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    • Im gonna be real with you dude, ive tried implementing this fix and it hasn't helped me at all.   Can you please explain this like im five?   Github is extremely not user friendly.
    • Theseus Services has been updated to version 2.1.1!
    • Theseus Services has been updated to version 2.1.0!
    • Holy smokes, event handlers... of course. It was one of those situations where you stare at the same code/script for 2 days and it just melts your brain and you forget about simple things. Thanks for the wake up pierremgi! Still not working though. I have the set up like yours as I agree that an EH is better for the goal, but it still changes all units whenever an entity is created. Should I use _x setVariable on them somehow? Although I tried that many ways already with no luck   init.sqf private _mapUnits = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}; {[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;} forEach _mapUnits; uiSleep 1; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then {[_entity] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;}; }];   When I spawn a unit(s) every one in the world gets the function applied again, except player and dead bodies. How would I exclude those previous units and only run it on newly spawned/created? fn_factionConfig.sqf // handles private _unit = _this select 0; if (isPlayer _unit) exitWith {}; // all get naked removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllItems _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeGoggles _unit; _unit unlinkItem hmd _unit; /* Factions can be one of the following West: "BLU_F" (NATO), "BLU_G_F" (FIA), "BLU_CTRG_F" (NATO CTRG), BLU_GEN_F (POLICE) East: "OPF_F" (CSAT), "OPF_G_F" (FIA), "OPF_T_F" (CSAT Tanoa) Guer: "IND_F" (AAF), "IND_G_F" (FIA), "IND_C_F" (SYNDIKAT Tanoa) Civ: "CIV_F" (Civilians) */ { if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F' && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf';} else {if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F') then {{[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf'} forEach crew _x};}; } forEach allUnits; Im thinking I need to add these into some exclusion array that I could use instead of allUnits at the end but I am not sure of how. For some clarity, the function should essentially re-dress any spawned unit via my function CB_fnc_factionConfig. In there it takes side and faction into account and executes a loadout from other scripts that have switch/case/do for assigned classnames. 
    • Nitpick central here but I just noticed that the LDF version of the AH-11F actually had the same denomination as the WY-55.
      i.e. : for NATO AH-11F is "Hellcat" vs AAF WY-55 "Wildcat" but for the LDF both AH-11F and WY-55 are "Czapla".

      Maybe find it another polish bird name ?     Also on the topic of the Air Control, I was a bit unlucky and got nicked by two/three 20mm rounds in the first day, of course I was like "well my chopper is fine" (as I didn't seem to have taken any damage to any critical area) but apparently the hit still managed severed the fuel tank (it was still showing white aka low damage) and I was forced to emergency land near Galati. And frankly once I did that, I was legit out of fuel and without a clue as to what I should be doing... what should I have done ?