won't take fall damage. - Fixed a potential freezing zombies bug if using certain AI behaviour mods. - A few extra module options, and complete rebuild of the zombie code to help improve efficiency and performance. - RZ_fnc_zombie_onDeath_exec - a new function allowing users to add their own code if they wish to add events upon zombie deaths (such as extra points, notifications, et cetera). Weird, using any other mods?
  8. ryandombrowsky

    Arma3 Videos

  9. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yeah it was since the Jets DLC, it seems to have broken spawned triggers. Was hoping they'd fix it but wasn't the case in the recent hotfix. We'll get it fixed soon anyway! Here's something silly...
  10. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Not possible at the moment, sorry. During the mission you could try setting the roaming variable (Ryanzombieslogicroam & Ryanzombieslogicroamdemon) to nil, and then back to 1 to re-enable it later on. But it will effect every zombie on the map when doing so. Nice video! Should help a lot of people. :) Just wanna let you know, there's no point in changing the placement radius on the modules, it won't do anything (except mess with the waypoint location as you noticed). :P Also, with the deletion module, the way you set that is by changing the "delete zombies radius" option (it's set to 1000m by default) - not the placement radius. Let's say you set it to 500, and Blufor not present. This will make any zombie who is more than 500m away from a Blufor unit delete. Other than that, thanks for making the tutorial, appreciate it! :D
  11. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Okay, make sure you place an infection module and set the chance to 100%. You will also need a resurrection module to make him come back as a zombie. Try using this code to infect the civilian after those modules are placed: if (man getvariable ["ryanzombiesinfected",0] == 0) then {[Man, EAST] execVM "\ryanzombies\infected.sqf";}; sleep 0.5; Man setVariable ["ryanzombiesinfected",0.9,true];}; Man is the name of the civilian, EAST is the side the zombie will be on when he resurrects, and the 0.9 value means he'll be 90% infected. When he dies depends on how you set the infection rate. You can adjust all these to suit what you need.
  12. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    That's a good idea and could work well with spawners attached to players too. Will consider this! Would be cool but our animator is working full time now and she doesn't have time unfortunately. :( Deletion module just deletes each individual zombie if it gets too far from the selected side. The spawn module should still work when you go back. No, they can't do at the moment, sorry. I have done it before in old missions though. Perhaps I'll try incorporate it into the mod. Have you got -showscripterrors on the startup parameters? Remove that if you do and I don't think the error will show then. Otherwise, we're still working on fixing this. Enable civilian attacks and use the infection module. Made another silly storyless video of zombie action :P
  13. ryandombrowsky

    Arma3 Videos

    A bit of random zombie action.
  14. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Sorry we've been inactive lately, work has been busy but now we should have more spare time soon. We plan on doing another update after some testing, which will include a few small improvements and the ACE damage fixed. In the meantime, I finally finished another silly video: