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    • Theseus Services has been updated to version 2.1.1!
    • Theseus Services has been updated to version 2.1.0!
    • Holy smokes, event handlers... of course. It was one of those situations where you stare at the same code/script for 2 days and it just melts your brain and you forget about simple things. Thanks for the wake up pierremgi! Still not working though. I have the set up like yours as I agree that an EH is better for the goal, but it still changes all units whenever an entity is created. Should I use _x setVariable on them somehow? Although I tried that many ways already with no luck   inint.sqf private _mapUnits = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}; {[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;} forEach _mapUnits; uiSleep 1; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then {[_entity] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;}; }];   When I spawn a unit(s) every one of them gets the function applied again, except player and dead bodies. How would I exclude these units? fn_factionConfig.sqf // handles private _unit = _this select 0; if (isPlayer _unit) exitWith {}; // all get naked removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllItems _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeGoggles _unit; _unit unlinkItem hmd _unit; /* Factions can be one of the following West: "BLU_F" (NATO), "BLU_G_F" (FIA), "BLU_CTRG_F" (NATO CTRG), BLU_GEN_F (POLICE) East: "OPF_F" (CSAT), "OPF_G_F" (FIA), "OPF_T_F" (CSAT Tanoa) Guer: "IND_F" (AAF), "IND_G_F" (FIA), "IND_C_F" (SYNDIKAT Tanoa) Civ: "CIV_F" (Civilians) */ { if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F' && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf';} else {if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F') then {{[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf'} forEach crew _x};}; } forEach allUnits; Im thinking I need to add these into some exclusion array that I could use instead of allUnits at the end but I am not sure of how. 
    • Nitpick central here but I just noticed that the LDF version of the AH-11F actually had the same denomination as the WY-55.
      i.e. : for NATO AH-11F is "Hellcat" vs AAF WY-55 "Wildcat" but for the LDF both AH-11F and WY-55 are "Czapla".

      Maybe find it another polish bird name ?     Also on the topic of the Air Control, I was a bit unlucky and got nicked by two/three 20mm rounds in the first day, of course I was like "well my chopper is fine" (as I didn't seem to have taken any damage to any critical area) but apparently the hit still managed severed the fuel tank (it was still showing white aka low damage) and I was forced to emergency land near Galati. And frankly once I did that, I was legit out of fuel and without a clue as to what I should be doing... what should I have done ?
    • Thanks, but after some mucking around, no luck Maybe they will get enough complaints and fix it. Then again I should submit a ticket for it though.