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    • I recently purchased the Reaction Forces CDLC on Steam and it does not work, I enabled it but it shows on the main menu as locked/unpurchased, nothing I have done has resolved this issue. Is there anything more I could do to try to remedy the situation?
    • Hey guys, trying to use parts of this for a function that changes the loadout of AI when they are spawned in, problem is I cant get the units that have already been changed to be excluded. Im trying to append and use the set/get variable but its changing all the units everytime. I think it's a scope issue? What do you guys think?   my init.sqf: // detect and change all units on map private _units = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x && { alive _x } && !(_x getVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",false])}; { [_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true]; } forEach _units; uiSleep 1; CB_CHECK_UNITS = true; private _checkedUnits = allUnits; while {CB_CHECK_UNITS} do { // this variable will contain any new units that were not included on a previous loop _NewUnits = []; // Remove checked Units from the updated Unit array to create a list of new Units _NewUnits = allUnits - _checkedUnits; // Now only do the following if there are new units found. if (count _NewUnits > 0) then { { if (side _x isEqualTo WEST && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig} else {if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {{[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig} forEach crew _x};}; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true]; } forEach _NewUnits; _checkedUnits append _NewUnits; }; hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.5' align='left' color='#ffffff'>There are <t color='#00ff00'>%1 <t color='#ffffff'>new units found and <t color='#ff0000'>%2 <t color='#ffffff'>Checked Units",count _NewUnits,count _checkedUnits]];// Debug sleep 30; };  
    • G'day @EricJ,   That's a bummer. Hope you can manage to figure it out.   Keep up the great work!